I'm not asking you to argue Mr. Smith, i Never even said I believe in tongues, i'm just trying to find out what you think about the scripture where it says when you speaking in tongues you don't speak to men but to God. and you speak mysteries.... in mark 16:17 Jesus said and they shall cast out devils in my name and speak with new tongues.... Does that "new tongues" mean new language?. If I am waisting your time i appologize but this is Important to me because if it's true, i want it, but if it's not, i want to be able to disprove everyone that has these scriptures without having to say i don't know, i just don't believe. I hope u understand
Dear Justin:
I'm sorry if I misunderstood you. It sounded to me like you were defending the "tongue talkers" of the world. Mark 16:17 does not appear on many Greek Manuscripts, but even so, "tongues" always means "languages." You need to ask yourself this question: If the Corinthians were using their gift of "languages" properly, WHY did Paul use an entire chapter to CORRECT THEM? What were they doing WRONG? If the Church of tongue talkers today is not doing anything WRONG with their gibberish, then why is it that not one of them will give me an examples of these mysteries revealed to them, and how is it then that the Church has been edified by such babbling if they don't even know WHAT it is that they are babbling about?
One day...........ONE DAY, I will record some of this babbling nonsense from these Pentecostal churches where they DO have a translator/interpreter, and I will then take those tapes and play they to OTHER tongue-babbling ministers, and ask THEM to interpret these same "mysterious messages in tongue babbling" to me without the benefit of hearing the original interpretation. I guarantee you that they will all REFUSE to do so, as they will know what it is that I am doing, and they will not allow themselves to contradict the ministers who gave the first and original interpretations to these same "mysterious message," and thus either making a liar out of themselves or the first ministers.
Or, perhaps one of our readers will take up this challenge and check it out this experiment for me, as my time is already spread very thin over too many activities.
God be with you,