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Author Topic: Where at?  (Read 6777 times)

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Where at?
« on: May 25, 2007, 10:34:02 PM »

my name's Craig. i saw the tithing article on the site, and im having trouble believing what is said. i'd like to know where at in scripture in the New Testament it says that tithing is NOT required anymore. Jesus, being God in the flesh, did not change that law himself, then we are still required to give God 10%.

Dear Craig:  "Where at in the New Testament does it say that tithing is NOT required?" What kind of a question is that?
Where in the New Testament does it say that a woman who has given birth to a daughter does NOT have to stay out of church for two weeks?
Where in the New Testament does it say that a brother does NOT have to have intercourse with his dead brother's wife and bear children by her?
Where in the New Testament does it say that we are NOT to stone to death a child that dishonors his parents?
Where does the New Testament say that there are NOT little green men living on Mars?
I just threw that last one in for fun. Asking to prove a negative is foolishness, Craig.
The Gentiles were not familiar with the Old Testament law of Moses. Yet they were never taught that they SHOULD tithe. Paul didn't teach them, neither did Paul collect tithes. He did without and worked for a living. Only Levites have a right to collect tithes for the tabernacle/temple services, and BOTH are out of existence under the New Covenant. All believers are priests.

And just where, pray tell, would one "give God his 10%?"  To Benny Hinn?  John Hagee?

Why don't orthodox Jews collect "tithes" from their congregations, seeing that they are yet under the Old Covenant?  Do orthodox Jews not understand the Hebrew Scriptures and its laws?

Furthermore, you can't "tithe" MONEY, seeing that MONEY was never a tithable commodity according to the "law" of Moses.

Paul was inspired by the Holy Spirit of God to write: "God loves a cheerful GIVER," not a "cheerful tithe-payer."  Jesus did not collect any "tithes" for His ministry. He was a Jew and would not have a legal right to the tithes according to the law of Moses. Etc.

God be with you,

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