Dear Ray,
It has been a few weeks since I wrote to you last. I very much appreciate your insights. I studying the bible recently, I discovered a passage which seems confusing and I was again hoping that perhaps you could shed some light on this for me. Thank you in advance for your assistance.
After the ressurection of Christ, HE appears to his apostles and tells them to basically continue HIS message throughout the world. HE tell them "if you forgive mens sins, they are forgiven, if you hold them bound, they are bound."
My question here centers around this quote. I thought forgiveness of sins is why Jesus died. If we are all saved after HIS death, why do the apostles need the power to forgive sins? Jesus already did this through HIS death. I don't understand this passage in light of your theory that everyone is already saved.
Dear William: I have never ever say that "everyone is already saved," but I have said many many times "NO ONE is already saved." No one is actually and literally saved until the Spiritual resurrection of the Elect of God (I Cor. 15:-42-54). God counts things that ARE NOT as thought they WERE (Rom. 4:17). And so, although not all individuals have as yet been forgiven of their sins, in God's mind the end of His plan to save all is already a fact. Jesus plainly says that if we do not forgive others of their sins, NEVER WILL GOD FORGIVE US (Matt. 6:14-15). But God knows that eventually (in the resurrection to Judgment), all will forgive others their sins and therefore God will also forgive them. Hope this helps your understanding.
God be with you,