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Author Topic: Jesus, God?  (Read 6949 times)

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Jesus, God?
« on: May 31, 2007, 10:27:28 PM »

        There seems to be enlightenment with the nature of God doctrine.  15 years ago Dr Stavarnedees open up the can of worms that signaled the end of the Armstrong era. Those who read or liston to the bable could only come out more confused. But what was interesting is those who took a honest look with an open mind could no longer by into the Jehovah Wittness ,Armstrong, Arian, view that Jesus was the God of the old testament. Stop this should of sent a warring to our brains right there but our "Armstrong knows"  paradyme made us pass over scripture and common sense. God is the God of the old testament and the new. God doesn't change. The old testament is a dialoge from the father to his creation and his desire for them to worship and obey him and him alone. Is. 45:5 Is 44:24 these are explicit statements confirmed by Jesus that his father created us in Mark 10:6. There are so many more. There 15000 pronouns alone in the old t estament. When we let God be the father and Jesus be the son of God raised up for his purpose like all of the called out ones the new testament finally makes sense. Now read Rev. 21:3 Does this make sense now? If the father will be our God and we will be his people! Jesus is not God, never has been, never will be, what a relief.
             Ray we could go into all the so called difficult scriptures, which I would be happy to discuss, but just wanted to get your take on this to see where your at.
                                                                        Thanks Mark

        Dear Mark:
        Two weeks ago I conducted a Bible Conference in Nashville in which I spent a good deal of time discussing just Who and What Jesus Christ is. Jesus in indeed the "God" of the Old Testament. What you and most of Christendom do not understand, is that "God" is neither the first name nor the last name of His Father. Thomas called Jesus "MY GOD" (John 20:28). Jesus emphatically declared that no man at any time has ever seen or HEAR THE VOICE of God His Father (John 1:18; 5:37; Matt. 11:27; John 6:46; Luke 10:22, etc., etc.)
        That lecture can be heard on our Forum found at the bottom of our home page. Also 20 pages of my notes are available on the Forum. Study that material thoroughly before answering back.
        God be with you,

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