Hi Ray,
Thank you for your encouragement!
I am currently in a predicament where there are some “little ones� who are weak and fragile seeking God by his drawing. At the same time there is a friend of mine who heaps heavy religious yolks on their shoulders! I am often wounded at his harshness toward these “Little Ones�. More than that he beats them with the law! In fact I get so angry at the condemnation he heaps upon them, I could throttle him!
I have nothing in common with this man except that we both professes to be “Christians�, both having encountered the reality of Jesus Christ? I sense a deep hatred in his heart toward me because I contradict his thinking and pay no attention to His pious Religiosity! What concerns me is that No one (or perhaps some silent ones) seems to think this is a problem! He is on the “Leadership of our Church� and he has all of them fooled! I feel quiet alone, and never hear the Gospel preached-except about 3 weeks back an elderly man about 60 (Just kiddingJ), reminded the congregation that their sin is forgiven… I was so delighted to hear that God is not angry with me!
I am not sure how I am to confront the issue with this man! I have also been in the “hell-hole experience� of Gal 3… and I discern that he is entangled there? Any counsel is welcome?
Bless you and your Family Ray,
Dear Wesley:
Don't try to save the world; don't try to save your church teachers. If you understand the truths of God, then you are commanded to "COME OUT OF HER My people" (Rev. 18:4).
God be with you,