do not see any similar references on your site. i somewhat feel ashamed for asking, especially knowing what i know and being as well-read throughout your site.
and especially knowing how in concert i am with everything, everything, the actual Scriptures report... yet somehow i have this stickler of a strain of resistance, why i dont know. [then i read in one of your papers that God actually wants us to resist Him, so i dont feel so bad.]
so here goes; this has been bugging me for quite some time to no avail.... i am sure you will have God's insight on this matter ...
regarding the time and experience it takes to develop spiritual character here on earth to become His sons and daughters, that all of this mess is but ugly scaffolding that will be done away with, etc.
WHY DO WE HAVE TO GO THROUGH ALL THE NINE YARDS TO BECOME CHILDREN OF GOD? Jesus did not have to deal with [to have overcome] carnality. Yet He is His Father's beloved Son. it obviously can be done. why didnt the Father, wanting lots of children, simply create within Him more Jesuses? i do not wish to blaspheme, and i do not wish to appear to whine. am no whiner! will endure until the end!
many thanks and may God bless you all.
in brotherly love and peace
Dear Janice: You are ASSUMING that Jesus went through no
trials as we do to overcome evil. That is an assumption based
on nothing. We are not told all the details of how God formed Jesus
into Jehovah Elohim to then become the Creator of heaven and earth
(Col. 1:15-18; John 1:3; Heb. 1:2; Rev. 3:14; etc.)
You need to come to our Nashville Conference where I will be discussing
the origin and nature of Jesus Christ.
God be with you,