Dear David:
I will COMMENT in your email.........
> What will happen to someone who rapes and murders little girls after he
> dies?
COMMENT: The same thing that happens to people who don't
rape little girls after they DIE. After they die, they are DEAD. And they will
remain dead until the "RESURRECTION FROM THE DEAD."
At the resurrection, the Elect of God will reign with Jesus a thousand
years, and the wicked and unbelievers will be JUDGED.
Why does Jesus speak about Hell so much?
COMMENT: Jesus did not speak of "hell" at all. There is not one
word in the Hebrew or Greek manuscripts that should be translated
into the English word "hell."
and you said that Jesus saved
> us from pain and suffering and desease, poverty etc. what about the
> apostles???
COMMENT: Just like most of my detractors, you miss-quote me.
I have never said "Jesus savED us [past tense] from ANYTHING.
Detractors have asked me what Jesus "savES" us from if He does
not SAVE us from hell?" And so I stated that He "savES" us from
dozens of things including "sin and death." But this is a process not
an accomplished fact. The last enemy "death" (I Cor. 15:26) has not
YET been abolished, and so that is why we are NOT YET saved from
death. But we WILL BE saved from all these things, but we will not
be saved from an eternal hellhole of eternal torture in fire because
there is no such hell.
God be with you,
> Philip: stoned to death A.D. 54
> Peter: Crucified, A.D. 69
> Paul: Beheaded, A.D. 69
> Andrew: Crucified, A.D. 70
> Matthew: Beheaded, A.D. 70
> Thomas: Speared to death, A.D. 70
> James: Clubbed to death, A.D. 63
> John: Abandoned, Isle of Patmos, A.D. 63
> It seems to me that Hell is a very real place, and all great preachers and
> evangelists also beleive in such a place
PS David, if you have ever "hated a brother," then YOU TOO ARE A MURDERER!
(I John 3:15 and Matt. 5:21-22). So what will also happen to you (and me, and all of us)
if you don't repent of your murder?