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Author Topic: Bible truths forum  (Read 8019 times)

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Bible truths forum
« on: March 11, 2007, 01:20:32 PM »

I love this board and I love all of you in the Lord. so many different personalities and ideas. some are so funny and some are so profound. maybe this is a good time for all of us to share how we feel about this forum and even maybe offering up a few suggestions on what we would like to see in the future. to me, it is perfect and all of you are wonderful. since I was ousted from church, this has been my refuge because i know whatever i express here will be treated with kindness and love. thank you all for caring..................rick and susan


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Re: Bible truths forum
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2007, 02:50:31 PM »

Hey Rick, It's good to have a place to go to have like minded fellowship of those who have read and agree
with Bible-Truths. It can be so hard to find like minded fellowship outside the internet. I am very thankful to be here!  :)

Rick have you told us about what happened with you being ousted from church? I may have missed it.
So what happened anyway?
« Last Edit: March 11, 2007, 04:26:11 PM by PKnowler »


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Re: Bible truths forum
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2007, 03:14:16 PM »

This place is my refuge, too, and will be from now on. The buck certainly stopped here. But for a long time I searched for a building to worship and fellowship, with scripture as the foundation. Knowing what I know now, I wouldn't go to one, if someone was trying to convince me. Before I stumbled onto this website forum, I was seeking, knocking, praying, and kept knocking. I was sooooo scared of not being a part of a flock....and then "being left behind".....or dying and being "lost" and not written in the Lambs Book, etc etc etc etc. I knew I was a believer, and had been for over 30 years, and knew that He is my Lord, and all that....but, He was leading me somewhere that I didn't know, of yet. To describe "how" would be too long, and not the purpose of this thread.....but.....about this time last year, He led me to this website and forum. Everything that He had been tucking into my heart was true !  I just couldn't read enough, and absorb enough. I had to take it in baby steps...(because of a surgery)....anyhow...I saw what you mentioned.....the diverse personalities....and from all over the world, too. You never know when you're going to cry, laugh, or be spiritually stunned. I don't take this fellowship lightly. I thank God that I'm a part of it, and pray for the members.....for Ray and his family, etc.



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Re: Bible truths forum
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2007, 03:26:38 PM »

Hello Rick

I have been listening to Ray’s repentance part 2 audio video. He refers to two scriptures

Gen 6 : 5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

This was before God destroyed the human race with the flood in which only eight people were saved in Noah’s ark.

Luke 17 : 26 And just as it was in the day’s of Noah so will it be in the time of the Son of Man.

The corruption and level of wickedness I see and have been made aware of, is as described in Gen 6 : 5  I value knowing those who are in like mind with Ray’s teaching that are Godly truths that shine God's Sovereignty and the myth of mans free will in a dark corrupt world that has faith in mans self esteem and systems of dark iniquity.

The Forum has been a place for me to exercise my like mindedness with the gem of insight in the Sovereignty of God and a place where I have been challenged to stand by my convictions I am gleening from the teachings I have been blessed to receive in Bible Truths. this is how I feel about this Forum.  I am grateful to have met with some very precious fellow brethren who are aspiring and radiating the same light of wisdom and peace that comes from their knowing God and sharing, and standing by and reflecting the truths taught through Ray and also those who have been here long enough and who have become companions with Gods wisdom and love towards me. I have felt that and I cherish the blessing.

Peace to you

Arcturus :)
« Last Edit: March 11, 2007, 03:30:19 PM by Arcturus »


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Re: Bible truths forum
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2007, 04:44:07 PM »

You all have summed up the way I feel about everyone here on the forum. I love coming here and reading the funny and the more serious posts. I'm always learning new things and seeing scriptures in a clearer way. I love everyone here and hope that someday I will be able to meet everyone in person.



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Re: Bible truths forum
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2007, 06:47:44 PM »

I wish I could utter the love that I have for each brother and sister here.  If ever there were a table that is set before our enemies, it is here.  My cup runneth over....this is goodnes and mercy that is following us...this is the dwelling place that I want to be in all the days of my life, and day by day it gets richer and richer in Him.  God is so full of mercy to bring us all together from the four corners of the earth to be dwelling together in unity.  None, but God's people can realize the peace that comes from brotherly love.  To our great Shepherd of the sheep, we give honor, praise and glory.

In Him,



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Re: Bible truths forum
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2007, 08:50:04 PM »

Ditto to everything that has been said.

Rick, you mentioned once of your loneliness since being out of church.  This forum has erased that for me.  I get to talk, fellowship, love & pray for one another, and even drop a few $ when the bucket goes by.  Isn't that church?  Oh yeah, the preaching.  I've never heard better than here. Ray's papers get discussed, explained, and put in everyday life.  Plus, plus, this forum (or front lobby where I used to gab) is full of wonderfull people from every walk of life around the world.

I love the deep teaching threads that really get into a subject.

I love the silly ones and the jokes.  I love the avatars and the smilies.  I love the newbies w/ the excitement and new-found wonder of truth discovered-finally.

In short, I love you all (& the lurkers too).  A BIG THANK YOU to Ray, the mods, and us!!!!


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Re: Bible truths forum
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2007, 09:17:47 PM »

Yes, yes and yes to all you say.  But most of all, I love talking and hearing of God every day of the week.  And I'm elated to finally have found brethren who love to know the things of God also - all the time.  I am so grateful that it brings me to tears.

Love, Lisa


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Re: Bible truths forum
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2007, 09:46:27 PM »

Hey Rick, It's good to have a place to go to have like minded fellowship of those who have read and agree
with Bible-Truths. It can be so hard to find like minded fellowship outside the internet. I am very thankful to be here!  :)

Rick have you told us about what happened with you being ousted from church? I may have missed it.
So what happened anyway?

Paula, at the time I found rays site, I was subbing as the sunday school teacher at the local baptist church where I was a member. I was so excited about the new found truth, I immediately wanted every one to know. little did i know I would end up like the guy on the tv commercial who didnt use grecian formula on his beard........REJECTED in a big way! I walked and honestly no one has even so much as visited or called to show me the error of my ways. Imagine that!!! hope that gets you up to date. thanks for asking. that is more than 400 of my fellow believers did when I left.............Rick


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Re: Bible truths forum
« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2007, 09:53:02 PM »

Rick, same thing w/ us.  No one has called or visited or e mailed!!!  Yet we are still on their mailing list. Our daughter still attends there and no one even asks her about us.  Ha, so much for how important I thought we were there, and gee, we were tithers!!!

It did bother me, but I never think about it.  The church is stuck where they are and I am where I am by the Grace of God.


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Re: Bible truths forum
« Reply #10 on: March 11, 2007, 10:11:43 PM »

Gena, you know the funny thing is that even though no one cared enuff to contact us, they still send us the tithing envelopes for each and every church quarter. duh!!!! makes you wonder, dont it? We used to go eat lunch with one couple every sunday after church as well as buddy around during the week. never even hear from them sad.......I still love many many folks there and I guess really it is the hurt that disturbs me the most. forgiveness is certainly a fiery trial to say the least....rick


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Re: Bible truths forum
« Reply #11 on: March 11, 2007, 10:48:45 PM »

I love this board and I love all of you in the Lord. so many different personalities and ideas. some are so funny and some are so profound. maybe this is a good time for all of us to share how we feel about this forum and even maybe offering up a few suggestions on what we would like to see in the future. to me, it is perfect and all of you are wonderful. since I was ousted from church, this has been my refuge because i know whatever i express here will be treated with kindness and love. thank you all for caring..................rick and susan

Next to the Scriptures and Ray's teachings, the forum is all I have. I love the fact that there is serious discussion regarding Scripture and Ray's teachings. I don't really know how to put it in words, but, the humor helps. I need a good laugh everyday; just like eating an apple everyday. I don't contribute much in the more serious discussions because most of the time they are way more mature than I am at this time in this wonderful journey. Some of you folks use some pretty big words that take some time for this country bumpkin to understand. I love it! Truthfully, my head has not stopped spinning since July 05'. I did not fully understand just how much junk needed purged till after the 06' conference. I wanted to just flush all of it at one time, however, that would be the easy way. I could go on for probably another hour of more, but my testimony is in the works to be posted in the future.

Something I would like to see in the future for the forum (God Willing); LIVE monthly Bible study from Ray's.



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Re: Bible truths forum
« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2007, 12:33:54 PM »

As I was thinking about how much this forum means to me/us.  It began to accur to me just how great a place God has created for the believers here.  This is a place that we have very easy access to, as our computers are right in our own homes.  We can jump on here for a few mins. when time is short, for a little pick me up, or we can stay on here for hours for some really deep study of the scripture, with like minded believers.

We have fellowship with believers from all over the world, as distance is no obstacle.  So we can have friendships with people in other countries readily.

If we are having difficulty understandings something or have a question, there are many here to help, and someone will probably give you an answer you are needing.

The way we have of communicating by posting and waiting for replies, gives us time to think a question or answer through carefully.  Because when you are face to face with someone, things sometimes are said that maybe wouldn't have been if you had time to think about it.  Here you have plenty of time to think about it before you type it out.

We can be caught up in physical appearances when we are actually physical with someone.  What I mean by that is, as we are still in the physical, we can be impress by someone's looks, dress, car, home or all kinds of things, that we do not have here.  We have peoples words mostly, with a few pics.

What I am trying to say is that God has us at this place by careful design.  When we come out of the church, most all of us want to have that same face to face fellowship we had in the church.  But that is not what God wants for us now or He would provide a way that we could have more one on one fellowship.  He has good reason to keep us separated I'm sure.
I'm just saying this forum is very good and I believe it is the best way for us right now.
Just my thoughts  :)

mercy, peace, and love

« Last Edit: March 12, 2007, 05:39:51 PM by Kat »


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Re: Bible truths forum
« Reply #13 on: March 12, 2007, 04:31:06 PM »


I can relate profoundly to what you say! :D

Here I have learnt to discern what is communicated as my main discernment tool even when meeting anyone face to face now!

Matt 12 : 24  Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks

Peace to you

Arcturus :)
« Last Edit: March 12, 2007, 04:31:42 PM by Arcturus »


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Re: Bible truths forum
« Reply #14 on: March 12, 2007, 05:40:39 PM »

This forum means a lot to me.

Like many here, I don't have any fellowship and don't have any place to be with people who believe as I do. My husband is wonderful. He lets me believe in no hell, but he still believes in it himself. So, I can't really talk about the things that are closest to my heart, the truths of God, with him.

I tend to be a very quiet person. When I left the church, no one missed me. Like you Rick, and Gena, no one called. I'm good with solitude though, so it was harder on my husband. He doesn't go to church anymore, but he can't really say why he doesn't go. He always seemed so intimidated there. For me it was a relief not to attend anymore.

I'm learning a lot through this forum, I'm learning from all of you, from your experiences, and how you deal with various situations in your lives. I learn from the questions that are posed and from differing points of view. I feel that on this journey in God's truth, I have so much to learn, and if this is school, perhaps I'm only in kindergarten. I'm looking forward to grade one, grade two and so on.

Phil. 3:13"but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead,"



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Re: Bible truths forum
« Reply #15 on: March 13, 2007, 08:55:57 AM »

To All,

  This forum is needed as well as the Truths that I learn as much as a scuba diver need his oxygen.  This forum is such a blessing.  To all my friends, you already know how I feel about ya, and to the newbies, can't hardly wait to get to know ya.


  Anne C. McGuire
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