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Author Topic: I just have this weird feeling since coming out of the church.  (Read 13847 times)

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Re: I just have this weird feeling since coming out of the church.
« Reply #20 on: June 02, 2007, 02:50:05 PM »

I also felt like "a stranger there."

- Jer

Hey Jer,

I see what you mean.....




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Re: I just have this weird feeling since coming out of the church.
« Reply #21 on: June 02, 2007, 04:06:38 PM »

June 2, 2007


I just noticed what Gena said at the bottom of this page. (If she is in the 'later' resurrection it is still worth knowing the truth now)

Interesting that Gena would bring this up since she and Jerry are fairly new.

For years in another church group I wondered what my wife's fate would be.  I was mostly sure that I was destined for the first resurrection, but even though my wife attended with our children and served with the other women, she wasn't interested in doctrine and it was difficult for us to converse about what we each believed.  So with difficulty, I just left it in God's hands and believed that God would work it out somehow.  But, my faith was weak and I was unsure of what was biblical and correct.

Understanding that God desires to save all of His creation and has a plan and the power to carry out His plan is a real relief for me and for our children.  I am very pleased that many of you are finding the same truth and are able to finally trust God with all of your hearts and you mind.

Indiana Bob

= = = =

Matt, the LOVE you have for your wife will win her.  The way you have always talked about her here and on your myspace, well lets just say, she is one very blessed young woman!!!

To all the posters, yep, it is the same journey, more or less, we all have after having our "religion" turned upside down. That "what do I do now?" feeling. Lonely and depressed after being involved. Getting the boot when you have told the wrong person way too much.

I am passed most of that now.  Thanks to continuing in the Word, Ray's papers, and this forum.  What to do now is not my question.  What to be is.  Reading Paul tells us how a person should be living and loving God and his neighbor.  That is a full time "job"-walking in love.  Accepting His will in our lives. Letting him show us our "idols of the heart". Trusting Him for every little thing. It is very hard this "new" life.  More on the inside and not the big show "of the outward man".

Going thru the trials of life and the cleansing, purifying fire now is worth feeling a little weird.  If I am in the later resurrection it is still worth knowing the truth now.



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Re: I just have this weird feeling since coming out of the church.
« Reply #22 on: June 03, 2007, 03:24:49 PM »


It was about thirteen years ago when I came out of the Catholic Church. This coming out was marked by a collision between myself and the doctrine of Grace. As Catholics in the upper echelon ..  ::)...we were taught about living in a "state of grace" which by the way is impossible as I found out. No one is in a state of Grace only Christ Jesus is and was.

Anyway, not to digress, I went out of the Church with a huge burden of guilt as I did not know the truth yet. Then a few years later I joined a Pentecostal Church and got drawn into their doctrines and false teachings. After suffering outrageous abuse from the Pastor we finally got cut out of the Church and then we found Bible-Truths! Even then it hurt to have been discharged, cut out, rejected and slandered from the pulpit! It was a very painful passage of rites into the refreshing truth here in Rays teachings!

Just yesterday one of the members from this Penecostal Church came to visit me. There could be NO conversation regarding the church or its teachings because she is still as blind as a bat. So we talked about the recent death of her husband who was the Youth Pastor. He was killed when he used a wrench to dislodge the flap of a hot house covering that was on fire and the flap was connected to the main electrical wires that shot a jolt of over 1000 volts through him. The voltage passed through his body out his head causing holes in his cap and apparently it caused the same holes to go right through him. His wife who was visiting with me said she felt a pulse after the medicas had examined him and she asked God to raise him but then thought she was being selfish and that it was better to ask God for His will to be done. Not knowing how she was in His plan and that His will is being done and how important it is to yield to Gods will being done, I tried to encourage her but she still felt that she was in some way in command of her husbands death and that God would have returned his life to him if she had asked.  The terrible confusion in her life is sad to see yet it is her path that she is walking in pain and suffering before she too will see the truth and it too will set her free. She will not see it in the church and until she is dragged out she will not know the truth either. That much I could see after she came to visit.

The reason I share this is because it is difficult to be free and to see others still in the dungeons of heresy and still taking the opium of approval from their leaders who do not lift a finger or let anyone enter the kingdom as they themselves will not enter. It is like seeing the prisoner who likes to be in jail. When you visit, he curses you and if you show him the keys he threatens to kill you if you let him out. Their hate for the light is beastly. They have made a pact with their prison wardens and only those who really want out because Christ is influencing their hearts, will have the chains fall off and the door open up and they will leave in the dead of night to ESCAPE.

When I left the Church I only found out later what I had escaped. The further away I get, the clearer it becomes to me and weaker becomes attraction to the plagues of Babylon. The Church is sick.

this is just what I have seen and I know it is just my path but I hope it helps you to distance yourself even more from the Mother of Harlots keeping in bonds those who we suffer and desire to see set free. The opportunity arose for me to assure her that her husband is dead and not alive somewhere else and will only rise in the Resurrection. I think that was something she had never heard before. She is deep, very deep into the Church teachings but at least I could try to lift her and I think it worked.

Peace to you

Arcturus :)
« Last Edit: June 03, 2007, 04:23:36 PM by Arcturus »


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Re: I just have this weird feeling since coming out of the church.
« Reply #23 on: June 03, 2007, 06:26:37 PM »

Arcturus said
The reason I share this is because it is difficult to be free and to see others still in the dungeons of heresy and still taking the opium of approval from their leaders who do not lift a finger or let anyone enter the kingdom as they themselves will not enter.

This is so hard for me.  I am still in church and I don't know how long I will be there.  But I sat back today and I feel like I got a glimpse of the swill.  It all looks so good you know.  They are good people with good intentions.  They sing these sweet songs to God and the preacher preaches this great message, right.   It is hard to look at this and think that it is bad.  Boring, maybe.  Empty, at times.  But bad-evil even-that's difficult!!  Yet, today, I looked around at everyone, and I was deep in thought thinking, "Is this the blind leading the blind?"  I usually spend my time during the sermon studying my Bible(and it has nothing to do with what the pastor is saying!). 

My husband is the music director.  If I ever leave, it will break his heart, but I am praying that God will begin to open his eyes to truth.  We have talked about some things, and he is not adamant about anything-he has always been open to discuss everything, so I have hope!   He does not yet know how I feel and I do not know how to share it with him.  I think I am just afraid of what will happen to us when he does know how I feel.  Part of me has not let go of the whole idea of church yet-the fellowship and friends I have there-but that's about all there is to it for me.  And I feel so sad about it, because I know how many people feel about others who have stopped coming to church.

This is honestly the hardest part about knowing the truth at this point-I am free, yet I have not been completely freed from Babylon.  It must hurt to leave!  We shall see. 



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Re: I just have this weird feeling since coming out of the church.
« Reply #24 on: June 03, 2007, 07:19:57 PM »

Hello Beth

thank you for sharing. It does hurt to leave. I felt the pain and cried often after being rejected. To leave through wisdom knowledge and understanding is not how I left though. My husband and I were beginning to see the false teachings but we had no idea of what lay ahead of us in the joy of finding Bible Truths. We did not leave the Church because we were wise or knew about Bible-truths. We had already parted ways with the Church and a week or two later which was  a few days before my birthday, the Lord revealed Bible Truths via my husband to me. What a gift! What a celebration!

What I am saying is that to know and understand and still be in the "swill" must surely be very difficult. My pain was swift deep and sharp. Yours must be dull, heavy and grief filled and slow. I feel for you.  Pain is pain.

I am happy you are seeing the truth.

The truth can hurt especially if it reveals an idol. I had to repent of speaking in tongues! That hurt and I was humiliated to think how idiotic and foolish I had been! I cringed and cried after reading the teachings on the subject from Ray. I can say now after blessed repentance that to have the knowledge of the truth hurts at first but its worth everything to know the truth that does exactly as our Lord said it does. It does set free from every ugly painful and deceptive guise that cannibalizes our souls and our hopes and joy.  Better the light than the comfort that the blanket of darkness promises while it invades and distorts the truths of God.

I hope you continue to find peace in what you know so far as you learn through experience that it is as our Lord said that there are many who are called and it is only the few that are chosen. We can only accept this if we are strengthened in HIS wisdom knowledge understanding and peace. He is the potter and we are the clay and he is the author and finisher of our faith at His own time and discretion not ours.

Peace to you

Arcturus   :)

« Last Edit: June 03, 2007, 07:22:41 PM by Arcturus »


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Re: I just have this weird feeling since coming out of the church.
« Reply #25 on: June 03, 2007, 07:28:42 PM »

Hi Beth,

I can feel your enter struggle, with stopping what you feel is a familiar routine.  I was in church for many years and it gets to be a way of life.  I never thought I would stop attending.  
But when God shows you the undeniable truth, you began to realize the church doctrines are all wrong.  If you keep search out these truth, it will probably get to a point where you will not want to stay there.
Continue reading BT and studying the scripture and just keep seeking the truth and He will work things out as you go along.  No need to worry, He is in control of all things  :)

Eph 1:11  in whom also we were made a heritage, having been foreordained according to the purpose of Him who worketh all things after the counsel of His will;
v. 12  to the end that we should be unto the praise of His glory, we who had before hoped in Christ:

I will pray for God to give you strength and comfort.

mercy, peace, and love



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Re: I just have this weird feeling since coming out of the church.
« Reply #26 on: June 03, 2007, 07:34:33 PM »


Thanks for the encouragement!  I am learning more every day.  I can't keep my thoughts off the truth.  It's always before me-I am always hungry to know more.  For that I am extremely thankful because there was a time when I wondered why I should even keep reading the Bible because, well, what didn't I know.  I mean the preacher basically preaches the same things over and over and if I haven't gotten it by now-well I am hopeless!!  How foolish of me, huh?  The whole world spun around me when I found Bible-truths.  I was unsure, but completely captivated and began studying instantly, and have been ever since!  The biggest reason was because all of the questions that had been haunting me after I was introduced to a calvinists viewpoints-all of the questions were answered in a few weeks of reading Ray's work, and all of the scripture that goes along with it.  

I am still in awe of all of it-but leaving the whole church system will be a trial.  It isn't me I am worried about as much as it is for those I love.  Hurting my family is going to be very painful.  It will happen when it's time to happen!  Thanks for the encouragement!!

Church HAS been my way of life since birth.  My dad was a preacher, my mom played the piano.  Me and my siblings were considered PKs (preacher's kids).  I "surrendered" to marry a preacher or missionary when I was a teenager, and I am married to an associate pastor/songleader.  Ugh, is all I can say!!  I've been in it for thirty two years now, and I think the only thing really holding me back is my loved ones who will be so hurt by all of this.  But you are right!  God is working it all out, even though I cannot see it from my outlook!  Thanks for your encouraging words!

« Last Edit: June 03, 2007, 07:40:54 PM by bambam »


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Re: I just have this weird feeling since coming out of the church.
« Reply #27 on: June 04, 2007, 02:27:16 AM »

You All are encouraging!

I was in a Calvinist church (election doctrines) for many years. Later - that of Free-Will (self-determination) churches. It was not the differences that troubled me, rather, it was what they truly agreed upon, that was troubling (the skin of an unbeliever was burnt-off, like the skin of a molting snake, over and over again, throughout, i.e. eternity, along with an immortal soul that never dies, and the greed-seed creed of tithing, etc.). I could never come to the understanding of limited atonement, as taught in either of these so called camps, nor, with the others tenants that they believed and preached.

Often, there were conflicts involving my daughters, simply because they had informed their friends (who live under the churches and their parents - doctrines of…) that they would eventually be with the Lord, "as they cried and confided in my children because of their fears."

Pastors, youth Pastors - including other various teachers and parents had attempted to impose their so called beliefs in a literal fire-of-hell, upon them. However, much to their surprise and astonishment (my daughters stood in their knowledge of the truth, and of course - I was at fault for their teaching – thank, God!) while approaching my daughters who were taught with a deeper understanding of the Scriptures (including Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic and Latin language translations), they were dumb-founded.  These people took selective Scriptures to prove their point, however, they were given dozens of Scriptures from my daughters that actually harmonized with their selective ones, proving that they had erred from the truth.

I can still hear the words of one of my daughters, as she was confronted by two Pastors and a parent on the sidewalk just outside the main church doors... "…and you believe that is the meaning of perish…" She was steadfast in her faith of who Christ is…and all that He will (has) accomplish(ed).

I was a single parent raising his daughters by the Grace of God for over nine years, at that time…

I remarried, shortly thereafter, (…my daughters had imparted their wisdom  ::) ) and just prior to leaving the worldly church. But not before my beautiful, new bride, had come down stairs (she heard the snake-skin sermon that made her skin crawl…)..."I was praying last night" And… "I want the truth of Christ which can not be according to that sermon." I was studying the Word of God - in the early morning hours…you want "The Truth?" While going through the Scriptures, her eyes told it all … "I never saw that." The bondage that she was dealt, all but disappeared. She had to ask me to slow down…"I was excited", after all… "I am only a man."   ;)

I searched for a church that dared teach the truth, but have found none to this very day (it has been several years, now). Then, I began searching the so called "Christian web-sites" on the internet, only to find that the discussions seemed to conclude in contention, strife and hostility with an, us, and them mentality.
No wonder the Prophets, Apostles and the Saints were [are] martyred for the witness of, "the truth of Christ."

Finally, I came across (rather, was led by the Spirit) bible-truths (to this forum) and the "Lake of Fire Series." That was refreshing – "No French Fries." Hell actually meant the Grave (ditto…ditto…ditto…).

I must say: "I am excited being a Bride," although, the terminology took time…after all…you guessed it…I’m only a man!   :D

In His Grace, Mercy, Love and Righteous Judgment,

- Jer

P.S.  I have found most of our friendships in church were Sunday friends, and for my wife that was heart breaking, although, she has kept in contact with two friends from two different churches (a Calvinist and an Armenian). 


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Re: I just have this weird feeling since coming out of the church.
« Reply #28 on: June 04, 2007, 03:55:46 PM »

Hi Jer,

That is quite a testimony. I love it when God open's people's eyes. I also haven't found a church that believes in God's truth, but presently I'm at peace with that. I'm not looking for one. I'm quite enjoying God teaching me, and also being part of this forum. I read more than I post, and find a lot of wisdom and insight here.

God bless you,



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Re: I just have this weird feeling since coming out of the church.
« Reply #29 on: June 04, 2007, 04:13:00 PM »

I always wonder why a standard response is "Well, why don't we just go sin like crazy if everyone is going to be saved anyway?"

I think that is a typical response of the carnal mind. I can totally understand it! It is true isn't it? No matter what we do or think or say, we'll be okay in the end. BUT....I'm sure we'll pay a hefty price for what we do, so I wouldn't risk it. Gena, I'm with you. It makes me want to seek Him all the more!

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