This place is my refuge, too, and will be from now on. The buck certainly stopped here. But for a long time I searched for a building to worship and fellowship, with scripture as the foundation. Knowing what I know now, I wouldn't go to one, if someone was trying to convince me. Before I stumbled onto this website forum, I was seeking, knocking, praying, and kept knocking. I was sooooo scared of not being a part of a flock....and then "being left behind".....or dying and being "lost" and not written in the Lambs Book, etc etc etc etc. I knew I was a believer, and had been for over 30 years, and knew that He is my Lord, and all that....but, He was leading me somewhere that I didn't know, of yet. To describe "how" would be too long, and not the purpose of this thread.....but.....about this time last year, He led me to this website and forum. Everything that He had been tucking into my heart was true ! I just couldn't read enough, and absorb enough. I had to take it in baby steps...(because of a surgery)....anyhow...I saw what you mentioned.....the diverse personalities....and from all over the world, too. You never know when you're going to cry, laugh, or be spiritually stunned. I don't take this fellowship lightly. I thank God that I'm a part of it, and pray for the members.....for Ray and his family, etc.