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Author Topic: Kingdom of Heaven  (Read 7784 times)

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Kingdom of Heaven
« on: April 15, 2007, 01:00:29 PM »

        Dear Ray,
            I decided to write again.  Still lots of questions, but I have been reading the LOF series.  I surfed the net tonight for the first time in months to read about hell, and it just makes me angry.  All of it.  I am frustrated thanks to your site.:-)  I am understanding so much, but not everything-well not alot to be honest.  I am so hungry to read everything but have to take it all in stride.  My question for you has to do with the kingdom of Heaven.  Is this only speaking of the kingdom in which the elect will rule with Christ, or that as well as where we all will be after everything is restored.
        Are those who follow Him here and now already in that Kingdom, spiritually speaking?  I realize this is a broad subject-maybe you have a particular paper on this subject that you can point me to.  Whatever help is appreciated.  I continue to search to understand.  To "see" and "hear".  I do not want to be lead astray, lied to, decieved.  I want to know and follow the truth.  It's hard for me to trust completely in anything right now.  It's like I am being stripped of everything I thought was the truth at one point.  I am in a quandry-not fun.  I ask and pray for peace-haven't gotten it yet.  I feel farther away from God than I have ever felt, at the same time I want so much to feel close to Him.  My heart aches as I continue to read and pray for peace in all of this. 
        Thank you for your time. 
        Seeking Christ,

        Dear Beth:
        The "Kingdom of God" also known as the "Kingdom of the heavenS," is God'd domain, where He resides.  To the degree that we have God's Spirit is the degree to which we reside in this Kingdom. At present we are merely begotten, awaiting a new birth into His Kingdom. This Kingdom has no end after the physical has passed away. Etc.  Too big a subject for an email.
        God be with you,

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