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Author Topic: A Short?? Testimonial  (Read 6292 times)

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A Short?? Testimonial
« on: May 20, 2007, 05:28:47 PM »

I have a little bit of time today so I thought I would share a little bit about myself.  I am a married mother of four.  I am homeschooling my kids at this point but we are looking into private education for next year.  I have a wonderful, loving husband and we have been married for ten years in June. 

I have had my share of ups and downs in this life, but as I mentioned before, I was just going on my "merry way" when I ran into the Bible Truths site.  I have so many thoughts that run through my mind on a daily basis, that it is difficult for me to put it all to paper clearly and succinctly.  I think I will just try to touch on a few things here that are major issues for me.

I have been slowly reading through all of Ray's teachings and I, of course, understand some and get stuck on other of his teachings.  I do not know if I agree with all that Ray teaches, but so much that He has said makes so much sense to me and has jumped out at me in the scripture since I have been studying. 

Sometimes I feel like I am only being allowed to see the truth, but not to understand or believe all of it yet.  My prayer was, "show me the truth,"  and I know in my heart that God has done just that.  Yet the doubts pop up all the time when I look around at all the people in my life-great people-who seem to be caught up in our church life and the teachings of Babylon. 

I guess the true problem is, I weigh it all out in my mind logically and I don't want to look at the people in my church as blind teachers and followers.  Many of them are very giving, loving, and honest people-I would say most.  The church I am in doesn't teach what Ray does-of course-but the church is NOT money hungry, and the people in it are united and caring people.  The pastor of the church is a good humble man who seemingly truly loves the Lord-at least his life seems to show this.  Sure it isn't perfect, that's for sure!  But it isn't one of those places that tells the world that if you don't do this and this and this, then you are not one of God's children.  It doesn't beg for money ever!  I think most people give quite willingly. 

I guess part of me aches because I do not want to follow lies-that is why I begged God for answers, but my husband is not completely on board with the things I have tried to share with him.  He has promised me to study things like the existence of hell with me, but we haven't had the chance to do it together.  He is a good man, and he is an assistent to our pastor as well as the music person in our church.   That makes it even harder for me to ever think that I won't be caught up in a church at this point. 

I have been a Sunday School teacher this year, and when I found the Bible Truths site, teaching became difficult for me, as I did not want to lead children to lies myself.  I found myself skipping parts in the story that just didn't mesh with my newfound truth of scripture. 

For a while before I found the Truth, I was becoming disallusioned with all the "work" that I had been doing at church.  I was overwhelmed with homeschooling, and parenting and I wanted to stop doing anything at church, but did not stop everything because I knew that it would hurt my husband, and would inconvenience others.  But I was depressed and dreaded going to church and facing anyone because of it.

I would often wonder exactly what it was that we as a church were doing that was so great in the first place.  I would share with my husband that we aren't really reaching a whole lot of "lost " people, and I was bothered by that, but at the same time scared to death to "witness" to anyone about Christ and the Gospel.

After I found Bible Truths, I think my mind was in a spin for a while, but I feel more at peace now than I ever did in my life, yet at the same time, more confused and unsure than I have ever felt in my life.  I am not anxious about most things that make people anxious(like life after death), but I wish that I knew exactly what I believe.  I don't want to believe a lie!  I want to believe the truth-and just what is the Truth?

It is funny how many times I have read something of Rays-or in the Scripture-and gone back in the past where I silently questioned that very thing.  What has kept me planted in this very spot is the fact that I prayed for the truth and that so much of what Ray says DOES make sense.

I am going to continue reading and studying when I can(usually late at night ;)) and asking questions too! 

I think part of me just wishes I could snap my fingers and "see" it all, no doubting, or wondering about anything-just knowing!!  But God has made it not so. 

I do need wisdom concerning the whole church thing.  I am not yet strong enough to approach my pastor with what I have learned-maybe someday I will be. 

It is great to be here-I wish I had more time to read and comment more.  Thank you all for the fellowship-it's kind of like a sigh of relief for me in a way-even though I do not really know anyone yet-and I am a VERY new forum member!  I enjoy reading!!

Beth     :)


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Re: A Short?? Testimonial
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2007, 06:09:20 PM »

Hello Beth

It is wonderful that you have "come out" of Mystery Babylon and that our Lord has shown you Bible-Truths.

The Forum is a place to question and seek deeper insights from like minded brethren who will be able to assist you in discovering the deeper truths that have taken thousands of hours for even Ray to have fully discovered!  ;D  So if Ray our Teacher says he has spent thousands of hours thinking, searching and studying, don't despair but keep on keeping on and read, ponder and consider what God says not what the Church leadership is believing or saying. As Ray says there are many subjects that are not taught properly in the Churches. 

If I might be so bold as to suggest that if you have not already read : Winning Souls for Jesus, that you might get some really good pointers to help you to be a peace and realise you do not have to convice the Pastor or anyone else for that matter about the truth.  8)

Welcome to the Forum

Peace to you

Arcturus :)


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Re: A Short?? Testimonial
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2007, 07:24:26 PM »

Where is this Winning Souls for Jesus? I looked on Bible Truths and can't find it. Is it there or somewhere else? I could use some peace right now.  :-[



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Re: A Short?? Testimonial
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2007, 09:47:49 PM »

Welcome Beth!

You are exactly where God wants you to be right now, and doing exactly what He wants you to do - that is reading and studying when you can.  there is so much to learn on the bible-truths website.  Could all those questions going around in your mind be God gently drawing you to Him???

Don't worry about anything just keep following His lead in learning about His will.
  Phil 4:6  " Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayers and 
             supplications with thanksgiving let your request be made known to

May His peace be with you,



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Re: A Short?? Testimonial
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2007, 09:56:15 PM »



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Re: A Short?? Testimonial
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2007, 10:15:38 PM »

Hi Beth,

You have just started your journey in learning the truth.  Many of us have been searching for many years, before we came to Bible-Truths, you seem to have found it rather soon, so to speak  :)
I will say like Arcturus said, keep on keeping on, some truths take a while to sink in.  And some things may be better understood after you have read through some of the other articles and have gained more understanding from them.  This truth does seem to be built layer upon layer, and we keep gaining a deeper and more profound understanding as we continue on.  That's why we can continue to learn more through rereading scripture and Ray's articles. 
Come here whenever you feel a need for spiritual help and you will probably get the help you need.  I would say this fellowship is really invaluable too.

mercy, peace, and love



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Re: A Short?? Testimonial
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2007, 11:33:00 PM »

Thanks so much for the warm welcome!! 

Beth :)


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Re: A Short?? Testimonial
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2007, 03:09:38 AM »

Sorry that was rude of me to reply without welcoming you to the forum! So welcome to the forum.  ;D
Keep reading and studying. You'll learn tons! I hope I see you post often.  :)
And Rick, thanks for that link man!



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Re: A Short?? Testimonial
« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2007, 07:06:03 AM »

Hi BBeth, and welcome to BT!

I’d just like to relate with a few things you said about your church. I’ve been to several different types, and also met many fine Christians. We are all on a journey toward greater understanding and faith, therefore you and your friends are too. It sounds like you have good fellowship at your church. That’s precious.
I stumbled across Ray’s site as well. I have never studied so much in my life, because I wanted to search the scriptures to see if these things were so. It sounds like you are going to do the same. Now think about it. Ray’s site has moved you to beg God for the truth and search the scriptures. That must be good. I like checking out other sites that teach universal salvation as well, like *not allowed*. Sometimes a different take on something can help clarify things. Ultimately, it has to be your faith, guided by diligent study and the Holy Spirit, not Ray’s words.
How’s the home schooling going? Hard work isn’t it? I’ve taught at three private Christian schools and we sent our children to them. We were pleased that we did. (Drained the budget though). I now teach at a State school, and I’ve seen good Christian children become stronger but I’ve also seen children get crushed.
Let us know when you find a good school for your children, or if you decide to continue with home-schooling.
Regards, Robert

« Last Edit: May 21, 2007, 10:04:50 AM by Kat »


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Re: A Short?? Testimonial
« Reply #9 on: May 23, 2007, 07:23:41 AM »

A lot of this article has pertinence to me. I'm finally realizing that i can't get anybody saved.



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Re: A Short?? Testimonial
« Reply #10 on: May 23, 2007, 05:35:47 PM »

Thanks Rick for posting the link!  ;D :D

 ;D Sorry Matt...I only got back to this thread now....All in HIS TIME... so you'd know that you know that you know when HE chose to reveal HIS truths to you.  ;D :D

Brandigans,...... Thank you for sharing that our Lord CHRIST is revealing HIS truths as He leads you to realisation. 8)

Peace to you

Arcturus :)


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Re: A Short?? Testimonial
« Reply #11 on: May 24, 2007, 03:45:18 AM »

So I'd know that I know that you know that I know......... :o :o ??? ??? ;D ;D


Dean Peterman

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Re: A Short?? Testimonial
« Reply #12 on: June 28, 2007, 11:26:37 PM »

Hi Beth,

I read your post and can totally relate to what you say.  I often feel lost now that I know what I used to believe is not true.  I am still searching for answers.  I will pray that God will help both of us to see more of the truth.



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Re: A Short?? Testimonial
« Reply #13 on: June 29, 2007, 01:56:43 AM »

Thanks Dean for bring this thread back up.  Beth (bambam-so cute!)  How are things going for you??  Let us know some up to date or have I missed it somewhere else?  Anyhoo, it was nice thinking about ya again!

Dean Peterman

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Re: A Short?? Testimonial
« Reply #14 on: July 09, 2007, 10:47:49 PM »

Dear Beth,

I read your post again.  It really touches my heart.  I hope all is well with you.


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