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Author Topic: Free Will  (Read 6585 times)

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Free Will
« on: June 09, 2007, 08:48:01 PM »

> Ray,
> I find your ability to make sense of the Bible simply amazing. I hear
> many say "The Bible is full of contradictions", but they never show a
> list. You showed a list, and then obliterated it just as easily. I
> saw your adamant position against the doctryn of eternal torment, so
> I checked the grand ol' wikipedia for verses referencing Hell...
> after searching most of them in multiple translations, I have to say
> it'd take something crazy to prove that this "Join us or suffer!"
> theology actually exists somewhere in the Bible, most certainly with
> the huge blaring signs it would need to be important!
> I've often considered playing "Devil's advocate", so to speak and try
> to find problems with your papers just to see if any minor things are
> wrong. Bu t such things are few and far between. I did think of a
> vague and weak point that I might bring up though, though I should
> reread a lot of the Lake of Fire series before making huge
> statements...
> You talk about the sins that get people "their part in the lake which
> burneth with fire", and mention that the Apostles had committed some
> such sins (I must admit it's hard for me to trust a person like Peter
> since most of what I've read concerning him was in the Gospels,
> before he turns to righteousness...). But if I'm not mistaken, the
> judgment with the lake of fire refers to the second death, and it is
> stated that those in the first resurrection are protected from the
> second death ("On these the second death hath no power").
> I'm not wise enough or patient enough to try to figure out what all
> of what I pointed out means for your statements... though it seems
> like something that I don't recall being brought up in the Lake of
> Fire discussions.
&g t; On a more general note, I find your writing to be easy to
> misinterpret if one doesn't catch on quickly. I had an outlook
> on "free will" before reading your writings that is basically the
> same as what you (and the scriptures, it would seem) endorse. While
> I'm not very good at explaining it in a way that can be understood
> (which usually fragments any attempts of mine at explaining what I
> believe), you have a very strong and straight forward explanation of
> what you have found in the truth... but when I read your explanations
> of it, and your responses to inquizitors, I can tell that many,
> especially those to whom you respond, won't comprehend it... not
> because it's an impossible concept... I'm not really sure why. I'm
> sure that at some point I could find the time to look over some of
> these responses and try to find ways they could be clearer... but
> you've got a lot mo re experience than me, so I won't do so unless you
> ask.
> In closing, thanks for being a voice of reason among the shadows, and
> helping lazy people trapped in the flesh like me to understand the
> word of God as truth.

Dear Mr. Jones:

The sins that people commit who are thrown into God's spiritual lake of fire are no different
than the sins that are common to all humanity--lust, lying, idolatry.  And yes, the apostles
were also guilty of these same sins in their lives and we are in ours. And we too, just as the
apostles have to also go through God spiritual fire (I Cor. 3:15).  Our fire may not be called
the "lake" of fire, but it is the same "consuming fire of God" (Heb. 12:29).

If you can explain "free will" better than I, you are welcome to try.

God be with you,

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