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Author Topic: Contradiction?  (Read 6716 times)

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« on: April 09, 2007, 06:22:03 PM »,3839.0.html

in this email  you state he was talking "EXCLUSIVELY" to the church of Christian believers

in this email  you say he was referring to THE JEWS???

Dear Addison:
How long have you be reading my material now?   You are doing what tens of thousands of detractors have done when they question my teaching--they MISS-QUOTE me virtually always. It is hard enough to be perfectly flawless in every word, phrase and statement of thousands of pages when I am quoted correctly. But people generally don't catch my real mistakes.  So let's be accurate about what I said with regards to THE JEWS:

[1]   "Jesus was speaking to THE JEWS in Matt. 7:21; and Jesus was speaking to THE JEWS in Luke 13:24."
Next with regards to THE CHURCH:
[2]   "Not only does it apply to the church today, it applies almost EXCLUSIVELY to the church of Christian believers from the time of the Apostles until this very day."
Now then, did I REALLY say what you said that I said?  DID I say: "...He was
T-A-L-K-I-N-G  'exclusively' to the church of Christian believers"?  NO, no I didn't. 
Here is  what I said:  "    A-P-P-L-I-E-S    almost EXCLUSIVELY to the church of Christian believers." I never said that that He was  "TALKING"  exclusively to the Jews. There are dozens and dozens of Scriptures that are speaking to or about ONE person or persons, but that are APPLIED to someone else altogether.  Example, the prophesies concerning Joseph and Mary and the birth of Jesus.
Notice another example:  "But I [Jesus] say unto you, that ELIJAH is come already...Then the disciples understood that He SPOKE unto them OF JOHN the baptist" (Matt. 17:12--13).  Jesus "SAID Elijah," but He MEANT "John," because the SPIRIT of Elijah really did represent the spirit of John and his ministry.
So where I actually used the word "APPLIES," you said I used the word "talking," and where I did actually use the word "TALKING," you say I used the word "refers." And so you stated my position wrongly in both cases.
Paul speaks of carnal racial Jews, and spiritual GENTILE JEWS.  In my Towers paper at the very top of our home page I have a heading:  'WHEN ARE JEW NOT JEWS AND GENTILES ARE JEWS?'  You need to read ALL the material on our site and most of your questions will be answered for you.
God be with you,
« Last Edit: April 15, 2007, 08:12:40 PM by Kat »
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