Hello Mr. Smith,
> My name is Trish. I have been a pentecostal for the last 10 years and thought I was on the right track. I did everything I could do (or not do) to be "Holy".
Recently I started reading publications from the United Church of God and they told the truth about hell, as well as the publications of the Dawn Bible Students.This has opened up a whole new dimension in my relationship with my sweet and precious Lord. I still try to be as much like Jesus as I can, and my sins are ever before me. After much studying on the subject, I now serve God out of love, not fear of hell.
I am inclined to believe that satan saw the Roman Catholics coming, and he used their greed to perpetrate one of his all time biggest lies on mankind. People were scared into church as well as tithing and giving all they had to the church.And the pharisees/catholic leaders got richer and fatter. The Lord said we would perish for a lack of knowledge. The diligent Christian must seek answers from all manner of places to find the truth.
So many people start serving the Lord out of fear of hell and soon they get discouraged or continue on blindly not ever really knowing the true essence of God.I now know that the only hell is the grave and on judgement day (2nd Resurrection's who do not repent and accept Jesus as their personal savior will be cast into the lake of fire to be totally and utterly consumed and erased from existence.Just like in Gehenna (may have spelled wrong)where the bodies of dead criminals would be burned on the trash heap. No one will be tortured for eternity. A just,loving and merciful God would simply not do that.
I have been wanting to share the truth with my current church (I attend
sporadically due to work), my old church and a few bible groups in my area, but these are old fashioned fire and brimstones people. Pray that God gives me the words to tell these people the truth in a way that they will understand and hear what I am saying. I am doing a lot of studying and writing an outline for the teaching.
I am currently beginning a study on the unpublished books of the bible. I know you are busy, but if you have any suggestions as to where to begin looking I would appreciate it. Of course I am utilizing the internet and I will go to my public library. I also learn a lot from the publications of the United Church of God. These guys are great, do you read them?
www.ucg.com (maybe .org)
You can get 5 free publications each time you order. They publish the truth for free. I have reading their magazine and other books for a few years and they have never once asked for money.
Thank you again for taking so much time and effort to spread the truth. I am wiser, lighter and more free than I have ever been now that 'hell' is off my shoulders.Be blessed!!
Ms. Trish
Dear Trish:
I cannot for the life of me understand why you would want to study the "unpublished books of the Bible?" Of course, if they are "unpublished" I am not sure how you will read them, but I think I know what you mean.
I CAME OUT OF the Worldwide Churches of God System. I have ZERO desire to go back in. Their teachings are as heretical as any of the other denominations.
God be with you,