Hello brothers and sisters, i would like your imput on my current delima, let me inform you about it.
Okay, so i just turned 19 not too long ago and am currently attending Orange Coast college. I really don't know what i want to do with my life, i thought i wanted to major in history so to better understand all the origins of such evil doctrins as hell, and the history of the church and other religions as to be a better teacher of TRUTH as ray does by Gods mercy and grace, offcourse. However i spoke to a counsoler, and it seems that all there is in history department is for those who want to teach history itself, and i do not want to do that. I simply enjoy history and philosphy. I find it hard to believe ill be supporting any family doing something i don't like [teach history, the only thing i would want to teach is the TRUTH.]
Okay so this isn't my problem though, the thing is, i've been doing acting on the side. I had an agent long before i knew how to do anything acting wise, then i left her for a modeling agency, that died, and now i find myself back in square one with all this. The thing is i'm very artistic, i love to draw, nad i love being infront of people, i'm not shy, and i LOVE acting, its FUN. I enjoy it. many of the teachers i've had when it comes to acting, and thsoe who've seen me act tell me i'm really good at it. Offcourse i always thought i was terrible, and at times iw onder how they can say i'm good, nonetheless they insist i am.
So now i was wondering, can i persue an acting career? Can i still teach the truths of God, and be one of the elect, all the while act? I'm torn in two atm because i love both. I love bieng infront of people and makeing htem laugh, acting, and GOD. But what if i get famous? What if i start having all this money? What if i get a whole lot of women who are chasieng me through this? Does God allow His elect to be involved in acting? Does he approve of it as a career? I simply DON'T KNOW! I want to know! I want to do what i love, but whats holding me back is the uncertainty of wether God approves of it and would grant me the full knowledge of Christ regardless even if i do decide to become an actor.
I hope this makes sence, its hard for me to xplain my confusion and trouble, but i am torn apart by two things i love.
The MOST IMPORTANT THING TO ME IS OVERCOMING. The rest can go bye bye, but can i overcome, if i become an actor?
Sorry this is long, and i was thinking of asking ray for his insight, but it hink i will let you, my family, give me some insight. Lord willing.
God bless you all and thank you for takeing your time to help a little brother out.
In Christ,