Hi Ray,
It’s been a While, I have a question?
Is this text below, which I have taken from one of your email responses, not also true of the “Church” today…? The paraphrase of the text that comes to mind is, “Many will do great things in my name and I will say unto them depart from me, I never knew you…” or is this strictly toward the Jew? My own Understanding of this text is that is just as much true today as it was then, when Christ was addressing the Jews in the flesh… Those who profess to be true Jews (I.e circumcised in the heart and not in the flesh) will build and do many great things in Christs name and yet HE never knew them?

said that the "context" of these two verses is confined to THE JEWS ONLY, for "in context" he was speaking to the Jews only, okay. Now then, were the Jews the FIRST to be offered this salvation? Yes, of course they were -- "go NOT the way of the Samaritan" -- remember? But what is the context of these verses? Not all of the JEWS that call Jesus "Lord, Lord" will "enter" the narrow gate to the Kingdom, will they? No they won't. (Matt. 7:21). Even of those Jews who "seek to enter" will "NOT BE ABLE" (Luke 13:24). They are the FIRST TO BE CALLED, but they will not be the FIRST TO ENTER.
I have much to share with you in the Lords Leading and directing… Will be intouch soon
Best regards,
Dear Wesley:
Not only does it apply to the church today, it applies almost EXCLUSIVELY to the church of Christian believers from the time of the Apostles until this very day. When have the "JEWS" as a nation, as a race, as a religion, ever called upon the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ? Where are all the "MANY WONDERFUL WORKS" that the Jews have done in the Name of Jesus Christ?
God be with you,