2007 Nashville Conference:
-post 1 at the top is (audio 6) 'THE UNIVERSE!'
http://bible-truths.com/audio/Nashville07_6.mp3-post 2 (audio 7A) 'WHO IS THE FATHER?'
http://bible-truths.com/audio/Nashville07_7A.mp3-posts 3-4 (audio 7B) 'WHO AND WHAT IS JESUS?'
http://bible-truths.com/audio/Nashville07_7B.mp3-posts 5-6 (audio 08) 'IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF JESUS.'
http://bible-truths.com/audio/Nashville07_8.mp3-posts 7-8 'last part of audio 1 and 2.'
http://bible-truths.com/audio/Nashville07_1.mp3http://bible-truths.com/audio/Nashville07_2.mp3-posts 9-10 'audio 3.'
http://bible-truths.com/audio/Nashville07_3.mp3-posts 11-12-13 (audio 4) 'WHERE DID JESUS COME FROM?'
http://bible-truths.com/audio/Nashville07_4.mp3-posts 14-15 (audio 5) 'ONE GOD!'
http://bible-truths.com/audio/Nashville07_5.mp3Audio no. 6, last half
The whole thing is as bizarre as it can be.
Think about space, if you took God away, what is left?
Is there anything out there left?
Is there space?
Is it dark?
Is it light?
What is it then?
We think if we take away the creation you have black, cold, space. Three things in space, it’s black, dark and very cold, absolute zero and not a lot of room to do it in.
It’s interesting that most scientists don’t believe that space is eternal. They believe it came into existence with a big bang and time. Hence we have the space, time and matter continuum. All started at the same time.
So I say that God is perfect, that’s why He doesn’t change now and Christ doesn’t change. But did He ever? Because I have to answer a question. Where did God get patience?
[Someone ask the question: where did He learn obedience?]
I think He learned obedience before He was born and reduced down to a man and so on and so forth.
Left to His own we know what He could accomplish... nothing. He said so, “I can of mine own self do nothing:” (John 5:30). Because He had the Spirit without measure, He could not sin. Now Christ had to sweat bullets to do it, but it was still God doing it.
God puts us in the same situation, we have to live our lives. You may say, well I’ll just kill myself. Not unless God wants you to, you can’t kill yourself if God doesn’t want you to. Everybody that ever killed themselves, it was after God said... okay, now you are going to kill yourself.
He is in control of EVERTHING, through circumstances. He doesn’t make anyone kill themselves against their will, no. But He puts them into situations where they can’t tolerate life anymore and their own will becomes, I want to kill myself.
[Someone ask the question: Is that why Christ was always in prayer?]
Well yes, it’s like the old saying;
act like it all depends on you and pray like it all depends on God. That’s the way you should live your life. He could not help but pray.
What appears to be contradictions are not contradictions, when you have a higher spiritual understanding of what it’s talking about. Let me show you a perfect example and it sounds like a contradiction, but it’s not.
Phi 2:12 Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
Doesn’t that contradict this whole thing... we’re saved by grace and not of works? Now we’re to work out our own salvation? What is that? How do you explain that “Of Myself I can do nothing” (John 5:30)? And He said "YOU can do nothing" (John 15:5), to the apostles. Then Paul says “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” Well it does sound like a contradiction. But read the next verse and He tells us why. "For" now that word always means ‘because' or it’s another word for because.
Phi 2:13 For (because) it is God who works in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure.
Some of you probably still don’t get the answer, but it is there. "Work out your own salvation," is not the gist of that saying. He is not saying, work out your own salvation, period. No, He’s saying “work out your own salvation
with fear and trembling, that’s where the emphases is, on fear and trembling, not on working out your own salvation.
You work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, why? Because it all depends on God! If God doesn’t do it, it won’t happen, IT WON’T HAPPEN! So we live in fear and trepidation.
I cannot drive down the street, being the safest driver that I can be and know that I will avoid an accident, if God has already determined I’m going to have one. What it doesn’t mean is you can drive down the road foolishly... or you don’t need to wear a seat belt... or close your eyes for a while... or something like that. But you do have to act it out. Why? You have to, He makes you.
He made you come out of your mother’s womb and He made you cry. Not that He forced you, but circumstances, He brought about all the circumstances. He made you cry, makes you grow and makes you fight with your kid brother.
You do all these things and people reach a place where they get tired of it. So we have plays like ‘Stop the world I want to get off.’ It's like I’ve had enough, I’m at the end of my rope and it’s the end of the line. Well it’s only the end of the line IF God has determined it’s the end of the line.
If say you came to that conclusion at 8:30, and He knows you won’t die until your 77 1/2, then you're not going to end it.
That’s where the fear and trepidation come in. It ALL depends on God, there’s nothing you can do. But YOU have to work it out. YOU have to get up and go to work. YOU have to do all this stuff.
Then you say I don’t want to anymore, well circumstances make you. So you think, I’ll just end it all... then your child comes up and says ‘Mommie.’ Now you say, oh my gosh I have a child, I can’t kill myself I’ve got to live for my child. You see? So God makes you live this life. He makes you do all this, HE MAKES
YOU DO IT. But not against your will. He puts you in circumstances and that’s the only way you can go. The ONLY way!
You think, 'I shouldn’t have done this or that.' That’s right you should think that way. You should think that... 'I shouldn’t have done that,' because then you're learning. When you learn, you will then put that into practice. Because God doesn’t have you learn things so you can’t put them into practice, He has you learn things so you CAN put them into practice. But the only way you will learn them, is if you see how stupid it was, and you say if I had it to do over, I wouldn’t have done that. So YOU HAD TO DO THEM! Because that lead to a lot of trouble and pain and sorrow But did you learn your lesson? 'Well yea.' Then don’t do it again okay, now their back on track.
But the whole human race does not comprehend that they do not have free-will. They have a will based on everything that everything makes them do. That’s their 'free' will. When you think about this you can go crazy, because the whole thing is bizarre.
You think if this is what God wanted and He is eternal, why didn’t He do it a zillion years ago? So this plays right into the hands of what I am talking about, but not completely, because we have this thing of eternity, which has no beginning. I mean if anything exists, something has to eternally exist. That’s just it, at least as we understand the law of physics and so on. If you have nothing, you cannot from nothing have something. Something eternally must exist, because WE exist.
This (knocks on table) is here... I’m here... you’re here and we know we’re here and we know we did not eternally exist. Because you have a birthday, same day every year, so you’re here and can’t deny it. So we know we weren’t always here and as we study history and people study paleontology, anthology and all the other -ologys, nothing eternally existed. Then you get into quantum mechanics, astrology, astronomy and astrophysics and all those things. We find that nothing in it’s present state, always existed.
So then we see all these galaxies out there and they are moving, and they're moving outward. Well if they are moving out, they must have been at one time 'in,' makes sense, right? If they were 'in' this far back in history, then further back they must have been further in too. So if you keep backing up, just sheer logic would tell you that it all came together at one point.
But now you got another quandary though. Since it comes together, so it was together at one time. Is that how it started out?
The reason it came together, is because gravity drew it together. But it couldn’t have always been that way, because then gravity couldn’t have drawn it in, because it was never out. Oh well, maybe it was out and it drew it in, then it exploded out and then drew in. So what? It’s the same thing.
Modern man doesn’t go back 50,00 years on this earth, of course not. So if you have the pulsating universe you solve the problem. So you got to go back to the first pulse Where did that first matter come from? That first pulse? Your mind goes crazy. You say well it’s just there and it got so tight, it just explodes. But wait a minute, how did it get tight?
Maybe it never came in, it only goes out. Because if it comes in and goes out that’s a two process thing, and we want to look for the original process. So if it didn’t come in first to go out, then it only went out. So if it went out first, out from where? It was gravity that was drawing it in. Your mind can’t handle it! There is nowhere to go with that!?
Where did the blob that drew itself in and then exploded into the expanding universe, where did it come from? If it eternally existed, how could it eternally exist in a state that would allow for that? It’s drawn in so tight it’s going to explode, so how can it eternally exist in a state that won’t tolerate that? You see what I’m saying? Well then where did it get that way? You see what I’m saying? Where did it get that way? You think well it was that way eternally. But it couldn’t have been eternally that way. Because it can’t function in that form, it would blow up. Well where did it come from? How did it blow up? Your brain can’t take this any further!
Space is endless and you keep going and going. It just can’t be. Do you come to a wall? Well what’s on the other side of the wall? Nothing? That’s what space is?
So I say the whole thing is bizarre. And I say that in love and hopefully with a little wisdom. This whole creation is bizarre. God is doing like He said in Isaiah 28:21 “a strange work.”
I want to be honest with what I know and what I learn. But I don’t know where to find it. I read all these books and all this stuff and most of it is garbage, if you want to find answers. Now you can learn knowledge, but you won’t get any answers.
The religious people hate the scientist and the scientist despise religion. Yet a creation demands a creator and it demands a beginning. But how can you have a beginning, if there is not a starting point? Yet the scientist are forced to believe that it had a creation. It had to start, but from where? From out here or in here or where did it start? If it started there, how long was it there? You say, well it had to be eternal. Well it can’t stay in that state, eternally, that’s why it blew up and moved out.
Now do you know what they discovered about this? Well here’s the theories about what’s going to happen to the universe.
1) Some say it will expand indefinitely, just keeps on going forever.
2) Then some say it will just expand until everything is just so far away from everything that the gravitational pull is like nonexistent and it will just stagnant out there.
3) But still others say it will slow down and slow down, stagnate, come to a stop, and eventually, even though the gravitational pull is very very slow, it will very slowly start to bring it back. But of course as it comes back further and further and the bodies get closer and closer and gravity gets stronger and stronger, the bodies will move faster and faster and it will come crashing back in again and then explodes again!?
But they have discovered something recently. I don’t know how they discovered it, they do this through the doppler effect and all that stuff.
4) But now the theory is, if it started in an explosion because it appears that everything is moving out. It’s moving out at millions of miles an hour, very fast. But if it started with an explosion and it is moving out, the initial thrust would send it out at a certain speed, right? Then logic would tell you it would have to slow down. Guess what they found out? That it is speeding up!? Where all the mass is centered some place, rather than pulling it back, it is pushing it out faster and faster. How do you square that with anything we know in physics?
[comment: gravity has never been fully explained...]
Not fully explained... fully? I just read this someplace, this one scientist said there is not two astrophysicists in the world that can even begin to give us a logical explanation about how a child’s magnet works. You say, 'they have not fully explained it.' They have no clue about gravity, not a clue.
[comment: the sun keeps the earth in the gravitational orbit, it’s a balance so the planets won’t go flying off into space.]
Yes, but not completely. All of the planet bodies are needful of it, but if you pull Saturn out or if you pull out Mercury, eventually we’re going to die. They all balance this elliptical orbit and the speed and everything So if you pull any one of the planets (well maybe not Pluto-laughter), but if you pull out Jupiter or Saturn or Neptune and you pull them out of the solar system, we will die.
[comment: what would happen first, say if you pulled the sun out? Would it get dark first, what would happen first the gravitational pull or the lose of life?]
Well either way, we’re gone.
[comment: If the sun was pulled out, how soon would the gravitational pull take us out into the universe?]
The gravitational pull to the outside is very slight. A scientist said in relation to astrology, as they say you are born under a certain star, it has to do with the gravitational pull on something. Well he said there is a thousand times more gravity exerted on the new born child by the physical body of the doctor, then the whole outer space combined. It was the doctor’s physical mass holding the baby, that exerts a thousand times more gravitational pull on the baby, which is almost infinitesimally nothing. But still it is a thousand times more than the sun or any other body. It’s very very little.
Now you get the big orbit of the earth. You have that because there is no friction in space, strictly centrifugal force keeping it out there. Speed will keep it out there, but then you got this crazy orbit thing. If you had round orbits it would make sense, but you have an elliptical orbit.
So if it flies by the sun and goes all the way out here and makes the swing and come back, why doesn’t it come back and crash into the sun? Well it’s far enough out and the speed that it by-passes it, without that happening. But it needs all the other planets to do their thing. They’re all orbiting and doing their thing to the fraction of a thousandth of a second, it is perfect timing.
The earth is so finitely balanced with a thousand other things, if you move any one of them, we’re all dead!
[comment: Just like God made it.]
Just like God made it.