Hi Ray¸
Should we work on Saturdays? Is it wrong to work on the Sabbath?
COMMENT: It is wrong to do OUR spiritual works ON ANY DAY OF THE WEEK. That is what the Sabbath is to teach us. We are NOT to do our works, but let God work IN US on every day of the week, not just the seventh. Keeping the physical weekly Sabbath is for those who have not yet come to obey the SPIRITUAL Sabbath of God's rest (Heb. 4:3-4). Once a Gentile is circumcised in his heart and spirit it is not necessary to be PHYSICAL circumcised in his flesh, Etc.
P.S Sorry to be pedantic [,] but you have been pluralising [that's 'pluralizing,' Chris...JUST KIDDING!] words with apostrophes on your site!
COMMENT: That is a typo, I assure you, and not done consciously. I sometimes type "who's" instead of "whose," and many such stupid errors. It's a case of early Alzheimer.
God be with you,