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Author Topic: Paradise  (Read 8128 times)

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« on: June 14, 2007, 07:42:53 PM »

> a past e-mail a woman commented on Jesus going to Paradise after
> his death on the cross, you commented that nowhere does the Bible state
> Jesus was ever in Paradise... Luke 23:43 ..."Assuredly I
> say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise." Either Jesus was in
> Paradise that day or you are stating that Jesus was a liar.
> Amber O'Brien

Dear Amber:

    That's pretty strong language to accuse me of making Christ a LIAR, Amber.
    You are assuming numerous things that are not necessarily Biblical at all.
    What is "paradise?"  Where is it?  Are you sure? Do you have Scriptural proof?
    Jesus "DIED" for our sins according to the Scriptures (I Cor. 15:3). And after
    Jesus DIED, He was DEAD (a Scriptural and scientific truth denied by most
    of Christendom).  God the Father raised Jesus 'FROM THE DEAD' (Gal. 1:1),
    which is proof that Jesus WAS DEAD!  And if He was DEAD in the tomb,
    He was not LIVING at some other location called "paradise." Do I also make
    the Scriptures LIE when I present these Scriptural truths?  If as you suggest,
    Jesus was LIVING IN PARADISE on the very day that the Scriptures say Jesus
    would be DEAD IN A TOMB, then there is a contradiction, is there not?
    There was no punctuation in the original manuscripts from which our modern
    language bibles have been translated. Not that punctuation did not exist in
    the SPOKEN language, but it was not put into the written language. Hence,
    the very placement of a simple coma (,) can totally change the meaning of
    statement:  Even in speaking, we can place comas and change emphasis.
    Example:  "What's that up in the road ahead?" Versus:  "What's that up in
    the road, a head?"
    Here is this same verse from a few other translations:
    "Verily, to you am I saying today,  with Me SHALL YOU BE [at a future time] in paradise"
    (Concordant Literal New Testament).
    "And he said unto him—Verily, I say unto thee this day: With me, shalt thou be in Paradise"
    (Rotherham's Emphasized Bible).
    God be with you,
    PS   One day I will write a paper on all the Christian nonsense about Jesus taking a trip
    to an alfter-life holding pen, where He supposedly preached the gospel to "spirits in prison,"
    when He was supposed to be dead in the tomb, paying for the sins of the world, but not today.

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