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Author Topic: the bible is *@#$!  (Read 4927 times)

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the bible is *@#$!
« on: June 01, 2007, 04:05:53 PM »

oh hi, I thought that subject title would get your attention! ;D

Here's the story that goes along with it.

My husband is not normally interested in spiritual things.  He believes there is a God, and even that He has a son named Jesus, and He acknowledges that God is working in our lives, but that's literally it.  The only reason he ever went to church was because of me.  And I think he was secretly overjoyed when I stopped going.  He never reads the bible and rarely sparks a conversation about anything to do with God.  He does see however, how much I study the scriptures and he respects how important God is to me.  I've occasionally mentioned (over the last couple of years) that I've been learning some new and exciting things in the scriptures.  But it's been a few months now since we've spoken anymore on it.

Then last night, he starts asking me questions.  I've typed out my own notes of things that I've learned and the things that are important to me in my journey right now which he knows about.  I've been doing that since last summer.  Well last night he asked if he could read them!  He wants to read them in the morning when he has his quiet time (he's an early riser).  I'm just praising God!  It's so cool to finally see him interested!  And it's just another example of it not having anything whatsoever to do with me, because I don't bring things up unless he asks.  I've been waiting patiently for God to lead him, if it be in His will.  I know this is of God, because it came out of nowhere!!

But that's not where the story ends.

Later two of my husbands friends show up.  Good guys, I like them.  We were visiting for a while and then all of a sudden, literally out of the blue, one of them blurts out  "I think the bible is crap!"  The rest of us looked at each other in astonishment, thinking, "where did that come from?"  Methinks the enemy was at hand.  My husband jokingly says, "Oh boy, you're in don't know what you just got yourself into!"

So it comes out that I believe in the bible.  I was then able to ask some questions of our friend to see where he was coming from.  It seems he was in  a Christian rehab center, and he didn't appreciate the way they "shoved the bible down his throat".  They apparently "forced" them to read the bible everyday.  He then admits he enjoyed the "stories" of the Old testament, but the New testament was a load of hogwash...and mainly the whole thing was about a lot of do's and don't.  So I started understanding why he felt the way he did.  I was able to offer him my perspective but I didn't go into detail about anything.  I sense there will come another time.  Baby steps. 

The subject was dropped and the visit went on for a while longer, and then as they were leaving he blurts out again out of nowhere, "My favorite verse is Phillipians 4:13".  And they left. 

I'm thinking, okay this guys thinks the bible is crap but he has a favorite verse ???  And it's in the New Testament, the very part of the bible he thought was hogwash ???  The spirit of God is moving on this man!!  And my husband was witness to it!

Our God is so awesome.  I love the way He plays things out, always in a manner we least expect it. 

That was a supernatural event if I ever saw one!

« Last Edit: June 01, 2007, 04:13:47 PM by skydreamers »


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Re: the bible is *@#$!
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2007, 04:41:47 PM »

Hi Diana,

It certainly sounds like God is working His mysterious ways in your life.  Your husbands friend might have been just as surprised as the rest of you when he heard himself say "the Bible is crap"!  I wish I could have seen his face and yours!! ;D

How wonderful that your husband is showing an interest in what you believe.  I will pray that your notes will open up some very interesting and productive  conversations between you and your husband.  And how wise of you to exercise the fruit of the Spirit, patience, instead of trying to push your knowledge on him.  It apparently has given him a curiousity and a more open spirit.

Your idea of typing up notes of what you have been learning has inspired me.  I have taken lots and lots of notes, but they are not in any particular order and would certainly be hard for anyone to follow.  So I'm going to try to be more orderly - just in case anyone ever wants to see my notes (That seems like an impossible scenario to me - I mean that anyone in my family would be interested - but truly nothing is impossible for Him!)

Even if noone else ever looks at them it would be helpful to me to get my thinking in some kind of order!

God be with you and your family,



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Re: the bible is *@#$!
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2007, 06:31:04 PM »

Good comments gals!!

Is something afoot??  Pera said his wife is getting interested.  Maybe there is more out there.  Don't be shy to let us all know.

Diana I had chills reading your post.  Oh the Lord is good and His ways glorious!!


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Re: the bible is *@#$!
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2007, 12:18:02 AM »

Hi ladies! 

I have been so busy that I have not been able to do all of the reading and fellowshipping with everyone lately.  I have really missed everyone alot too!

I am so thrilled that these events transpired!!  Congrats on your DH.  That is what its' all about, letting the SPIRIT move on others,  right?  (I can't wait until the same thing happens in my life and with those whom I love!) :D  You all inspired me to do the same thing and get all of my notes in an orderly fashion.  I have a couple different awesome outlines given to me by others', but, I must put it in topical order and put my personal notes with it so that I can share them with others of exactly what it is that Susan believes and why.   No easy task for sure, but, not impossible; and very muchly needed.

God ius os good.


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Re: the bible is *@#$!
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2007, 01:12:38 AM »

GOD is a wonderful God, and it never stops amazing me how He is able to work. I loved your testimony of that event.


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Re: the bible is *@#$!
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2007, 01:52:10 AM »

Hi Susan!!! :D So glad to hear from you! I was a wondering and a missin you!!!!


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Re: the bible is *@#$!
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2007, 02:29:28 AM »

Thank you Gena.  You know the deal...planning the summer schedule as well as trying to plan for next years' schooling.  (Ugh :-\)...somehow I got HORNSWAGLED into being a den leader for the cub scouts; an assistant in Daniels' Physics classes as well as well as an assistant in robotics classes this summer...I will be taking classes myself this summer, then there's the normal swimming lessons, Karate and the basics. 


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Re: the bible is *@#$!
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2007, 11:35:42 AM »


Thank you for sharing the joy of witnessing the Power of His Spirit and Wisdom touching others and opening their hearts to new desires to understand and know his Word ! What a sweet gift of intimacy with Him He has given to you to experience first hand! What a delight!

Susan...good to see you on board again. I too noticed the absence!

Peace to you

Arcturus :)


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Re: the bible is *@#$!
« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2007, 01:25:43 PM »

skydreamers, I am slowly realizing, the bible does not need a defense attorney!

grace and peace,


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Re: the bible is *@#$!
« Reply #9 on: June 02, 2007, 03:48:02 PM »

Hi Guys...thanks for all the responses....yes indeed, God works in mysterious's bizarre!  as Ray would say ;) :D

Susan, good to see you again...boy you've got a lot on your go girl!!  By the way, I've been meaning to ask you, where is Anne?  I haven't seen her post in ages...have you any news?  Hope she is doing well.

I am slowly realizing, the bible does not need a defense attorney!

Love it gtz!!  Amen!

To all who are thinking of compiling their own notes, I highly recommend it!  There is so much to know, for sure, but keeping together the main points that have been important to you and then writing it down with your own thoughts, helps to formulate how you would explain what you've learned in your own unique ways.  Everybody's story is surprising similar but also beautifully different.  I found that writing it down (or typing it out) helps keep things straight in my mind, and helps me memorize scripture which pertains to what I believe.

When the time comes and God gives opportunity to share, you'll be ready.  Especially for those who are really close to you, they may likely appreciate your personal take on it and then of course you can point them to Ray's material for further detail and clarification.  My notes don't cover everything I've learned from word, that would be overwhelming!!  I've just cover things that moved MY heart to begin accept God's truths.

I'm thrilled that God is stirring something up in my husband, and given him an interest to read my notes.  I often wonder how God is going to work it out for him.  As I mentioned, he has not been "indoctrinated" into any church, and is a non-conformist himself by this may be an advantage....yet we all know you have to be in Babylon to be called out of we shall see!

I'll keep you posted...

thanks for the support and encouragement

Peace and luv to you all,


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Re: the bible is *@#$!
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2007, 11:04:05 PM »

If the subject comes up again with your husband's friend I suggest bring up 1 Peter 5:10 as it is similar. It also may lead to other questions.

1 Peter 5:10 (King James Version)

 10But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.
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