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Author Topic: I have a question for you all  (Read 18201 times)

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Re: I have a question for you all
« Reply #20 on: July 14, 2007, 01:42:01 AM »

I have no problem being friendly to homosexuals, I do not think of them less than others.  But as Sorin said there are many dreadful physically consequences for that sin.

1Co 6:18  Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body.

Nobody gets away with anything, all will have to give account for there sins.

Heb 4:13  Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in His sight, but all things are naked and opened to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.

Rom 14:12  So then each of us will give an account of himself to God.

I think most all know this to be a sin, but I do not need to judge anyone of this sin, God does that.

Heb 13:4  Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.

mercy, peace, and love



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Re: I have a question for you all
« Reply #21 on: July 14, 2007, 03:22:08 AM »

This reminds me. . . . . .(why am I still awake), Oh yea,  Speaking of the health risks of two males having sex puts it in perspective with say, adultry.  Now, adultry is obviously unhealthy with all of the sexully transmitted diseases out there.  But to males having sex is far more dangerous.  It is very easy for toxic seamen to make its' way into the blood stream through this type of activity.  Therefore, this alone might make it a greater bodily sin than heterosexual promiscuity.  Of course, men often do the same thing with wommen.  Just a thought.


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Re: I have a question for you all
« Reply #22 on: July 14, 2007, 10:34:28 PM »

Could all the many diseases associated with homosexual activity be due to God's sexual creation for the human species? God intended, and created us male and female for a reason. God also wants two people to get married, and then start having sex with each other and create babies. Now, what I am trying to say is, could all these many sexually transmitted diseases be God's way of punishing those who go against His rules and intent for sexual activity, and the purpose of it? I'm sure no scientist would agree, but they still think we evolved from apes; so what do they know?

Just my thoughts,



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Re: I have a question for you all
« Reply #23 on: July 15, 2007, 02:50:16 PM »

  I should know not to speak so generally as I did when I said homosexuality was normal. An earlier poster said she thought it wasn't normal. I construe normal to mean average, typical, expected, and following a pattern. Abnormal would mean unexpected. About 4 % of the population are redheads. Because red hair is the least common color doesn't mean it is abnormal. It would be the least expected color, but you cannot say it is unexpected. Therefore it is normal. Homosexuals also are a small part of the population, but I cannot say unexpected, so that is why I said normal. I think when Jackie Lee said she didn't think it was normal that wasn't what she meant anyway. I think she was just saying it didn't sit well with her. I could have probably saved myself some trouble if I had understood that the first time I read it.

  I didn't say that most animals are homosexual. I said it was natural behavior, meaning again, expected.

  It does look to me like God created us with a different plan in mind than what was going on when He made all the creatures. He gave a model of what he wanted for us, and would punish us if we chose otherwise. I don't see where the creatures are held accountable to their actions as we are. Some animals engage in homosexual behavior when the opportunity arises, just as they engage in heterosexual behavior when the opportunity arises. God hasn't said anything to us about what he expects from them. In the OT he did say that if a man laid with a man he should be put to death. He said if a man laid with a beast, both should be put to death. He said nothing that I have found about what happens when a beast lays down with a beast. It is natural that they act like beasts to me.

  I think Diana has brought up something important here. Sin is sin is sin, but sexual immorality has the  added problem of sinning against your own body. When God gave us a model to be a man and a woman faithfully married to each other he kept us from the risk of the many dreadful diseases that come with all sexual immorality.

  Sorin, please do not feel sorry for me. I do not like my position one bit. His purpose for what I am completely escapes me. Regardless of that I will trust Him that His will, will be done.





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Re: I have a question for you all
« Reply #24 on: July 15, 2007, 06:48:10 PM »


I will *attempt* to share my opinion on this question:

Not that I am defending it, nor am I gay. But I want to know, why is homosexuality wrong (in your opinion/fact etc...). I mean other then The Bible/God's Word saying it's wrong, and an abomination etc...

What I mean is, can you give me a reason without referring to God, why homosexuality is wrong?
I can think of a few, but I'll let you guys answer first.

Can I give you any answer "...without referring to God..."?  Absolutely not!  Before God gave me the Law I didn't know what was good or bad.  So my answers have to refer to God.

"...why homosexuality is wrong?" - This is what I think now... Note, it could be changed in the future.

What is sex for period?  Sure, many would declare that it is for procreation.  That's part of it for sure, but not a big part of it.  God clearly let's us know thru Paul's letters that it would be optimal for each of us never to get married and thus have sex.

Sex is an example like everything else we experience in this age, directly or indirectly.  It is the physical way we come together and become one. 

We are to become one within a marriage.  Marriage is becoming one. And there is order to marriage, the husband is to be the head. (Yes, I know most don't.  But that doesn't change anything.)

Marriage is an example, too.  We, the church, will marry Christ Jesus.  An earthly marriage that follows God's instructions is an example and prepares us for being Christ's bride.

Now where does that leave homosexuality?  Well...  Instead of a Husband and a Wife, we have either a Husband and Husband or a Wife and a Wife.  Instead of one head we have 2 or none.  Neither work.  Neither is our example.

That's my thoughts on this in a nutshell.  There is more, but that's the basics.


On a side note...  I've heard many people in my life time speak about the evils of homosexuality.  That AIDS and other STDs are Gods punishments for this. 

While I can't provide you with scripture to back this up... I doubt this.  AIDs and STDs don't get spread by homosexual behavior any more or less than heterosexual behavior.  They get spread by not having monogamous sexual behavior, i.e. adultery and fornication.

You know... I find the focus on homosexual sin interesting.  There's not much homosexual sin when compared to heterosexual sins.  Yes, its still wrong.  Still against God's example.  But, isn't it interesting to see how much attention that is given to homosexuality and how very little is given to adultery, fornication, and lust.  By the way, considering what I said about marriage and sex being an example.  What are adultery and fornication examples of?  It comes right back to the marriage of the church to Christ Jesus again.

Example after example after example... Good and Bad examples everywhere.

Sexual sins of all kinds have to be examples...  After all, after this earthly life we will be like the Angels. They do not marry.  And so they do not....

I'll stop for now,

« Last Edit: July 15, 2007, 06:58:34 PM by Ward »


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Re: I have a question for you all
« Reply #25 on: July 15, 2007, 08:42:14 PM »

Ward, so basically what you're saying is, if you take God out of the equation, homosexuality is not wrong at all. So then, how do you convince an atheist that homosexuality is wrong? You can't, if God saying it's wrong is the only reason you have. Same with adultery, after all, it's just two "consenting adults" (which are the two words the pro-homosexual crowd uses the most).

Also, have you not read what I posted about the many diseases that are due to homosexual activity? You can not tell me from those studies that homosexual activity is safe.

« Last Edit: July 16, 2007, 12:06:40 AM by Sorin »


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Re: I have a question for you all
« Reply #26 on: July 16, 2007, 01:13:53 AM »

I'll do my best to respond...

Ward, so basically what you're saying is, if you take God out of the equation, homosexuality is not wrong at all.

I'm sorry if that's what it sounded like.  What I meant was that it was only because God has shown me that it is wrong that I knew it was wrong.  Without God's reason, I have no reason.  Maybe I would've had a reason that I thought was my own, but the first I can remember ever hearing about homosexuality was what I read in the scriptures.  I'm sure I had to get a dictionary out to find out what the word even meant.

So then, how do you convince an atheist that homosexuality is wrong? You can't, if God saying it's wrong is the only reason you have. Same with adultery, after all, it's just two "consenting adults" (which are the two words the pro-homosexual crowd uses the most).

You are absolutely right on this...  I don't.  I can't.  I can't do anything. Only God can. They will accept and believe only when God shows/teaches/drags them to it.  i.e. Without God doing that to me, I would be right at home with the atheist you mentioned.  Probably the Gay folks, too.

I have tried to speak to Gay people I know about this subject.  I expected an angry response.  Didn't get it though.  But I didn't just talk about homosexual sin.  I talked about sexual sin, too.  That made a big difference.  The people that I have spoken to noticed the hypocrisy they hear regarding the two.  I ended up talking to them about the freewill, too.  I've been very surprised at their responses.  A few have really *seemed* to get it.  Maybe, I'm fooling myself on that. 

Also, have you not read what I posted about the many diseases that are due to homosexual activity? You can not tell me from those studies that homosexual activity is safe.

I would say that it is not the fact that the activities are between people of the same sex that causes these deceases in the homosexual community.  Its caused by their having multiple short-term partners.  I believe that many homosexuals have had many short-term relationships because that's all they believed they could have.  They couldn't have a relationship that is public and long-term, because they risked problems in public.  Things may be a little different now... But many of them risk their lives every day dealing with the public.  (I can relate a little bit.  Now I had many girlfriends in high school, but I was hit on by many gay men and accused of being gay by some of the straights.  I was afraid and confused.  Why do these gay men pick me?  And what makes some straight guys think I might be gay even when they know about my girlfriends.  And we've all heard what can happen to guys they think are gay when they are caught alone...)

Consider two men or two women...  If they come together and they treat their relationship the way that heterosexual couples *should*.  Meaning that they are only with each other, how does the parasitic disease get into the picture?  Somebody's got to bring it into the relationship.  As for the actual gay sexual activities causing problems...  (Well... I decided not to leave this part of my message in. I don't want to offend any users by speaking about those types of activities.  Not sure about the ages of the users here either...)

About the whole, being like the angels thing, which do not marry, therefore they don't.... that's the scripture that bothers me the most.
Because it doesn't make the next life appealing, in fact it makes it sound pretty awful. If I may be blunt.

Blunt. Shmunt... That one doesn't bother me in the least.  I have felt the exact same way...  How about this? When I read about the walls made of gems or gem-like material and the gates being made of pearl.  I thought...  Man...  Talk about gawdy.  How can we live in that?  Yuck!

You know Sorin... We both think that it will be awful.  What does that say about us?  Is sex that important to us?

Maybe I should stick to talking about myself...  I have thought the samething as I said...  That concerned me.  Its obviously one of my many problems.  (What's funny is that since my divorce 16 years ago, I've only been intimate with somebody once and it was adultery.  So... Let's see... I'm Celibate and I'm concerned about there being no sex after this earthly age.  Nutty, but it used to be true.)

Well... That's my response so far...  Does any of it make any sense?  I'm not trying to convince you of anything.  I just thought about your original question for a few days and decided I would try to answer.  Just in case...  I'm more than happy to talk about this in depth.  God uses you all to teach me so much.  I'm sure he'll use you to teach me even more.


Please accept my apologies if I have spoken about this subject in a way that offends anybody.  Details, I mean...  I decided a while back, that at Bible-Truths, I'd try my best to be open and honest.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2007, 01:50:13 AM by Ward »


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Re: I have a question for you all
« Reply #27 on: July 16, 2007, 12:34:36 PM »

Are homosexual acts a greater sin than heterosexual sins ?

Well homosexual acts don't lead to abortion a greater sin. The killing of the unborn. How many abortions are caused by heterosexual acts outside marriage.At least in the homosexual act - murder isn't a by product. I think heterosexual sins can be more deadly. 

 Many teenage and girls in their twenties end up getting abortions from engaging in intercourse outside of marriage. How many innocent lives are taken from homosexual acts? I have known women who have had multiple abortions from one night stands. Not that they really wanted to have the abortions but faced with the truth that the guy they thought cared for them just wanted their body but not the baby. Love had nothing to do with it. Marriage is a great creation from God.

While I believe that homosexual acts are an abomination to God using His Word for the standard of what is right and wrong. As Protagoras has said  if God doesn't exist , than man is the standard or measure of what is right and wrong. Another philosopher stated that if God doesn't exist than all things are permissable.

So to the atheist has his/her standards of right and wrong as well. So God is removed from the equation . Okay I will go on their ground then. Take their stereo and they will tell you it is wrong to steal. Then I would respond why is it wrong ? Why can't I take from you what I want ? It is not yours they will say. So what - why does it have to be mine ? Why can't I take what is not mine ? MY point here is that without God - you can't make sense out of anything.It is like Christendom- internal contradictions. If they appeal to the laws of men as a standard of right and wrong then they sink. Their feet firmly planted in mid air.  Example : the laws at one time stated that blacks were not equal with whites
( Dred Scott decision ) . Or even laws stated women were not entitled to equal rights. Were those laws right ?  If tomorrow they passed a law stating that rape was okay - would that make rape right ? Of course not. The German holocaust was wrong and evil based on God's law of thou shalt not murder. That is the justification in the International court in putting away the Nazi war criminals. The criminals were saying the U.S. hd no right in sentencing them. Germany was their country and they abided by their laws. The chief justice condemned them on the basis of God's  law which He stated were above men's laws. You see in an atheist universe there is no right or wrong. All we are are molecules in motion. An accident. No purpose , no meaning. The same process ( the big bang ) that spit at cockroaches and dirt spit out human beings.  So who is to say what is right or wrong in an atheistic universe.

I recall taking my young daughter at the time out and witnessing a Gay parade. We lived in L.A. at the time. We happened to be out and she saw men kissing each other. She was I would say about 5 or 6 years of age. She said "yuck " when seeing immoral acts and hid her eyes.  She knew that what was going on wasn't right.

I worked with and knew quite a few homosexuals. All who are dead now because of aids. The pro homosexual crowd would say that if there are two consenting adults and if they are happy what business is it of mine to say it is wrong. I then responded by asking them why does it have to be two consenting adults. Why can't  it be 3 or 4. Or why can't one person alone decide what is right or wrong.
Why does he/she have to consent with someone else. I mean if two decide to commit suicide does that make it right ?

I also did some work with "Exodus" a Christian organization helping homosexuals deal with the many emotional problems of guilt and etc. Yes deseases are rampant among the homosexual crowd but so with the heterosexual crowd.  But most practicing homosexuals  do want to come out of their sin. They face a lot of emotional problems. They want to be free from their sin. The pro homosexual crowd won't make that public though. So much for truth.

I know I am just ranting here but sin is sin. It is wrong for one to lie with someone of the same sex. But it also wrong for two unmarried heterosexuals to to have sex just the same. And like the minister Haggard who used to rant and rave against the sins of homosexuality was performing the same acts , we must not be hypocrites. Pointing at others and their sins while we are sinning ourselves.

The one thing is that one must be born from above to enter into the kingdom of God. Once one has the Spirit of God dwelling in them , God will do His work in them to transform them into Christlikeness. He is the Hope for all. He is the Savior of all men. Only in Christ will one become a new creation. Only in Christ will one come out of blindness and see the light. Our focus should be to bring the world the Good News of the Kingdom.


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Re: I have a question for you all
« Reply #28 on: July 19, 2007, 09:18:34 PM »

I know a couple of guys, well they used to be guys at one time. One is still male but the other has had the surgeries, hormones, etc. so that she is now a female. They are great people and would do anything for anybody. They are also very talented artists. They have had a committment ceremony and have remained monogamous. I don't think that sex outside of marriage is the way God wants it to be but I don't see any greater sin in their lifestyle than I do in heterosexuals sleeping around with everybody.


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Re: I have a question for you all
« Reply #29 on: July 19, 2007, 11:42:27 PM »

Mr. Snacks:
The reason stealing from someone is against against secular law is that the theif is making a victim (non consenting) of the one stolen from.  Homo sexual activities concern nobody except the homo sexuals.  So regardless of what is a sin against God, only one of these crimes would concern an outsider.

The female vagina has natural antegins which take care of harmful affects of semen.  It is also naturally lubricated to lower chances of abrasions.  Homo sexuals do not natural benefit from lubrication.  This is why homo sexual activities are dangerous.  I realize that sometimes men and woman have sex as two men do, but not exclusively.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2007, 12:34:58 AM by musicman »


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Re: I have a question for you all
« Reply #30 on: July 21, 2007, 12:55:55 AM »


I agree, there is no way to "justify" homosexuality unless of course you are an Atheist, and would sooner spit on God's law than obey it.
But otherwise, I see no way of "justifying" it. Even then, though, I simply can not agree with the Atheist that wants to "justify" homosexuality-to me it's just wrong, and that's all there is to it. In fact, homosexuality to me, seems far worse than pre-merital sex (between a male and female)and even prostitution. It's un-natural, it is an "abomination". Is adultery considered an "abomination"? No, it is simply considered sin, but "abomination" is pretty strong language. Adultery, does not "change the natural use", homosexuality does.
I'm sorry but anybody who considers homosexuality to be in the same category of sin as adultery (between a male and female) is simply kidding themselves. Homosexuality is far worse. And Scripture will attest.



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Re: I have a question for you all
« Reply #31 on: July 21, 2007, 04:54:16 PM »

Where in the bible does it say one sin is worse than another in God's eyes? I know people see things differently but God????


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Re: I have a question for you all
« Reply #32 on: July 21, 2007, 06:14:27 PM »

Where in the bible does it say one sin is worse than another in God's eyes? I know people see things differently but God????

Oh, so what Hitler did is not any worse "in God's eyes" than someone who just had pre-marital sex with his girlfriend?
Their punishment will be the same?

Well, I have a problem with that. A couple sleeping together un-wed never killed anybody. What Hitler did killed many, many, many people.
Besides, the fact that God calls homosexuality an "abomination" and never calls pre-marital sex an "abomination" shows that some sins are worse than others.

Lev 18:22   Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it [is] abomination.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2007, 06:40:49 PM by Sorin »


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Re: I have a question for you all
« Reply #33 on: July 21, 2007, 11:11:56 PM »

Of course some sins are worse than others, just as some will receive more stripes in judgement.  Jesus showed by example which sins are worse in some cases.  He sat down with certain sinners but not all.  I'm also sure that it's a lesser sin to hate someone than to actually murder them.  Same goes for lust as opposed to adultry, which I do believe is less of a sin than gay sex.


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Re: I have a question for you all
« Reply #34 on: July 22, 2007, 10:06:20 PM »

Peace to you also Rodger! I will have to give this a lot of thought.


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Re: I have a question for you all
« Reply #35 on: July 22, 2007, 10:46:13 PM »

hmm... hmm...
                                    What does," GODS in CONTROL!" actually mean??.  Well az wot Ive cum 2 believe & believe wholeheartedly!!! GOD is in CONTROL! alwayz!, alwayZ! haz & alwayz Will b, GOD has a plan 4 each & everyone of us on dis Earth in which HE is da Creator!, Yes!??. Hitler!, Osama!, Suddam, Homosexuals, gang members,nurses, doctors, Florists, Policemen, Pastors, nannies etc.. etc.. AlL GODS Plans aint they??, I dont no sumtimes on wot I read in here I get Amazed! @ how pple change in their thorts 2wards GOD & HIS Soverienty!, but it all cumz back 2 GODS plan 2 each, so I jus got 2 xsept dis is how GOD has dem 2 think coz its HIS plan 4 dem, it is all mind boggling!I must admit BUT!! I jus Pray GODs plan 4 me is 2 keep strong!! in HIS name as I know!! HE is the Creator! HE is the Judge! HE is the Deliverer! HE is the Redeemer! HE is the Way! HE is the Truth! He is the Light! HE is the Life! HE is our Stength! HE is our Rock! HE is GOD most High! etc..  etc... GODBLESS! uZ! AlL!, I felt I had 2 post dis lol! :D :D :)


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Re: I have a question for you all
« Reply #36 on: July 22, 2007, 10:50:11 PM »

...Is adultery considered an "abomination"? No, it is simply considered sin, but "abomination" is pretty strong language. Adultery, does not "change the natural use", homosexuality does.
I'm sorry but anybody who considers homosexuality to be in the same category of sin as adultery (between a male and female) is simply kidding themselves. Homosexuality is far worse. And Scripture will attest.

... Same goes for lust as opposed to adultery, which I do believe is less of a sin than gay sex.

I'm not certain that your statements are correct. At least not based on the word "abomination."

Some Scriptures to consider.:

Will ye steal, murder, and commit adultery, and swear falsely, and burn incense unto Baal, and walk after other gods whom ye know not;
And come and stand before me in this house, which is called by my name, and say, We are delivered to do all these abominations?
(Jeremiah 7:9-10 KJV+)

And one hath committed abomination with his neighbor's wife; and another hath lewdly defiled his daughter-in-law; and another in thee hath humbled his sister, his father's daughter.
(Ezekiel 22:11 KJV+)

The LORD said moreover unto me; Son of man, wilt thou judge Aholah and Aholibah? yea, declare unto them their abominations;
That they have committed adultery, and blood is in their hands, and with their idols have they committed adultery, and have also caused their sons, whom they bore unto me, to pass for them through the fire, to devour them.
(Ezekiel 23:36-37 KJV+)

There are more than one or two "things," that are defined as abominations:

These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
A heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
(Proverbs 6:16-19 KJV+)

Thou shalt not bring the hire of a whore, or the price of a dog, into the house of the LORD thy God for any vow: for even both these are abomination unto the LORD thy God. (Deuteronomy 23:18 KJVR)

Her former husband, which sent her away, may not take her again to be his wife, after that she is defiled; for that is abomination before the LORD: and thou shalt not cause the land to sin, which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance. (Deuteronomy 24:4 KJV+)

A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight. (Proverbs 11:1 KJV+)

They that are of a froward heart are abomination to the LORD: but such as are upright in their way are his delight. (Proverbs 11:20 KJV+)

Lying lips are abomination to the LORD: but they that deal truly are his delight. (Proverbs 12:22 KJV+)

One more thing...  Not to be picky here, but both of you provided some information in your posts regarding "...the many diseases that are due to homosexual activity?"  Correct me if I am wrong, it seems that all of the information was regarding male/male activity.  What about female/female?  If you have such information it would be good to provide it, too.

I am not trying to "justify" the sin of homosexual activity.  As I said in my previous post, I accept that it is a sin, but I only came to know that it existed via the scriptures.  I'm certain that I had to look up the definition at that time. (I'm pretty sure I was in 3rd grade.)  I've already stated what my thoughts are on the reason why God calls it an abomination.  I just feel that there is a whole lot more to it than its gross or un-natural.  That's enough if that's all there is to it, but... This is God we're talking about.  His ways are higher than our ways and his thoughts are higher than our thoughts.

Based on the Scriptures that I listed (and there are more), there a more than a few sins that are listed as abominations.  I have committed at least a few with MY proud look, MY lying tongue, MY heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, MY feet that be swift in running to mischief, MY stealing, and MY committing adultery.

For me...  I try to keep my attention on My sins, whether they are listed as abominations or not. They are the weaknesses that I was given by God. As you can see there are more than enough.  I think that I will expect the same from everyone else and their weaknesses.  We are examples to one another.

Maybe some of you have a better way... But when the gay men and women I have met ask me about this subject (And Yes, they do *ask* me first...) I share the thoughts I have shared with all of you.  (Yes, its a sin!)  What I really find interesting...  As a group, they have really looked into the Scriptures for God's words on this subject.  Sure, some try to twist the Scriptures etc.  But...  (And I think this is a really really Big Deal!)  When I start to share with them what I have been given to understand about the myth of "Free Will."  They have listened so much closer than anyone else.  They seem to be trying very hard to find out why they are different.  Like I said, they've been studying the Scriptures on homosexual sin much harder than most of us have.  When God opens their eyes to see that they are broken and so is everybody else.  And that God is *really* God and, " the Saviour of all men, especially of those that believe." It really seems to make an impression.  I pray that it does...

Just some info and thoughts I wanted to share,
« Last Edit: July 22, 2007, 11:16:56 PM by Ward »


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Re: I have a question for you all
« Reply #37 on: July 22, 2007, 11:17:56 PM »

sorin   the homosexual's mind is all twisted up you don't think striaght and when you practice such things you get worst.  The idea is to put on the mind of Christ.  Right now there is this big movement in our atomphere to accept homosexuality  its confusing people, teenagers, children.  My daughter one year came home and said black people can't help being black and people should accept them just like homosexual can't help being what they are so we need to accept what they are doing.  It came from one of her honors classes at school. public.  I prayed first then got the Bible out did alittle more study and read scriptures to her, no preaching I felt the word was powerful in its self.  One thing I did notice is that its the act of homosexuality. the act. that God hates.  Its wrong, and being a mother of 6 children it was my job to say so it is wrong but don't throw rocks at these people that's wrong too. don;t hate them.  Hate the sin not the person.  It just seems its a balancing act at times  being fully convince His way is right, sure footed not that i wouldn't fall but when i do fall i will repent and my Lord is faithful and just to deliver me from my sins. and raise me up in Christ jesus not of myself but Him.  I am sure His way is right.  peggy


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Re: I have a question for you all
« Reply #38 on: July 23, 2007, 12:17:05 AM »

hmm... hmm...
                                    What does," GODS in CONTROL!" actually mean??.  Well az wot Ive cum 2 believe & believe wholeheartedly!!! GOD is in CONTROL! alwayz!, alwayZ! haz & alwayz Will b, GOD has a plan 4 each & everyone of us on dis Earth in which HE is da Creator!, Yes!??. Hitler!, Osama!, Suddam, Homosexuals, gang members,nurses, doctors, Florists, Policemen, Pastors, nannies etc.. etc.. AlL GODS Plans aint they??, I dont no sumtimes on wot I read in here I get Amazed! @ how pple change in their thorts 2wards GOD & HIS Soverienty!, but it all cumz back 2 GODS plan 2 each, so I jus got 2 xsept dis is how GOD has dem 2 think coz its HIS plan 4 dem, it is all mind boggling!I must admit BUT!! I jus Pray GODs plan 4 me is 2 keep strong!! in HIS name as I know!! HE is the Creator! HE is the Judge! HE is the Deliverer! HE is the Redeemer! HE is the Way! HE is the Truth! He is the Light! HE is the Life! HE is our Stength! HE is our Rock! HE is GOD most High! etc..  etc... GODBLESS! uZ! AlL!, I felt I had 2 post dis lol! :D :D :)


I mean no offense, but must you type like that? It is quit painful to read. In fact, it is why I don't bother to read your posts. Seriously, that is not even a language. And I believe I also speak on behalf of many others here who feel the same way but are too afraid to say anything because they don't want to offend.

Well, I'm one of those people that will speak his mind, no matter if it offends others or not. Though my intent isn't to offend, but rather
to try and get you to type properly so that I/we may be able to actually read your posts.

I hope you take this, not as an offense, but as advice,

« Last Edit: July 23, 2007, 12:28:30 AM by Sorin »


  • Guest
Re: I have a question for you all
« Reply #39 on: July 23, 2007, 01:58:27 AM »

simple answer YES!! I do,
                                U mite hav 2 learn 2 read ma Posts coz u mite learn sumfing coz U seem 2 hav alot of Doubt!, aw! well U r GODS work in progress!, Im not offended on hw U fink I write I do get offended on ur doubts U do hav, but! d@s HIS plan HE has 4 U n e way. Trust in GOD & know!!!! HE is in Control, ur time will cum 1 day brother/sister wen ur Eyes r Open, GODBlesS U!.
                                muchLOVE!! Pera

Ps. n e way dude if U dont read wot I write, wot U complaining 4?? Plus speak 4 urself not 4 others, PeaceOwt!!

« Last Edit: July 23, 2007, 02:00:30 AM by GODSown1 »
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