True Lazerus and the Rich Man is a parable. However, as good as you write it. Try this one on for size. Jesus said, Matt 15:24 But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
Not to the Jews. ALL of the parables were pertaining to the House of Israel.
You are great at searching the scripture. Let me see you search out the difference between the House of Israel and Judah.
By the way prove to me that Jesus was a carpenter.
Juneith Clark
Dear Juneith:
"The lost sheep of the House of Israel" included THE JEWS. There were twelve tribes of Israel, one of which was Judah, and the descendants of that tribe were called Jews. Jesus was of the Tribe of Judah (Heb. 7:14). Jesus was called a "Jew." And Jesus "...came unto HIS OWN" which were Jews (John 1:11). Jerusalem was dominated by Jews, those of the Tribe of Judah. Even Paul who was literally a Benjamite said that he was nonetheless, A JEW.(Acts 21:39). The Magi came looking for "He that is born KING OF THE JEWS" (Mat.2:2). Jesus conceded that He was indeed "King of the Jews" (Matt. 27:11). They put a sign on Christ's cross: "THE IS JESUS KING OF THE JEWS" (Matt. 27:39). Etc. Judea was a mixed population of Israelites and Gentiles, as was Samaria.
The Greek word "tekton" generally can mean an "artificer," but also specifically applies to "a craftsman in wood." That is why it is translated "carpenter" in most versions. The only Version that I know that does not use carpenter is the Concordant Version which uses the word "artisan."
God be with you,