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Author Topic: Witnessing  (Read 16764 times)

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Jackie Lee

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« on: March 07, 2007, 12:32:04 AM »

I am having a hard time with this all I can do is be quiet, Are we supposed to witness?
I know most don't recieve witnessing very well.
 I didn't, it took God to show me and he is still clleaning house with me.


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Re: Witnessing
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2007, 12:48:17 AM »

Jackie, you ask a very interesting question: Should we Witness?

I have no answer other than what I do and that is to pray for the wisdom to know that to say and the courage to say it when given the opportunity.

It is certainly way more effective to witness to an attentive person than someone whose eyes and ears are still welded shut. :)

I hope this helps a little. :)

Love in Christ,


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Re: Witnessing
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2007, 01:20:13 AM »

Jackie Lee,

I think Darren is right.  When given the opportunity, we should be ready.  "1 Peter 3:15 - But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:   

Christianity shoves witnessing down your throat and then makes you feel guilty if you don't do it.  Our church had a witness day, a passing out tracts day, a singing hymns on the street corner day...etc., for what?  Nobody wanted to do it and everyone was made to feel guilty if they didn't and those that did it would gloat in about hypocrisy!!!   

This is Babylon at its worst.  Thank God that we came out her!!

In Him,



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Re: Witnessing
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2007, 10:15:08 AM »

Jackie Lee,

  There is a paper that Ray Smith wrote about this.  It is called Winning Souls for Christ or something like that.  Here's the link for this.

  Enjoy.  Let us know what you think about the paper, if you have not read it before. 


  Anne C. McGuire


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Re: Witnessing
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2007, 11:17:09 AM »

Hi Jackie Lee,

I feel like my primary desire is to give an answer.

1Peter 3:15  but sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and be ready always to give an answer to everyone who aks you a reason of the hope in you, with meekness and fear;
v. 16  having a good conscience, that while they speak against you as evildoers they may be shamed, those falsely accusing your good behavior in Christ.

But I also feel like the way we live and the words we say speaks volumes about us.  It is by our behavior we are known, just as the works of Jesus bear witness of Him. 
Of course all our good works are by Christ in us, I might add  :)

John 10:25  Jesus answered them, I told you and you did not believe. The works that I do in My Father's name, they bear witness of Me.

1Peter 2:12  having your conduct honest among the nations, in that which they speak against you as evildoers, they may glorify God in a day of His visitation, seeing your good works.

mercy, peace, and love


Jackie Lee

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Re: Witnessing
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2007, 12:40:35 PM »

Thanks everyone, also Kat I also believe our actions speak the loudest I do on ocassion witness.
I really believe we are on the same page here. :)
Anne I am reading the paper you provided of Ray's I find it interesting I need to read it again.
One thing I did seem to pick up from it is we can't save anyone it is God pulling us.

PS I did want to add I think sometimes it is hard to dig through the trash we have been taught or believed over the years seems like this is true for most if not all of us.
Although that is where my search started so it had good too.



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Re: Witnessing
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2007, 01:23:00 PM »

Hi Jackie Lee,

You received a lot of good advice here, Ray's paper should definitely help tremendously.

Yes, losing the babylonian influences and indoctrinations take time and prayer. That is why He breaks us down to nakedness so He can clothe us in His White Linen of truth and righteousness.

His Peace and Wisdom to you,



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Re: Witnessing
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2007, 04:47:34 PM »

I have found that there are divine appointments.

 I was on a plane just the other day and out of all the people to sit next to, there was a woman who was a believer who was seeking. A believer who had doubts and questions regarding her faith and church. I didn't know that when she sat next to me. God talked to me when she sat down and said open up to her and speak the deeper truths I have taught you. And somehow we got into a discussion.She initiated the talk. I  ended up sharing UR with her and many other truths concerning Christendom etc. It was a very deep conversation. But I did ask her at first was she interested in hearing. She said yes and opened up about her reservations concerning the church today and it's teachings. So I opened up. And for 2 hours it was non stop dialogue. Her eyes were wide open and she was just eating up every word that was coming out of my mouth. At the end she said that there was a plenty for her to digest and thanked me. A few of the guys I was traveling with checked her out and asked me what did I say to her. They sat across and noticed how intensely interested and in awe she looked. Like she was seeing a ghost. I was so blessed because all I am is a vessel. I was a messenger and am thrilled that God used me. He brought a woman to me and she was open.

I share this as an example that God will bring people to us. We must be ready.  She was ready for the truth. She in her heart knew that what she was being taught from the pulpit and in church was suspect. And I told her her doubts and reservations were a good thing. Because what is being taught today by christendom is false. We must remember Jesus was crucified by the church of His day. By the religious people who thought they were doing service to God. And she was ripe for me sharing that the doctrine of hell was a false doctrine.

I did a lot of asking questions. Because truth is to be discovered and not me lecturing her. For example I would ask do you believe God is love? Is it a loving act to send billions of people to hell for eternal torture and punishment ? Don't you think that Jesus is a failure if satan has won  billions in hell and God has a few in heaven if Jesus came to save the lost ? We discussed many things .

So what I do is pray and don't worry about the witnessing thing. God is the only one that can open the eyes and ears. He has brought people to me. Hope this helps.

Jackie Lee

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Re: Witnessing
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2007, 09:41:14 PM »

Nice post mrsnacks, we have to be ready God will show us when.
 Thanks everyone! :)


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Re: Witnessing
« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2007, 09:37:41 AM »

I believe we're living witnesses. You don't necessarily have to speak a word from THE WORD. Colossians 4:6 - Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man. Our best witness and the best witness to be known by is your conversation. Read what the Bible has to say about the witnesses and the witnessing conversation. You may not have to say anything about the Bible and you will be known by the true witness and/or your conversation. 


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Re: Witnessing
« Reply #10 on: March 11, 2007, 09:52:16 AM »

Finding someone who will actually believe the truth is a major event and ALL praise goes to GOD. MOST HAVE BEEN BRAINWASHED THROUGH years of "if you dont be good the boogey man will get you" as a child. i know i was. and then as an adult........"repent now and be saved or spend eternity in HELL" how could so many educated people be so wrong!!!!!!! I really do see now that the way to destruction is broad and the gate is wide and except by Gods grace, i would still be believing the same way. why has HE chosen me? to open my eyes? for what purpose will this serve? I wonder about these things and sometimes I dont even know what or how to pray.......but I do know it was meant to be this way and I do find that strangely comforting.........rick


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Re: Witnessing
« Reply #11 on: March 11, 2007, 10:20:47 AM »

I dont even know what or how to pray.......

Romans 8:26 - Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.


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Re: Witnessing
« Reply #12 on: March 11, 2007, 10:47:09 AM »

Hello Rick

You wrote : I wonder about these things and sometimes I dont even know what or how to pray

I have been walking in this "wondering"  territory too!  What has helped me is the influence of Ray's teaching on Praying by God's Rules. This teaching has been  a must to grasp, comprehend with new clarity and perspective  my own territory of the soul that came upon this experience of nebulous wanderings and not knowing. I have read it three times and still need to contemplate and integrate its message. It is profoundly insightful and is still bringing changes to my erroneous thinking and liberty to my understanding.

Peace to you

Arcturus :)


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Re: Witnessing
« Reply #13 on: March 11, 2007, 11:06:34 AM »

Hello Rick

You wrote : I wonder about these things and sometimes I dont even know what or how to pray

I have been walking in this "wondering"  territory too!  What has helped me is the influence of Ray's teaching on Praying by God's Rules. This teaching has been  a must to grasp, comprehend with new clarity and perspective  my own territory of the soul that came upon this experience of nebulous wanderings and not knowing. I have read it three times and still need to contemplate and integrate its message. It is profoundly insightful and is still bringing changes to my erroneous thinking and liberty to my understanding.

Peace to you

Arcturus :)

thanks for the advice. I have read the article many times and find it very influencing. but ,you know, I still have those days when I am awed out of my mind by the awesomeness( if that is a word)of it all............God bless and keep you. Rick


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Re: Witnessing
« Reply #14 on: March 11, 2007, 11:23:40 AM »

i know exactly what you mean Rick....and perhaps that is where we are being called to....out of our mind ;D :D

and to you too God bless! :)


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Re: Witnessing
« Reply #15 on: March 11, 2007, 03:19:32 PM »

     That does sound like a divine appointment and praise God you were ready to give an answer for the hope that lies within you.
How exciting! That is true witnessing! It is God who works in a person and creates the desire for them to seek for truth. We can't make someone want to hear God's Truth. That's great that you had the opportunity to participate in God's work!
May God bless us all to be able to share with others truly seeking; may He also grant us opportunity to be coworkers with Him in helping to free them from the bonds and deception of Babylon. AMEN!


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Re: Witnessing
« Reply #16 on: March 11, 2007, 10:50:29 PM »

I've been thinking about "witnessing" as well....
I am in the "process" of being changed....but you can't HELP but want to share this GOOD NEWS as soon as you begin to "GET IT!" :)
I took a new notebook last night, as a matter of fact, and began to list the things that might help me actually keep key scriptures on hand with me where ever I go...
I know that in certain situations: like if you're being dragged in front of a king's courtroom...
you don't prepare for situations like that...because the Holy Spirit will give you the words in that very hour...(*or is that a parable that I haven't understood yet?)

but in every day life....I want to be able to help those that God puts in my pathway...
and be ready to "give an answer" as in I PT 3:15-17 Its interesting to see where that passage leads to: Christ suffering and our sharing in that suffering because the very ones that we witness to often hate us (*not exactly the same situation that you had on the plane, mr snacks).

I came across a "flip chart" in a book store many years ago...that was used to keep Babylon's "KEY VERSES" in a nice color coded organized water proof file....I LOVED it! Sometimes, I think of  reproducing it just using the "Genuine" Good News in it! :)

Mr Snacks....did you have notes with you on the plane? or was all that from memory? Just curious! Joyce :)


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Re: Witnessing
« Reply #17 on: March 12, 2007, 02:16:48 AM »

Hi Joyce:

I didn't have any notes. I am in prayer mode. And then I just pray as I am having a conversation with someone or others. I rely on the Lord. And He draws from what He has taught me and shown me. But the most important thing is not what you say. It is what you don't say. I have learned to not rely on the flesh or my intellect. You see in the past I was spouting off arguments. Being very logical and drawing from the many books I have read. That was a comfort zone. Then the Lord showed me that it was easy to become prideful. So many apologists as I was - depended on the flesh. And when one is witnessing from trusting God instead of trusting your thinking then you will see God's power in motion. It is not about us. Then you you rest in Him. And when I am in prayer mode and trusting the Lord and listening to Him-- He instructs you along the way. He talks to you . But one must be quiet. So the focus is on the Lord. And then you start to focus on the person and listening to what they are saying and you will begin to see their heart. The Lord gives you these eyes. And then you will treat the person differently. I hope you can understand what I am saying.  Jesus talked to the heart of the person. We are to do the same. And when you see the heart of the person - you talk to them differently.

I recall an aquaintance saying to me " we should hang out together. " I said why ? He said so we can just hang and talk . I then said I wouldn't mind doing that but if we are going to talk - let us talk about deeper things. Not this surface stuff . Now keep in mind . When I did hang out in the past - the conversations were always surface. I gave him a word picture. I said hanging out with you is like spending time in the baby pool. I don't mind the water but I like spending time in the deeper end if you don't mind.  So from now on - if it is going to be surface conversation- I have got better things to do then talk sports or movies and trivia. No offense but that is not where I am at. He looked at me in a strange way and said okay - let's talk about some deeper things. And then we got together and spent an hour or so on talking in the deep waters . I opened up with taking interest in his life. I wanted to know if he was happy. I asked quite a few questions. He then opened up and became transparent. I did this because I prayed about it and God directed me. When you trust in HIm in these areas -- He gives you insights. Things come out of your mouth that would surprise you. Hope this helps.


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Re: Witnessing
« Reply #18 on: March 13, 2007, 12:10:13 PM »

Mr Snacks--
Thanks so much for your reply.  On a few rare occasions, I've felt that God gave me a WORD in due season to give to another person....and the same type thing was going on with me that you described...I was "holding God's hand" in the Spirit...while speaking in the physical realm to a person...and I knew that the information was not coming from my was a wonderful feeling to be included in that interaction between God and the other person.
So....being ready to give an all in the preparation time spent in the WORD?
Do you NEVER use any articles or verses or notes? Just curious.
Joyce :)


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Re: Witnessing
« Reply #19 on: March 13, 2007, 12:45:25 PM »

Mr Snacks--
Thanks so much for your reply.  On a few rare occasions, I've felt that God gave me a WORD in due season to give to another person....and the same type thing was going on with me that you described...I was "holding God's hand" in the Spirit...while speaking in the physical realm to a person...and I knew that the information was not coming from my was a wonderful feeling to be included in that interaction between God and the other person.
So....being ready to give an all in the preparation time spent in the WORD?
Do you NEVER use any articles or verses or notes? Just curious.
Joyce :)

You're welcome. All God told me was to open up. He was saying that it was okay to speak deeper truths to this lady. He didn't give me word for word but gave me the green light. So the Holy Spirit within me is flowing like a river so I just tuned in to the flow. Not being anxious but just ( I call it being in the zone) listening.

I am just myself. No notes or verses at hand. The preparation is just having this ongoing conversation with the Lord throughout the day.And I just communicate basically the same way He does with me. The Lord teaches me by asking questions. He doesn't lecture me.
He uses few words. He is to the point. He is kind and gentle. Very loving and patient.

For example I remember standing in line at a grocery store and started to get very impatient with a lady in front of me. She didn't have her card ready to pay. She kept typing in the wrong code and just taking a long time. Then the Lord said to me " why are you so
upset ? " I then responded and told Him why. Then He said " Can you make better use of your time rather than complain - why not look at it as a time to be grateful or thankful ? " I then started to praise Him and pray. And then when that happens to me when I am in line - I just immediately start praising God and talking to Him. So the Lord transformed me in that way . It started with a question. He didn't order me and tell me what to do. And He talks in a gentle way. A still small voice. I then realize that there are times that I have taken longer than I should have in line in the past.

So I do the same with others. Jesus rubs off on me. THis is relationship. As you have these conversations with the Lord , you start to talk like the Teacher. THis is something that has happened to me in the past year or so. Before that I was in a different place. I was taught that God speaks to us only in His Word the Bible. That to me isn't a relationship. That is knowing about God. Not knowing Him intimately. So I did pray and ask Him to communicate to me. He finally talked to me but only when I was silent in my prayers. I used to just talk my head off when I prayed for years. How could I hear from Him when I am always doing the talking ? So I would just say nothing and wait. My prayers had many pauses in them. A lot of silence. And then I felt in my spirit His voice. Not audible but an impression. He would give me visions. God is not in a box. For so long I put Him in the box.
He speaks to me within. And it isn't because of me. He will do this to anyone if they just take the time to seek Him and be quiet and still.
As you grow in Him - you will recognize His voice. For I hear my own within at times. And of course the adversary's voice. For example in line the voice that says " Wow that lady is sure taking a long time isn't she? " That is not God speaking. That is a voice trying to start some trouble. Hope this helps. 
« Last Edit: March 13, 2007, 12:46:06 PM by mrsnacks »
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