Greetings RAY,
I have been reading deeply into your writings,
and I am learning much and willing to change
when I see things that I have been erring in.
In my writing of the Water Spirit Blood
You corrected me on the first part, but I never
got your over all opinion of the rest of it.
I do see, how I was leading into that if one
didnt have this correct faith they still had their sins in their hearts and would be lost....
Now I UNDERSTAND that God will save ALL !!
But couldnt it just be possible that
if all these so called christians didnt have the right faith (WSB) of the transfer of sins by John---
that that would seperate the majority from the
"few are chosen"
I feel that the baptism of Jesus by John
was forshadowed by the sacrificial system
and the examples I give as you read through my writing all uplift what the Lord had showed me after much praying......
Please, as busy as you are doing these good things for the Lords work....
I need your opinion on what I have written
for I am willing to change and adjust to any
errors you can enlighten me with.
If one is wrong that wants to do Gods will
that one is willing to look and admit so....
I respect your knowledge and thats why I am so interested in you actually reading this.
Bless you for the work you do, and if there is anything you have written that isnt posted, I would like to read it.....
God is a Spirit and we must worship him in Spirit
He is the Father of Lights and if we want to correctly worship him- WE MUST "GLOW" !!
As Ever in Christ
and learning...
William Wilbur
Dear Wilbur: I really have a major problem with reading and critiquing other's material. It causes three times as much work for me as if I were to just answer your questions or just write an article on the subject myself.
Imagine a college professor giving a final example in his class by asking his students to write a paper on "What they though were the most important things learned during the year?" The professor would have to [1] read all their papers, [2] correct any and all mistakes or wrong opinions, [3] write out the correct understanding of their wrong opinions, and then [4] write his own paper on what he thought were the really important lessons of the subject. That's an awful lot of extra work that is not necessary.
I have been asked to read and critique hundreds and hundreds of web sites, books, articles, DVDs, cassettes, etc. It is not possible. Plus I receive tens of thousands of emails. The other thing is, I have never read a paper or site that I agreed with in the whole. Some of your points may well be sound and certainly well-intentioned, but I just hate putting my approval on things that I do not fully agree with.
I will make just a few COMMENTS to show you what I mean. I certainly cannot critique your whole 35 pages of material, statement by statement.
John 3:5
Jesus answered, Verily, Verily, I say unto thee,
Except a man be born of Water and of the Spirit,
he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.
1John 5:7,8
For there are three that bear record in heaven,
the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost:
and these three are one.
COMMENT: There is NO SUCH SCRIPTURE. This phrase was added to I John 5 from a side marginal note, and does not appear in ANY ancient manuscript! See my paper on "Exposing the Trinity" for more proof on this erroneous verse.
And there are three that bear witness in earth,
the Spirit, the Water, and the Blood:
and these three agree in one.
In the Old Testament the Day of Atonement
revealed the future Salvation through Jesus Christ.
COMMENT: Actually it did NOT "reveal" the future at all. Only in retrospect can we see that the Old Testament Sacrifices were a "TYPE" of Jesus the True Lamb of God. Ancient Israel did not look forward to a future fulfillment of their sacrifices that would bring them immortality and eonian life in the Kingdom of God. They knew ONLY of the blessings or cursings IN THE LAND.
Once a year, the High Priest (Aaron) would lay his hands
on the head of a living goat called the "scapegoat."
This act, was to pass all the sins of Israel
for that year, onto this sacrifice.
The sacrifice (death) of this scapegoat
would have been meaningless...
if the sins were not passed onto it first.
COMMENT: The "scapegoat" was NOT SACRIFICED AT ALL. The SIN OFFERING GOAT was sacrificed and the blood sprinkled in the Holy Place, etc., but the "scapegoat" was let loose in the wilderness and not sacrificed at all.
In the same respect…
The sacrifice (death) of Jesus on the cross,
would have been meaningless...
if all the sins of the world were not passed onto him first.
COMMENT: "Passed onto Him" is a very nebulous and unscriptural phrase. Just HOW were the sins of the world "passed onto" Him?
John the Baptist,
through his father Zacharias and his mother Elisabeth,
was a descendant of Aaron the High Priest;
John who was the last Earthly Priest to represent all mankind.
met with Jesus, the Heavenly Priest at the Jordan River.
COMMENT: Well certainly he was not the "last earthy priest," but what you mean by "to represent all mankind," I am not sure.
Matt 3:13-15
Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John,
to be Baptized of him. But John forbade him, saying,
I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me?
And Jesus answering said unto him,
Suffer it to be so now:
for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness.
Then he suffered him.
(for thus means… Baptism by the laying on of hands
is the most appropriate, just, and fitting manner
to "pass on" the sins of the world)
COMMENT: That is a complete and unscriptural assumption and speculation. John may have laid hands upon Jesus when he baptized Him, but to suggest that by doing do John "passed on the sins of the world" to Jesus is certainly not stated in the Scriptures.
And as in the Old Testaments' "shadow of things to come"
John the High Priest passed all the sins of the world
onto Jesus (the sacrifice) at this water baptism.
COMMENT: Where is your Scripture for such a statement? It was after the last Passover in the Garden that Jesus felt the weight of having to become in a few hours, the True Passover Lamb and to die for the sins of the world. This was not placed upon Him at His baptism.
Yes, the animal sacrifices of the old testament
forshadowed what Jesus would come and do.
Jesus is the sacrificial Lamb of God,
who would take on all the sins of the world...
and then proceeded to the cross
to pay for them with his life blood.
It makes perfect sense for Jesus to tell John
that it was necessary for him to baptize him...
for he couldnt proceed to the cross without the sins.
COMMENT: But Jesus did not proceed to the cross after his baptism. It was the very START of His ministry.
If the Priest in the old testament
didnt put the sins on the head of the sacrifice first,
the sacrifice was not acceptable to God,
and its death would have been meaningless.
COMMENT: Yes, and this took place at the time of the sacrifice, not YEARS EARLIER.
if John didnt put the sins on the head of Jesus first,
the sacrifice would also not be acceptable to God,
and his death would have been meaningless.
COMMENT: But John the Baptist did NOT put the sins of the world on the head of Jesus. We are plainly told Who did this: "The LORD HAS LAID ON HIM THE INIQUITY OF US ALL"--Not John the Baptist.
I am not saying that you don't make some truthful points in your paper, but I really do not have the time to go through all 35 pages one statement at a time. I hope you understand.
God be with you, Ray