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Author Topic: TBN  (Read 10552 times)

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« on: April 28, 2007, 10:01:39 AM »

Before Our Lord Dragged me out of Babylon and brought me here to Bible Truths, I used to keep TBN on 24/7 at home. No matter what I was doing the Preaching was in the air and I would get DRUNK on the glorification of the flesh and the encouragements of the carnal all backed up by the scriptures.

The other day, I turned on the TV and took another look into this world of deception. Benny Hinn was interviewing a fairly enlightened Pastor who ducked out of agreement with Benny that the soul lives after God removes His Spirit and the SOUL and BODY DIE!....UNTIL they are raised again in the Resurrection ;D

The next program was TD Jakes. He is quite blessed in entertainment and dialogue! I watched and it struck me what the foolishness of preaching is.

NO ONE can do or follow the do's and don'ts that stream out from the Pulpits of Mystery Babylon. Only the Spirit of God can make us into the image of Christ and not anything we can or can not do! Not by works least anyone boast!...Yet Mystery Babylon is preaching works and laws and then TD babbled something like "tongues".. :D ;D...I thought OH NO you have no idea how foolish you appear and how embarrassed you are going to be when you are chastised and your error is disclosed!...I cringed for the guy and could clearly see the foolishness dressed to the nines and parading the gift of the gab with eloquence, Savior fair and great magnetism to a dead end! ;D

This brought me to see that Ray is not a preacher...He is a TEACHER...and Ah...therein lies the difference don't you think? ;D Everything Ray writes teaches 8)

Peace to you

Arcturus :)



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« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2007, 11:30:24 AM »

Hi Arcturus,

As I see it, what's going on at TBN is ignorance based on being in darkness, unlike the "foolishness" spoken of in 1Cor. 1:21 & 27.  There, the scriptures speak of how "it pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe", and also that "God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise..." 

The "ministers" at TBN have not been so "foolishly" blessed :)

Just my thoughts.



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« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2007, 11:57:23 AM »

This brought me to see that Ray is not a preacher...He is a TEACHER...and Ah...therein lies the difference don't you think?  Everything Ray writes teaches

These people have done a lot of damage.

Even now, and probably until I die, I will not trust anyone 100%. If Paul himself was here, I would not trust him. I have been burned too many times by too many people to trust 100%, and that includes Ray, as much as I am grateful for what he has done here. And believe me, I am grateful, and I DO thank you!



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« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2007, 01:20:15 PM »

Hi Arcturus,
I also agree that Ray is a teacher not a preacher.
What I see as the difference is that False preachers try to consume and capture you in their preaching.
Its how they control and direct.
Ray teaches with the Word of God and that sets us free and shows us Gods true path.

I see what you're saying very clear,
satan consumes but Gods lifts up and sets free.
What a contrast, The God of truth and the god of lies.
When we are called its not hard to see that Mysretry Babylon offers poison fruit, not truth.

Great post Arcturus.
Your brother
Randy  ;D 8) ;D



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« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2007, 03:21:41 PM »

I just received an e mail from Carlton Pearson's ministry announcing a weekend conference w/ several guest speakers.  Gee, for only 255$$ I can attend!!!  Not to mention getting to Tulsa and staying there a couple of nights.More $$.  Betcha they take an "offering" every session too!

No thanks. I will stick w/ Ray! He has got the teaching that my spirit craves.


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« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2007, 07:42:31 PM »

Benny Hinn...UGHHH!!! :-X :-X :-X  As I write this email, I have sitting on my table a phone number of BH ministries.  I have a cousing whom sent (several months ago) my little boy a beautiful prayer shawl (made in Israel) from his ministy HQ (she thought that I was still attending the Messianic Church), and it is a nice shawl ('Talit' in Hebrew), but, we don't really use these anymore.  anyway, I have tried to call these people to tell them to take MY 8 YR OLD SON off of their mailing list and to not send HIM anymore junkmail b/c they are not getting anything from us ever. 

(I angered the sprvsr. when I told her that she will be held accountable for harassing me as well as for supporting and progogating all that BH and his ministry stands for.), of course she said that I am entitled to my opinion instead of taking me seriously lkike of of the phone reps did when I had told him the same thing (he siad that he would look at this site.)  She didn't like that so I'm sure thats' why I get persecuted by receiving this junkmail.  I actually spoke to three diff spvsrs and each said that they would ensure that MY SON would be taken off of their mailing list.  I will continue to contact them until they quit sending my son stuff.  THEY WILL DO ANYTHING TO MAKE THAT ALMIGHTY BUCK, EH?




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« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2007, 10:42:03 PM »

Man, I was flipping through the other day and saw the fundraising stuff going on. Unreal! I am far from perfect but God help me if I ever try to take advantage of unfortunate circumstances in lives to better myseld financially. I guess I am judging again but I just don't believe that kind of thing is pleasing to God. Seminole


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« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2007, 11:16:48 PM »

This is where that old Monopoly money can come in handy.

Jackie Lee

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« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2007, 11:47:21 PM »

I just received an e mail from Carlton Pearson's ministry announcing a weekend conference w/ several guest speakers.  Gee, for only 255$$ I can attend!!!  Not to mention getting to Tulsa and staying there a couple of nights.More $$.  Betcha they take an "offering" every session too!

No thanks. I will stick w/ Ray! He has got the teaching that my spirit craves.
I am surprised Carlton Pearson is choosing this route after revealing he no longer preaching hell.
I believe I am thinking of the same Carlton Pearson that was a hell fire and brimestone preacher that said God revealed to him there was no eternal hell.
He became a universalist if I am correct?


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« Reply #9 on: May 03, 2007, 07:32:36 PM »

Yes.  Same one JackieLee.  He was my pastor's pastor so he visited our church alot.  I loved it when he did-he was so knowledgeable so when he went "coo-koo" we were shocked.  My ex pastor sent a letter to all of us (3,000) telling us what evil stuff carlton had fallen into.  I was mildly surprised, but ya know I never even checked into it. Didn't go to his website, didn't try to get his side of it.  Nothing.

Well, when I found Ray's site, I began to peruse a bunch of UR sites (this is best!) and found that Carlton started up one so I ordered his book.  Very disappointing.  Other than Universal Reconciliation (Inclusion) he has kept all the other Babylonian beliefs!  Which would include...Prosperity brother!!!  Yes, he did lose everything but ya know...He wants it all back and more!!


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« Reply #10 on: May 03, 2007, 09:38:16 PM »




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« Reply #11 on: May 04, 2007, 11:54:02 AM »

I was up early the other morning and decided to check out the news for the day and I got the biggest chuckle; as I was viewing the channel directory, I noticed Creflo, Copeland and then the next show after them was.....

The Beverly Hillbilly's   ;D ;D


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« Reply #12 on: May 04, 2007, 12:23:10 PM »

The whole TBN network is made of nothing but wealthy Pharasees.  What really disturbs me about these people is the fact that they would con people out of their funds to blindingly send the money (that most of the time they don't have) and making all kinds of false promises to these people.  Every year to them is a year of prosperity and breakthrough.  I also don't believe that 100% of the money that is given to them goes directly towards helping others.  I believe quite a lot of it goes towards their fine wardrobes.  Everytime I see these people they are always well dressed and I am sure they drive nice fancy cars and live in nice big houses too.  I believe this is where their donation money is going.


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« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2007, 08:19:03 AM »

Thank you all for your insightful sharing and responces.

I personally have discovered that when I need the "preaching" of Mystery Babylon, is is because the flesh is aching! I am aware now of my flesh and what a "Pain" it is ;D and in this revelation I am most thankful to our precious Lord. He alone should be my comfort and He alone has experienced all that we can ever experience. I just have to realise the parallel with our pains and discomforts to HIS that HE endured, to understand that He is close and yoked to us giving us HIS Peace to endure available through His Mercy and Grace.

Heb 4 : 15 For we do not have a High Priest Who is unable to understand and sympathize and have a SHARED FEELING  with our weaknesses and infirmities and liabilities to the assaults of temptation but One Who has been tempted in EVERY RESPECT AS WE ARE yet without sinning.

Peace to you

Arcturus :)


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« Reply #14 on: May 15, 2007, 05:05:36 PM »

As a post addict of TBN some scriptures come come to mind (later)

Before finding this site, I was searching and occasionally flipped to TBN.  Having read all the posts in this blog, I now no longer feel guilty of being in judgement viz toooooo commercialized.

Needless to say by belief that God could still use this medium has dwindled immensely.  It seems they are now competing with one another for brownie points.  Whatever happened to "Freely you have received, freely give"?  Marketing their wares in SA is very expensive with the $/R exchange rate.  (my house shall be called a house of prayer...." and to think I donated money to this farce....

PC behind the scenes and testimonials was about the last thing I could watch.  This network is so powerful now it has become a monster.


About a month ago I stumbled on Alex Jones site where I spent many hours viewing the 9/11 and 7/7 conspiracy theories.  A link from another forum via myspace etc.

If one takes this seriously then post 9/11, the TBN support of Pres. Bush supposedly Christian, their posting of a prayer wall for those in Iraq and Afghanistan etc. etc. Finding out later Bush and his cousin both members of the skull & bones society at their school later on another secret society, do your own research, its frightening.

If TBN was really God Driven as Paul Crouch implies, why the collusion with the rest of the disinformation networks?

This initial link led me on a long quest which eventually led me to this site.

I never had a problem that Christians can be prosperous but it brings to mind when a rich man approached Jesus asking how he could have a deeper walk etc. and after Jesus said sell off all you have etc. he went away with a heavy heart, the motto you cannot serve God and mamon.

Seeing many of these televangelists flaunting their wealth is sickening to say the least which brings to mind the scripture of "..behold they have had their reward on this earth.." and when Jesus said "My Fathers house has many mansions, I go to prepare...." and "..they said unto him did we not cast out demons in your name etc...." and the reply "depart from me you doers of iniquity I know you not..." leaves some hope of ultimate justice. (Sorry my paraphrasing, hope you get the gist)

The church and namely TBN is so screwed up that anyone not saved looking at TBN or other infomercial channels will hardly see the difference.  Jesse duPlantis even boasts he get landing rights in the middle east because they think he's a clown.

Is this what the church has come to; to be entertained by the gospel?  Sheep in wolves clothing?


Man if I feel like this, how does Jesus feel?



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« Reply #15 on: May 15, 2007, 05:34:55 PM »

Hello Bernie

I also used to have TBN on 24/7 and have been given eyes and ears to see the deception! It is a real blessing to be called out!

Jesus is not surprised about anything. He selects who He will give sight and hearing to and He knows that when He comes again few will have faith....very FEW!

Peace be to you

Arcturus :)


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« Reply #16 on: May 15, 2007, 07:21:09 PM »

I have heard about the skull and bones secret society.  There are many others out there and they are nothing but cults.  I did my own research on this a few months ago.  I was amazed at the number of Presidents and other high profile people who are a part of this secret society.  They are wealthy, influential socialites and quite a few of them claim Christianity.  These are definitely ravenous wolves in sheeps clothing. 


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« Reply #17 on: May 16, 2007, 12:13:56 AM »



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« Reply #18 on: May 16, 2007, 12:39:17 PM »


Man if I feel like this, how does Jesus feel?

Indeed! Except for one thing: He knew it would happen before it was ever dreamed by mankind. Think about that. All the sins that anger people like me and you. Take just those sins, throw them on Jesus and kill Him. That's what happened. And that's not even the tip of the iceberg!



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« Reply #19 on: May 20, 2007, 01:06:45 AM »

I too, used to watch TBN, and some of them involved with the ministry, until 8 or 10 years ago, because of all the Babylonian stuff going on. I found this group of people here, last year....finally. Until then, no matter where I tried to go to church, I just could not stay. But I still felt like a sheep that had strayed, but was still protected by His hand, and believed that He would someday lead me where He wanted me. As Kent mentioned, I've been burned and deceived so many times, and it "was" hard to trust. What I was once ashamed of, is now a tool for knowledge. I'm totally thankfull to where He has led me. But I still do occasionally, flip through the channels to see what they're up to....and to be "in the know" of things. Not often at all.....( I have better things to )
  As my own personal opinion, I see the day where a few of the "big names" will begin to change some of their teachings. Subtly, quietly, at first....and then with a boldness, and followers, will start revealing the "no hell", "no rapture", and yes, "no tithing", and others. They will still have error doctrines, just like the rest of christiandom, but because of who they were before.....many will flock after them, blindly.
  Babylon will always love its works, laws, money, puffed up staged grand dramatic theatricals. It will bring on strife and confusion.....sure it will.... the devil loves those wiles. Worth repeating,,,,,,Everything Ray writes teaches.

Just sharing,
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