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Author Topic: Heaven's Gates, Hell's Flames - Maybe the most satanic play ever  (Read 31045 times)

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Have you ever heard of the play "Heaven's Gates, Hell's Flames"? I
have never, ever withnessed such blasphemy what I withnessed about half a year ago! I had no idea that the tradition of middle-ages still lives so strong!

In the beginning of the drama, Jesus is crucified. Then the play shows
us different people, who die during the play and are accepted to
heaven or sent to hell depending on if their name was on the Book of

The thing which angered me most was that how the play was emphasizing
hell and the eternal torment. Those, who have not reached the True
Gospel are probably in great distress. I, although I know that God
will not torture anyone for eternity, but chastens and makes everyone
learn righteousness, I felt myself very, very uncomfortable. I don't
remember last time when I have felt so terrible.

The play went on about an hour and during that hour the Satan took
many souls into the depths of hell, where they shall be burning

In the play, Satan was portrayed as the master of hell and torture
which is totally unscriptural, because Bible tells us that Satan will
be thrown into the Lake of Fire and he does not rule it! Even the
actor who played Satan admitted to me after the show that it is God's
hell, not Satan's (but still he took part of the play KNOWING that it
wasn't actually scriptural!)

Immediatly after the play, when the play has scared the hell into the
people (pun intended), the show's director climbs to stage and tells
people to come and take Christ to their lives.

There is nothing wrong with taking Christ to your life, but these poor
people do not take Christ into their people because of their faith and knowledge of the truths,
but more because of the fear of eternal torture.

I ask myself now, how can the show's director ask people to step
forward and take Christ into their lives if they do not know the true
nature of Christ and God? God wills ALL to be saved and Christ is the
saviour of all! ("For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach
because we trust in the living God, Who is the Saviour of ALL men,
especially of those that believe" - I Tim. 4:10)

Instead, they taught that damnable heresy of eternal torture. That God
allows and WILLS (because nothing will happen if God doesn't will it!)
99,9% of people to suffer for ETERNITY!

And now I have a need to mention few of the Satanic Highlights of the play.

In one scene there was a boy, whose father said that there is time to
attend to church and give your life to god. Then the boy and the
father died and they were both judged to hell, the father because he
hadn't given his life to Jesus and the boy simply because HE BELIEVED

Is it really the boy's fault if he believed his father? Is the boy to
blame? Do we believe that God of Love will punish and torture this boy
ETERNALLY? The boy didn't even think he did anything wrong, because
his father told him to do so and without better judgement, the boy did
what almost anyone of us would have done in that age: he listened his
parents, in this case the father.

The Last Judgement includes the word "to judge" and I have all my life
believed that judging includes righteousness and God is righteous,
more righteous than any human. Who believe that it is a fair judgement
to judge that boy to the eternal torture? Can anyone of you call it
justice? No, I think no-one can call that justice. That is the justice
what was taught on the play and I am overwhelmed how deeply Satan has
deceived those poor people who believe in a god like that! How deeply
are those people deceived who call the eternal torture of people

I know that God has many great plans of us, but none of those
plans include Eternal Torture! They are plans of Love, plans of

If you think logically, would eternal torture be a plan of Satan or
the plan of God of Love? Well, it is the plan of Satan of course!

And the play also included a scene where were a non-believing mother
and a teenage girl, who had her name written on the book of life.
After they died, the Satan and his demons took the mother into the
depths of hell and torture. The girl sobbed "mother" for few times,
but when Jesus came, she suddenly started to smile and was happy.

How can one be happy when your mother or someone dear will be tortured
for eternity? Would you be happy? NO Would anyone you know be happy?
NO! So would there be a single happy person in heaven if almost all of
their friends and family members are tortured? I would say "No" but
there are many people who say that it's just the opposite and that is,
I say, utter maddness!!

Here are some quotes from "christian" leaders concerning hell and
eternal torture. (links not allowed)

They really believe that people don't feel any saddness because of the
eternal torturing of their loved ones, but in fact they say that
people will rejoice because such thing happens!

But the very post was to tell you another tale of maddness.

The description of the play says:
"It is a dramatization of the reality of heaven and hell, showing the
grace, mercy and love of God, and shows the choices we make"

Grace, mercy and love of God was NOT part of the message of the play!
The more true description would be:
"It is a traumatizion with a lie of eternal torture, showing God as
the God of Torture, God of No Mercy and God of Hate, and teaches the
heresy of Free Will."

Have any of you ever heard about this play? How do you feel about this?
Isn't this almost as sick as it can be? The man who played satan knew
that bible doesn't teach that way, but he still took part in the play,
because "it is for the good cause". I would dare to say that Christ
doesn't reach people with that kind of play. It's a play of satan, a play of fear,
not of God and love!
« Last Edit: April 05, 2007, 11:33:42 AM by Kat »


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Re: Heaven's Gates, Hell's Flames - Maybe the most satanic play ever
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2007, 11:38:50 AM »


Never heard of it.  But I'm not surprised about the wide acceptance of the damnable heresy of eternal punishment. 



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Re: Heaven's Gates, Hell's Flames - Maybe the most satanic play ever
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2007, 12:23:37 PM »

Hi Nicky,

I use to attend a Baptist church and while in that church I went to see that play, about 10 years ago. I thought it was ridiculous, even before my eyes were opened to the truth, I didn't believe that was the way God was.  It was pretty much the same as you described it. 
This play uses the same idea of eternal torture in hell that has always been in the church beliefs, it's the same fear tactic that has always been used to keep the blind sheep blind.  They are trying to scare people into excepting Christ, odd isn't it.
The judgment will be worse on those who embrace this blasphemous heresy, and even worse for those who teach it.  They have the Bible as a witness against them, that God is not that way and will save all.

Luke 11:52 Woe to you who are learned in the law! for you take away the key of knowledge-you yourselves do not enter, and those who are entering you prevent."

Mat 23:13  "But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because you shut the kingdom of heaven against men; for you neither enter yourselves, nor allow those who would enter to go in.
v. 15  Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you traverse sea and land to make a single proselyte, and when he becomes a proselyte, you make him twice as much a child of hell as yourselves.

mercy, peace, and love



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Re: Heaven's Gates, Hell's Flames - Maybe the most satanic play ever
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2007, 04:22:35 PM »

While attending youth group when I was much younger, 13 or 14... my youth group attended one of these "halloween alterntative" plays like "Heaven's Gate, Hell's Flames." Before being allowed to enter the walk through portion of the play, the church passed out information cards on which they asked for all participants to list their name, number and address so that could do a "follow-up" with all of those who attended the event...

Little did I know that they would actually use the names that they had taken from each group to portray the reading of the Lamb's Book of Life during the play... each group was marched into a small solid white room... where a bearded man in a white rob sat in a huge gold throne. The man, who was suppose to portray Jesus never actually spoke, instead a thundering deep voice came from a microphone above him... only calling out about a third of the people in the room... anyone's name who was not written in the book was sentenced to "eternal damnation in hell."

It angered me, even at a young age, that they would pretend to "eternally damn" people by calling them out individually among the group...

Years later, when I was 21, I began youth pastoring at a small country church in West Florida.... one of the deacons where I worked heard about a church a few miles away that was holding a "Heaven's Gates, Hell's Flames" play on Halloween night... I reluctantly told the deacon I would help chaperon the trip...

When we arrived at the church the first thing they did was asked us to fill out the same information cards I had filled out years before... this time I decided to put a fake name.

Our group was small, only about 8 or 9 folks... so they grouped us together with a couple of other youth groups... about half way through the play, we found ourselves in a big white room again. Another bearded man with a white rob sitting in a huge golden throne... except this time "jesus" spoke for himself... He began to call names one by one... after several names had been called... he paused and looked oddly at the list as if he did not know how to pronounce the next name...

", Humphrey Lobsternest..." He said almost as a question.

Everyone waited silently waiting for Mr. Lobsternest to walk forward... when I emerged with a big grin on my face I was trying my hardest to hold back the laughter...

Unfortunately everyone else couldn't... when they realized who "Mr. Lobsternest" turned out to be... the whole room burst into laughter... to say the least the deacon was embarrased.

In away I felt bad... I didn't mean to be disrespectful... but this was one of those moments where I looked at a human attempt to portray the judgement of God... and I saw how silly and unlike the God of the Bible it truly was.

God's Peace.

Josh aka. "Humphrey Lobsternest"
« Last Edit: April 06, 2007, 01:02:45 PM by In Medias Res »


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Re: Heaven's Gates, Hell's Flames - Maybe the most satanic play ever
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2007, 04:40:53 PM »

Wow Josh,

That's a good use of sarcasm.  I guess my (bad joke coming) question is, was that a trick on them or a treat for you ;).  I think when you've been through that, waiting for the "Great Pumpkin" doesn't seem too bad.  Halloween alternatives (or is it HELLoweird ;D) make you yearn for the original.




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Re: Heaven's Gates, Hell's Flames - Maybe the most satanic play ever
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2007, 06:21:23 PM »

Humphrey Lobsternest! What a brilliant practical joke! You have a good sense of humour, brother. ^^

Halloween alternatives (or is it HELLoweird ) make you yearn for the original.

I absolutely agree. Concidering what the Halloween's original meaning is, it's far more acceptable tradition than these "scaring the hell out of youth and turning them into God-fearing Christians rather than God-loving"-church alternatives. It is SO ironic, how their alternative for halloween is far more blasphemous than the original festivity. =P


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Re: Heaven's Gates, Hell's Flames - Maybe the most satanic play ever
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2007, 11:13:35 AM »

Oh yes, heard of it well! The church my family still attends (Nazarene) performed this production back in fall of 2001. It was originally scheduled to last a few days, then was extended and extended again. Turns out we performed this production for 4 weeks. The place was packed nearly every night (the sanctuary seats approx. 1000 people). However, I never saw the production. I worked with children's pastor and helped put on our own production that had nothing to do with the main play. The reason: many parents felt that it would be too scary for their children to attend.

Funny isn't it as I look back on it now. Parents worried about their kids seeing this, but those same children would have been sent to hell to burn for all eternity because they didn't know Christ. Maybe they should have seen the play. Kids are great when it comes to asking questions that most adults wouldn't ask.

Since reading Ray's teachings, most of everything I've known has taken on an entirely different meaning.


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Re: Heaven's Gates, Hell's Flames - Maybe the most satanic play ever
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2007, 12:17:36 PM »

(Nicky, I take it that you read my post on the homeschool play about hell?)

Yes, I too saw that "Heavens Gate, Hells Flames" play years ago and it was very disturbing; now that I remember this horrible play, I think that it was back then that I started to doubt God in a big way.  I walked away frustrated and angry and confused and truly never wanted to be associated with those people again.

There was a an even more graphic and evil play that went on in this town by one of the local non denominational congregations.  They literally had the media all rowled up over this contriversial play that they put on, b/c THE CHRISTIANS HAD PROTESTED IT B/C THEY SAID THAT IT WAS TOO GRAPHIC (ha, hell is hell isn't it ??? ;))...they were enacting the shadows and the sounds of HORRIBLE SITUATIONS that humans get themselves into everyday that (they thought) could send one to hell.  THE CHRISTIANS SAID THAT 'THEY' WERE SCARING PEOPLE INTO COMING TO JUSUS  ::) ??? 8) :o ;) ;) >:(

...and then there was the time when I was sitll "in the church" (when we that were in the college class) at our 2500 member congregation hostede  a halloween party with the blessings of the elders...(which one of the members loaned us their old and dilapitated, uninhabitable, abandoned house to use for the 'party' that was actually out in the  middle of a cornfield.  We managed to cause several to scream and one girl to literally pass out!  ::) :o...AND THEN WE HAD A WEENIE ROAST WHILE HAVING A DEVOTIONAL ??? ??? ::)

Excellent point Keys2heaven!  If it is too scarey for their kids, then you would think that they would question the diabolicalness of the hell doctrine...but they don't questin it...they just are led blindly!

Hey there Humphrey ;) ;D,   Now you had me laughing out loud to myself on that one!  thanks, I needed a laugh ;D ;D.  That is truly hillarious! ;D


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Re: Heaven's Gates, Hell's Flames - Maybe the most satanic play ever
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2007, 07:16:22 PM »

Yes, years ago in the Assemblies of God I attended.  Went on for days, packed house, so proud,  scare these people into the kingdom....

Well, that church didn't experience any kind of growth after that-even w/ people going to the altar every night.

As for me back then, before my eyes were opened, it really scared me, and I felt so sorry for those that went to hell.  I was uncomfortable but didn't know why-  I couldn't quite make that leap to see how awful it was...

I see now it was part of my journey


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Re: Heaven's Gates, Hell's Flames - Maybe the most satanic play ever
« Reply #9 on: April 10, 2007, 12:32:06 AM »

oh yeah, been there and done that too ;)


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Re: Heaven's Gates, Hell's Flames - Maybe the most satanic play ever
« Reply #10 on: April 10, 2007, 01:35:15 AM »

I must say that the title of this topic caught my eye.

I am ashamed that I was actually in this play while I attended a non-denominational church years ago.  I was one of the demons that pulled people into the heretical flames of eternal torture.

I am literally sickened by this type of thing anymore.  I just pray that God opens the eyes of those that are now part of this charade, that they may see how unscriptural that type of 'threatening' demonic doctrine it is. 

I reflect back on those days and I'm so thankful for what He's bringing me out of, and bringing us out of.

God bless,



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Re: Heaven's Gates, Hell's Flames - Maybe the most satanic play ever
« Reply #11 on: April 21, 2007, 08:54:12 PM »

Hi to all,

I'm surprised that anyone familiar with Matthew 18.4 and 18.10 would teach that small children will be sent to eternal punishment in Hell. Even those who believe in eternal punishment should find in Matthew 18.4 and 18.10 sufficient evidence that children are exempt. In Matthew 18.4 Jesus implied that little children are not only IN the kingdom of heaven, but are the greatest in the kingdom! And regarding Matthew 18.10, I would find it strange that little children have their own personal angels in heaven always looking upon the face of the Father, while the children themselves are in hell.

Moreover, Paul said in 1 Corinthians 14.20 that we are to "continue to be babes in matters if evil." Why would Paul use "babes" as a role model and a standard for being free from evil, if babes are in fact to be consigned to eternal punishment for being evil?

I'm also surprised that anyone familiar with Scripture would think that any Christian in heaven would take any delight or satisfaction in others being in Hell, when in Ezekiel 18.32 God Himself says, "I have no pleasure in the death of him who dies."  It makes no sense to me that we are to love our enemies now, and then take pleasure in their torment later. 

It would make more sense for an advocate of an eternal hell to say that God gives His children in heaven some sort of spiritual amnesia so that they become entirely unaware of hell. This seems the only way  Christians in heaven could both have everlasting joy (Isaiah 35.10) and also have a compassionate disposition toward their enemies (Matthew 7.12). 

All the best,

humble bob.




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Re: Heaven's Gates, Hell's Flames - Maybe the most satanic play ever
« Reply #12 on: April 21, 2007, 11:03:25 PM »

This is disgusting beyond words that people would put other people through this.
Just when I think I have heard it all, along comes something like this.

This reminds me of the plays that the communists used to put on to indoctrinate their troops.
Mind control... >:(

« Last Edit: April 21, 2007, 11:28:19 PM by Kent »


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Re: Heaven's Gates, Hell's Flames - Maybe the most satanic play ever
« Reply #13 on: April 21, 2007, 11:24:42 PM »

I would have needed to repent for breaking that pastors jaw.

This is disgusting beyond words that people would put other people through this.
Just when I think I have heard it all, along comes something like this.

This reminds me of the plays that the communists used to put on to indoctrinate their troops.
Mind control... >:(

It truly is a sad, manipulating thing.  I really believe that a lot of it's done out of ignorance.  I really thought that was 'close' to the truth.  Not that there were really demons that pulled you in there, but that there was an eternal place.  I thought that it gave people a 'reality check.'  What a joke. 

We must just pray that God sends workers for the harvest  ;D

In Christ,



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Re: Heaven's Gates, Hell's Flames - Maybe the most satanic play ever
« Reply #14 on: April 21, 2007, 11:31:10 PM »

Really, I wouldnt have broken his jaw. I'd have considered it, but I wouldnt have done it. I hope.

What they did was borderline, if not outright illegal.


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Re: Heaven's Gates, Hell's Flames - Maybe the most satanic play ever
« Reply #15 on: April 22, 2007, 04:01:53 AM »

haha, thats so silly lol.

I guess i'm fortunate to have never had to deal with that misguided doctrine.

I will agree, it is saddening and sickening, but also i think for the most part it is done in ignorance not knowing better because the god of this world has blinded there eyes.

God bless,

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