I’m reading some of the things you wrote, not all, but what I have read, Wow, u are so deceived its scary! I pray God opens your eyes! You are so blinded by the enemy and twisting things around, its just awful. Shame on you for twisting scripture around and trying to deceive others! (if others fall for your words) You will know the truth one day…I pray before its too late. May God free you from the bondage you are in! Just reading your words I sense an anger, an incredibly uneasiness that I feel when I read the words of a false prophet, dare I say the words from satan himself.!! Surrender to Christ and be restored!
A child of God Almighty...
Dear Jenny:
Wow! Image that: a god who WILL ONE DAY give us the truth, but ONLY AFTER IT IS (to use your words) "TOO LATE." What a "god" that must be. Wouldn't it be better to give someone the truth "BEFORE," and then it would never be "TOO LATE?" Am I going to fast for you? What is really "scary" to you, Jenny, is the fact that you are beginning to see a little truth in my writings that actually agrees with the Scriptures, and as you have never learned or even heard these Scriptural Truths from your "Church of the Too Late God," it really does scare you. Of course. First of all, "what will my FRIENDS think" if I start believing the Scriptures rather than the doctrines of the "Church of the Too Late God?"
A final thought: Should what I am teaching, turn out to be not only the truths of God, but the actual WORK OF GOD, then your statement that my words are "words from Satan HIMSELF," could be rather damning to you, don't you think?