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Author Topic: Free Will  (Read 6933 times)

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Free Will
« on: July 12, 2007, 12:15:51 PM »

Dear Mr. Smith,

I came upon your site some time ago because I was a little concerned about the form that thiting has taken in churches today!
I must say that I was not surprised how many people was struggling with this.

Yesterday I read nr. 10 of the "Lake of fire" series you wrote, therein you state that there is not such thing as "free will" for men.

You have some interesting points but I still disagree with your statement about free will sinning because if men cannot do nothing about his sinning, then why did Jesus say in John 5:14 and John 8:11 "sin no more, lest a worse" "go and sin no more" etc. (NKJV)
It would be unrealistic for Jesus to say that to these people if they had no control over their choices..

I hope my mail is not to long, and I would like to hear your opinion about this.

God bless,


Dear Angelo:  Unfortunately it takes years after coming out of orthodox Christianity before one can begin to use their mind again.  Claiming that thoughts, words, and deeds come from NOWHERE is as absurd as those who claim God created the physical universe out of NOTHING. (See: Heb. 11:2 & Rom. 1:20).
OF COURSE God asks mankind to do things that he is incapable of doing. Do you really really believe for one second that when Jesus told the adulterous woman to "sin no more," that she lived out the rest of her life and "SINNED NO MORE?"
Listen carefully:  I have presented this question to many many "free willers" and have yet to receive an answer. Here it is:  If man has free will/free choice that is not put upon him in any way shape or form, then man has the ability to choose GOOD over evil and NEVER DO EVIL, correct?  Well.......does he have that "free will" /
"free choice" ability or doesn't he? Are there things that CAUSE men to do evil more than there are things that CAUSE him to do good?  You say no, because if there were, THEN HIS WILL AND CHOICE WOULD NOT BE FREE.  You got that right. Then why it it that:  'FOR ALL HAVE SINNED and come short of the glory of God?" (Rom. 3:23).  You might suggest that Adam's sin was PASSED ON to all men. No it wasn't. DEATH was passed on, not SIN (Rom. 5:12).  Even so, why did not Eve obey and do good?  Why did not Adam obey and do good?  Why did not Cain obey and do good?  There is no "sin" in our genes and DNA !  That is total nonsense.  So man has a free will to chose to do good, but apparently this "free will" mechanism is broken, because it is 100% ineffective in DOING GOOD.  I await your answer. Choose your words carefully, for I will take your explanation apart, word by word--trust me.
You need to read my 120 page paper on "The Myth of Free Will Exposed" in my Lake of Fire series.
God be with you,
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