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Author Topic: So How Did You Get Here?  (Read 7999 times)

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So How Did You Get Here?
« on: March 03, 2007, 05:28:43 PM »

Hello Everyone,

So how did you get here? We have all had (and are having) an unique journey with the Lord as He leads us One by one to Him. Some of us (like me) spent very little time in church(es) and others have spent most of their lives in a church or a series of churches/denominations.

I was a Catholic from the time I was born taking it seroiusly from about Kintergarden through 3rd grade (went to parochial school my first few years) then with the Adventists about 2 1/2 years or so, other than that a peek inside and then the exit door never looking back at a few other denominations.

Anyone feel compelled to share a bit of the road that took them to Bible Truths?

His Peace to you,



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Re: So How Did You Get Here?
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2007, 05:53:38 PM »

Hello Joe

My Husband had been  doing some bible research of his own and I had been busy with an esay on Tithing!.....he had already taken many articles off the internet but nothing made any impact on me until eventually he dragged me into looking one last time for the truth in Bible Truths at guess what...The Tithing teaching by Ray! My husband said to me....."you had  BETTER TAKE A LOOK AT THIS! ;D

The Lord had mercy on me. We had been booted out of the Chruch because we refered to our Bibles as our authority which was heresy for the leadership!...even though I was a tongue speaking tithing freek. .if it had not been for my husband who encouraged me to look again,...that one  last time.... I would not have seen or been blessed to find God's Ray of truths. ;D....that brought me to repentance and the knowledge of what an idiot I was. Now I accept through experience and direct chastisement and revelation that I am nothing without Him. I am not complete yet though. I am still in the process towards completion and what is on bibleTruths from Ray has been the best teaching I have ever seen!...and I have been studying for a very long time much rubbish!

Peace to you

Arcturus :)



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Re: So How Did You Get Here?
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2007, 11:30:24 PM »

Joe and To All,

  I will share my story later this week.  It probably will be in a series format.  I will post this later when things calm down.

  Thanks so much for sharing your story Joe.

  Thanks to the rest of you for sharing your stories as well.  My computer has crashed this weekend and so I was not able to get on for this weekend.  So I am playing catchup.


  Anne C. McGuire


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Re: So How Did You Get Here?
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2007, 11:06:50 AM »

How did I get here? 

SIMPLE!!!  A computer, a modem, and a monitor. ;D



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Re: So How Did You Get Here?
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2007, 11:57:15 AM »


PS.  This thread and Longhorns should be combined!! :D

Dean Peterman

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Re: So How Did You Get Here?
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2007, 08:44:57 PM »

I'm not even sure how I got here.  I was on a search and starting reading Ray's articles.  It is very interesting to read so many stories.  I have been deceived for a long time so I'm not sure why I suddenly started seeing so much truth.


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Re: So How Did You Get Here?
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2007, 06:32:17 PM »

Praise God!



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Re: So How Did You Get Here?
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2007, 02:40:34 AM »

I'm just GLAD YOU ARE HERE, Joe!  I sure do enjoy your posts even going back into the past year, all for which I thank you dear sir!  ;)

It's funny, but we are quite similar in a few respects:

Born and raised Catholic in the Detroit area, attended public school until four years of all-girl Catholic high school.  I was thankful Mom wasn't too devout.  When a kid, she was telling me what the church authorities were teaching that "the pope is Jesus Christ on this earth," and she kinda rolled her eyes!   ::)  I can't remember how old I was at the time (young), but looking back, I think I picked up on that common-sensical irreverance from her on that VERY SILLY doctrine and NEVER EVER felt Catholic... just went through the motions.  I wondered why (at mass) they had to keep sacrificing Him over and over again and again.  Wasn't once enough?  It felt so primitive and ritualistic (and mindlessly boring)... then throw in all the "stand ups, sit downs and genuflections" and all the priestly MUMBO JUMBO, and it got a bit repugnant to me as I became able to think for myself as an adolescent.  And it bothered me no one else seemed to care.

Nevertheless, at about age 14 I was brought to my knees sobbing while doing the last few "stations of the cross" at easter, which depict Christ's crucifixion.  His spirit had impressed upon me, "He died for me."   ;)

[I feel the need to interject that I loved going to Regina High.  There was an all-boy high school right next door and we did a lot of activities together.  It was a great education and the best four years of my life!]

So when I was on my own from age nineteen on, I was unchurched until age 30 when I got (was given) the bright idea to read the bible in its entirely and study it a little.  I concommitantly [wink wink, nudge nudge...] got an SDA flyer in the mail to study the book of Revelations, and I intriguingly thought, "Hey this is right up my alley."   I was impressed by them grounding their beliefs and doctrines (now realized as erroneous) on Scripture, and also impressed that according to them Catholicism/the pope was "the beast."  "Ha", thought I... "now I know why I never fit in catholicism!"  This was felt as kind of a relief of a burden, explaining why I was a catholic misfit. I then became dunked in a water baptizism and was very joyful in the Lord in the SDA church for two solid years, even becoming their vacation bible school director.  To keep this short, the jig was all up after two years, and I was unchurched again and have remained so for 22 years, and again may I add, I was sort of carrying a burden of "why can I not fit in religiously?"  But I just left it at that and only dabbled in a few spiritually-oriented books, etc.

But!  While reading Book 1 of the Conversation With God series about ten years ago, I came upon the line from God saying, "...even Hitler went to heaven."  Now that really impressed my soul like a hot iron and I've been a closet URist since.  Well, that is, since I came out of the closet with Ray's work a year and a half ago, on a much more reliable Scriptural basis.  [Since then I have certainly come to appreciate Ray's critique of that particular whimsical book of fiction as leaving out one "little" important thing... like, er... God's judgment.  Ho!   :o]

So you see, we really are similar in the catholicism, the aprroximate two years of SDA, and nothing very much else in the way of being churched.  Thanks for conjuring up these relevant memories~

It was fun!  Janice   :)

« Last Edit: July 20, 2007, 04:30:37 PM by DuluthGA »


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Re: So How Did You Get Here?
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2007, 04:17:24 AM »

I believe it's the HOLY SPIRIT bringing His (THE LORD'S CHILDREN) together. I believe we're apart (lively stones 1st Peter 2:5) of that church that Christ started (Mark 14:58) foreshadowed in the Old Testament (Hebrews 8:5). I'm finding out it has nothing to do with anything meritorious in and of me (Deuteronomy 9:6, Ephesians 2:8, Romans 9:15-16), but it's all in accordance to God's divine purpose and plan (Ephesians 1:11). Hopefully, I can remember this before I go to criticizing and condemning folks.

Anyway, I along with twelve other siblings was brought up in a baptist church where my father was a minister. It was all hypocrisy, and they had a form of godliness. I believe I felt a calling on my life at an early age. I've been through hell (but have experienced that extreme peace) getting babylonish Ideals out of my heart. I hope that I can get to the point like paul ( Philippians 3:8) and count everything i've loss but dung. Me and my mom use to be so close is the major thing i miss. Well, i ventured out to a pentecostal church but didn't last long there either. They believe in the tithe and tongue thing. They state that speaking in tongues is the gauge to whether or not you have the Holy Spirit. I thought it was the love of God (Christ, Jesus 1st Corinthians 13, and 1 John 4:7-8). The Spirit (or what I believe is the Spirit) would come on me where I would speak out so boldly.

Well, i'm thirty six years old now, and haven't been back to what they call a church in about five or six years. I've been severely humiliated for speaking out in these church's in the past. 2 Peter 1:10 - Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall. I'm trying to do all through THE WORD, THE HOLY SPIRIT to make my calling and election sure. I want to know if i'm a lively stone of the Church Christ is THE HEAD of. I know it's all about like Ray says, what His will is. I hope... 


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Re: So How Did You Get Here?
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2007, 10:32:47 AM »

Hi Bradigans!

Because you are even concerned and are constantly thinking about these things shows that He is pulling you toward Him. Most (in the denominations) seem to be very comfortable where they are, "rich and in need of nothing" and are lukewarm about the very things that consume the thoughts of His people.

His Peace to you,


Sue Creamer

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Re: So How Did You Get Here?
« Reply #10 on: July 26, 2007, 11:20:56 AM »

Hi Joe,
It is so interesting to read about the lives of the people in this forum.  I am pretty new to posting but wanted to reach out this morning and join in.

I came from a large family of 9 kids, raised in the hills of PA.  I became aware of my need for God when I was about 12 or 13.  My father was attending a Protestant church at that time, and one night there was
an alter call.  I can remember so well the angst in my heart because I wanted to participate (but didn't), later I remember crying because I was confused and longing for something.  Years later my father began attending the World Wide Church of God (1971) and I followed believing that it was the true church.  I was a member for approximately 25 years until 1996 when I left, very disillusioned about the changes which took place when the church stopped observing the OT Holy Days, which I did not understand. I refused to attend any church, I prayed constantly for God to open my eyes and give me the real truth...!  A few years ago I was in the internet, slow time at work, and of all things just typed in the word hell...and the rest is history.  From the moment I started to read Ray's words I was drawn and in awe..I could not stop (good thing my work was slow).  I knew "joy" for the first time in my life.   

So, here I am trying to learn and to change as God opens my mind.  I visit the forum allot but feel I learn more if I keep my mouth shut...he he   I am not a good writer, my education stopped at high school and my daughter tells me I would make a good "parable" writer.  I struggle to put into word the things that are in my heart and write so others can understand.  I appreciate all of you and my day just isn't complete until I have read something from the forum.   

Many thanks!
Sue Ann


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Re: So How Did You Get Here?
« Reply #11 on: July 26, 2007, 11:51:40 AM »

Hi Sue Ann,

It's nice to hear a little about you, we seem to have a lot in common.
I too was a member of WW, from about '80 til 95', I think.  I too left disillusioned.  But I went to a southern Baptist after that, for 10 yrs. :P
It was a blessing beyond compare when I happened upon BT. 
We have some very articulate people here, but I'm not one of them, but that hasn't stopped me from posting.  I hope you will share with us more, as different perspectives are good to have  :)

mercy, peace, and love



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Re: So How Did You Get Here?
« Reply #12 on: July 26, 2007, 12:55:42 PM »

Hi Sue Ann,

Thank you for your testimony. It sounds kind of like me. I'm not a good writer
either. And I too have a hard time putting my thoughts into words, so others
can understand. Sometimes I feel so sad and alone because of this problem.


Sue Creamer

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Re: So How Did You Get Here?
« Reply #13 on: July 26, 2007, 01:14:10 PM »

Hi Iris,
I am sorry that you too are sad sometimes, but I am so happy to know I am not alone.  Yes, I have to admit I had a melt down the other night.  I was crying to my husband that I feel so tiny and insignificant sometimes (now I am showing all my insecurities) and coming to the forum is so humbling because of all the knowledge found here (a very good thing) and I so want to be a part of it but guess I am hoping my
lack of being articulate won't stop me from doing so.  Does that make sense???
Sue Ann 


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Re: So How Did You Get Here?
« Reply #14 on: July 26, 2007, 01:37:29 PM »

Hi Iris,
I am sorry that you too are sad sometimes, but I am so happy to know I am not alone.  Yes, I have to admit I had a melt down the other night.  I was crying to my husband that I feel so tiny and insignificant sometimes (now I am showing all my insecurities) and coming to the forum is so humbling because of all the knowledge found here (a very good thing) and I so want to be a part of it but guess I am hoping my
lack of being articulate won't stop me from doing so.  Does that make sense???
Sue Ann 

Yes, it makes sense. We all have things we have to struggle with and fight against. But with God's help we shall overcome.



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Re: So How Did You Get Here?
« Reply #15 on: July 26, 2007, 07:09:32 PM »

I'm just GLAD YOU ARE HERE, Joe!  I sure do enjoy your posts even going back into the past year, all for which I thank you dear sir!  ;)

It's funny, but we are quite similar in a few respects:

So you see, we really are similar in the catholicism, the aprroximate two years of SDA, and nothing very much else in the way of being churched.  Thanks for conjuring up these relevant memories~

Dear Janice,

I sincerely apologize for missing your wonderful testimony, I don't know how I missed it!  ???

Yes, we certainly do share some common history even Detroit was a big part of my life growing up in the late 50's - 60's as my Mom was from there and we visited Michigan usually about 2 weeks per year, it was a blast as I had a lot of cousins around my age and the family went out of their way to show us a great time.

Thank you Sister for sharing some of your background with us!

His Peace to you,




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Re: So How Did You Get Here?
« Reply #16 on: July 26, 2007, 07:16:13 PM »

Hi Joe,
It is so interesting to read about the lives of the people in this forum.  I am pretty new to posting but wanted to reach out this morning and join in.

Hello Sue Ann,

Thank you for opening up and letting us get to know you a little better, do not worry about writing, just look at me I barely qualify as a high school grad and it does not stop me from posting (maybe too much)! When you feel compelled to comment or ask a question there are many who are seeking fellowship here and would also love to share with you.

I look forward to more of your posts Sister,

His Peace to you,

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