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Author Topic: Bohemian Grove Club  (Read 10169 times)

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Bohemian Grove Club
« on: April 29, 2007, 08:46:15 PM »

Hi all.  Just finished re-reading Ray's latest installment.  Did anyone else find the Bohemian Grove amazing???  Well, I got on google and started reading all about it.  My jaw was dropping.

I had never heard of it.  I surely don't know what to make of it but it is really weird.  I wonder if someone in the 1800's knew about that scripture and copied it in the redwoods.  Or even to this day does any of the movers and shakers know how they are acting out this scripture?  Is it fun and hi jinks in the woods or is there a more sinister thing going on?

Maybe it didn't hit you guys like it did me.  No one that i recall (and I did a search) ever brought it up.

Anyway, I thought it an awesome paper and can't wait for the Sermon on the Mount.


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Re: Bohemian Grove Club
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2007, 09:42:29 PM »


In this world, given the leaders of men, they couldn't surprise me with anything. :)

Sad, but true.

Ray did an awesome job in researching this instalment. :)



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Re: Bohemian Grove Club
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2007, 12:29:53 AM »

Hi Gena,

I know, it's crazy isn't it? I had actually known about Bohemian Grove as I stumbled upon it months ago while doing my own research.  I felt a confirmation in my spirit when I read it in Ray's paper and was so happy that he was pointing it out in his writings.  God had me do a lot of research in the last couple of years, concerning the history of the illuminati and other such topics.  I can witness to how much sensational stuff is out there, and it takes a long time to sift through stuff and try to discern what's important.  Ray did an awesome job! 

The stuff I read fascinated me, but at the time I had no idea how it was going to tie into any scripture study.  God has brought it full circle now through Ray...How great is our God!

I imagine there are important people that know full well what they are doing and how they are fulfilling scripture.  These people are privy to much so-called enlightened information, which would include scripture.  The devil knows the scripture backwards and forwards I'm sure, but twists and uses it to carry out his missions.  No doubt, he is teaching these things in some ways to his "disciples".  Some of these "important" people know full well who they are serving, you can be sure of that.  They just believe that they can gain more "power" for their "physical" needs, through the darker powers, and it looks like God gives them over to their own lusts and allows them to believe that their power is truly great.  How scary it will be for them when they wake up at the resurrection!





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Re: Bohemian Grove Club
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2007, 12:34:39 AM »

I'm more like-minded with Ray than I'd previously thought! I've been researching stuff like the Bohemian Grove for years. I'm pretty heavily into conspiracy theories/NWO type stuff. Trust me; the leaders and the movers and shakers of this country know what they are doing. From government, to media, to industries we depend on everyday, they know what they are doing. I don't trust them, not one bit. But it's in God's hand, and in fact is part of his plan, correct?


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Re: Bohemian Grove Club
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2007, 03:53:23 PM »

I have read some of this online too, in order to understand better what Ray was talking about.

Actually, I probably disagree with most people who think that these people who engage in these types of activities know what they are doing. I think ,they think it is just a fun or innocent good ol boy type of thing to be doing. One reason is because of what Jesus Christ said . "Forgive them Father for they know not what they do " . This says to me that most people have no idea what harm they have actually done.



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Re: Bohemian Grove Club
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2007, 03:59:31 PM »

I agree Orlando, probably 95% fall into the catagory you describe.  It is the other 5% that worry me.



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Re: Bohemian Grove Club
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2007, 04:48:56 PM »

Gena, I have a video tape that shows this activity that goes on somewhere in California.  A news reporter had gone undercover and snuck into the grove and he was not caught, but, not only do they worhip this idol in a pagan ceremony, but, they also carry on in drunken homosexual orgies(not on tape) and such...purely debauchery! 


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Re: Bohemian Grove Club
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2007, 08:34:36 PM »

Thanks for all the input.  Fascinating subject, so I will keep my eyes & ears open this July to see if anything leaks out!



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Re: Bohemian Grove Club
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2007, 02:11:12 AM »

I have known and studied about the Bohemian Grove, Illuminati etc for a number of years. Many don't know but  the Governor of Ca, Arnold was attending meetings at Bohemian Grove years before he ran for office.

I used to be so angry and frustrated that all this was going on and so much deception and satanic activity from our very own government. The media is bought and owned and so many especially in the church think the people running even our government are loyal to the Constitution and to the American people and God even. But I am at rest knowing God is in control and everything that is happening is part of a bigger picture and part of His plan. HE is not asleep at the wheel .
« Last Edit: May 02, 2007, 02:12:03 AM by mrsnacks »


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Re: Bohemian Grove Club
« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2007, 02:20:15 PM »

Amen,   A good reminder Mr. Snacks.  It is ALL according to His plan!


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Re: Bohemian Grove Club
« Reply #10 on: May 03, 2007, 11:24:20 AM »

;D Gena...I just LOVE those little thingy-ma-bobbies that you put up....the earthquake one is the BEST!!  I feel that way every time I wake up anymore!! :)

okay...raise your hand if you learned about Bohemian Grove and the Illuminati Card Game on the Cutting Edge website?? (I wont put the actual website here since I think that's against the rules)....

::::waving hand:::::

I say that because it is AMAZING how many of us have come through so many similar situations....

And....because I want to encourage others that may have been "fascinated but fearful" as I was about all of that STUFF.....with the TRUTH revealed....I no longer FEAR! Its awesome....everything really does have PURPOSE and nothing is going to happen that God is not ultimately in complete control of!  Isn't that WONDERFUL??  :)


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Re: Bohemian Grove Club
« Reply #11 on: May 03, 2007, 11:37:05 AM »

Amen Joyce! NOTHING TO FEAR!!! :o :o :o  IT WILL ALL BE GOOD EVENTUALLY.  I have a family member who is SO FEARFUL of all of these conspiracy theorists, that all he does is shut himself away in his office and listens to radio shows that propagate this stuff...he has no life since he is retired so he literally spends entire days doing sad and such a waste of a life.  He has more faith in this stuff than he does in God to work it all out in the end.  But, there are some people whom we cannot teach the truth to.  People really do not like to be around him either!  (As we used to say..."paranoia will destroy ya..")


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Re: Bohemian Grove Club
« Reply #12 on: May 03, 2007, 12:50:18 PM »

Amen Joyce! NOTHING TO FEAR!!! :o :o :o  IT WILL ALL BE GOOD EVENTUALLY.  I have a family member who is SO FEARFUL of all of these conspiracy theorists, that all he does is shut himself away in his office and listens to radio shows that propagate this stuff...he has no life since he is retired so he literally spends entire days doing sad and such a waste of a life.  He has more faith in this stuff than he does in God to work it all out in the end.  But, there are some people whom we cannot teach the truth to.  People really do not like to be around him either!  (As we used to say..."paranoia will destroy ya..")


I wouldn't call it all conspiracy theories. All this from Ray concerning the Bohemian Grove is considered conspiracy theory but because Ray is talking about it - you accept it. But I have known about this for many years and I would be sneered at by Christians and non Christians when I talked about this.

I used to be into it for years and it would get me so depressed at what was going on in our country and the world.
It would make me mad that most people could care less about this country and think blindly that America is this Christian nation and our leaders in government are really good people and think of our interests. I read a book ( that is banned ) by the way written by one of Bill Clinton's mentors. Clinton mentioned him in his inaugural address. I found it in a private bookstore along with many other books you won't see at Barnes and Noble. The book was a history about the U.S.
I don't want to go into it here but don't you think we should not be ignorant of what's going on in the world really ? We can get these truths about God and the truths about His Word and be ignorant and believe all falsehood about the world around us.

I for example was amazed at a very popular so called prophet today prophesied over this nation and said that Bush was a Godly man and was going to lead this country into an age of much blessing. Bush was a humble man that prays and seeks God's will and God will bless our nation through Bush. I about fell out my body . Did this prophet ever think to do some research on the Bush family ?  Is he so blind and deaf to believe this and speak in the name of God. My ex wife's family were oil people in Texas. And her dad and mom had passed away awhile ago, but she has some stories and memories of some of these politicians. Ever research  what was going on in Arkansas while Clinton was governor there ?

I say that to say as we study the Scriptures and rely on God to give us understanding - let us do the same in the affairs of men in the world around us. I am glad that Ray had done a study on the Bohemian Grove.

So my final say is thanks to you all on this website. You all have helped me to realize that God is really in control. He is aware of everything that is going on and all is part of His ultimate plan. Non of the world's  events catches Him by surprise causing Him to go into plan B. There is no plan B .And the end result will be good for all. We can honestly put our trust in Him. And because I can rest assured that I can do nothing. I don't have to get depressed and frustrated. I can rest in Him. HE honestly has the whole world in His hands.


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Re: Bohemian Grove Club
« Reply #13 on: May 03, 2007, 04:13:52 PM »

okay...raise your hand if you learned about Bohemian Grove and the Illuminati Card Game on the Cutting Edge website?? (I wont put the actual website here since I think that's against the rules)....

I used to be into it for years and it would get me so depressed at what was going on in our country and the world.
It would make me mad that most people could care less about this country and think blindly that America is this Christian nation and our leaders in government are really good people and think of our interests.

Hi Mrsnacks, I totally hear what you are saying...I went through this as well.  It looks like a lot of us may have gone down this road of researching a lot of this stuff.  When you want to know the truth in all things, it's hard not to seek it out in all things, even in matters of the world.  But I was relieved to come into a knowledge of the truths brought out at this site, about the Sovereignty of God especially...since you really can drive yourself crazy with anxiety over some of the atrocities being committed in the world, especially our governments (I live in Canada and it is really no different here than in the states!).

So Amen to finding peace about these matters...especially for those of us who continue to keep ourselves somewhat informed.  I still do occasionally, but I've become less interested, and most of my time is taken up studying scriptures....I suppose if I was retired with grown kids I might find the time to keep researching.... ;)  But alas, there is only so much time in the day....



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Re: Bohemian Grove Club
« Reply #14 on: May 03, 2007, 05:28:27 PM »

Times flies like a fruit flies like a banana. :D


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Re: Bohemian Grove Club
« Reply #15 on: May 03, 2007, 10:13:08 PM »

Hello Mrdnackd,
It sounds as if you followed the same prophecy club that I did way back then  (I know all too well of the Clinton Chronicles, as I have that video too; I understand the Bush family background as well...Bush Sr. was my Commander in Cheif at one point too.)  So, Yes, I do believe that the Bohemian Grove is a real event, therefore it is not a conspiracy; I knew this Bohemian Grove stuff before Ray spoke about them; I am in agreement with him that this is a real event Mrsnacks. 

But these other 'theories' that we hear and yet cannot 'prove' ...well, one cannot bother themselves with what they cannot you say...they will drive you depressed or crazy ;).   I like you, used to study whatever I could get my hands on, (but only b/c I was searching or HIS truths and didn't know where to look ;)) but alot of it lead to dead ends.  It IS important to know what all is going on out there so that we are not caught unaware or caught up in it. 

(I persoanlly, DO AND HAVE ALWAYS CARED FOR MY COUNTRY...having been a US soldier I do not consider myself or know of any other 'ignorant' soldiers out there...that is like an OXYMORON;  a soldier must know what is going on in his country in order to know which side he is on, especially during a war.)   I however, trust NO MAN FULLY, and especially not those in POWER. ;)

I too am at peace in knowing that God is in control of our leaders and HE knows ALL.

i just wanted to vlarify my position here ;)


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Re: Bohemian Grove Club
« Reply #16 on: May 04, 2007, 01:54:20 AM »

Growing up as a military brat - my dad was in the Army for 26 years. Served in Nam and the WW 2. I know that a U.S. soldier must be loyal to His Commander in Chief. He may disagree and be against the war he is in but He must keep that to himself or risk court martial. My dad is a little bitter. He had faced so much racism  in the service and also believed the Nam war was unnecessary and political. He also said that our country used chemical warfare over there. He and others got ill from it.

Anyway I still have my sources for news and it isn't mainstream media.
But I spend much more time studying the Word and more concerned with my walk with the Lord then matters I have no control over and I am not able to do anything about. It is truly resting in God and leaving it up to Him.


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Re: Bohemian Grove Club
« Reply #17 on: May 04, 2007, 03:38:53 AM »


I too have too much of that info in my home, in which i am trying to dosome spring cleaning and get it doesn't matter anymore since I am not in control anymore ::) ;).  You and I are on the same thoughts on this subject.

My DH is a Vietnam vet and he can relate to everything that you said about your dad.  Agent Orange was real, as I have had patients tell me that they were dying from Agent Orange...then I had to help toetag and bodybag several patients that died from Luekemia at the local hospital here.   The Depleted Uranium that is in me is real.  (I'm sorry, I digress)



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Re: Bohemian Grove Club
« Reply #18 on: May 04, 2007, 10:16:40 AM »

Sorry to hear that about the deaths and sickness caused by the war.

Yes we are on the same page. Being set free from worrying about something we can't change or control.I can be aware but not frustrated or angry.  We are not God. And that is a good thing. He is better at it than we could ever be. We are assured and comforted that He is in control and we appreciate the fact that He is a God who is love. He is all knowing and all powerful and is everywhere. But He is love. Love never fails.  And He is the Savior of all mankind. All will come before Him and give account. All all will be judged and being judged  in this lifetime or the next age to come.


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Re: Bohemian Grove Club
« Reply #19 on: May 07, 2007, 04:07:23 AM »

this is my first posting on forums at bible-truths website.  i have been reading and studying ray's teachings for the past 1-2 yrs, after being led there by God.  i had been a believer (or christian as i used to say) for many years and then something my "agnostic" husband said caused me to cry out to God asking Him to show me His hidden truths that He said were in the Scriptures and which i had missed. to make a long story short, here i am.  right where He wanted me to be.  thru God's Spirit of Truth my eyes are being opened more and more and more and more each time i study the teachings on ray's website.  i was reading one of the newest hell installments this evening when i learned about the bohemian grove club.  i literally set with my hand over my mouth, initially in amazement that it is indeed a real place with real people right here in america, and that involved those who were in such high positions in our society, yea even in our world.  the utter amazement that what ray was discussing re: topeth / molech IS INDEED HERE NOW, in my own generation gave way to utter thankfulness and praises to God for showing me these Truths, from His Spirit to my spiritual understanding.  in reading thru the other postings on this particular topic, i am reminded AGAIN that nothing in this world need amaze me, especially in dread or wondering what can I do to help CHANGE the world because it is all in His capable hands and is in his perfect plan.  so, as the Scriptures tell me, i will be anxious for nothing, but i will cast/hurl/throw my cares and concerns about this mad mad world right back to God.  He has the perfect catcher's mitt.

love in Christ,
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