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Author Topic: Be Careful  (Read 5897 times)

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Be Careful
« on: July 17, 2007, 01:47:03 PM »

hey ray i come across your website and i am intrigued to tell you to be careful what you say about god's annointed just in what little i have read you seem to be skateing on thin ice with spiritual issues, you can believe what you want, your choice but i feel you might not be following the leading of the holy spirit but a demonic spirit,the bible calls it a doctrine of demons, pick the words apart all you want that wont save you,you are in bondage of the soul ask jesus to set you free from this.......concerned

Dear Jon:

WHERE have I said anything negative about "God's anointed?"  First of all, what I do is I expose the damnable heresies of heretics, and the heresies of some who just don't know any better, and Second, you have a much broader definition of who is anointed and who is not than the Scriptures do.

God be with you,



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Re: Be Careful
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2007, 01:48:21 PM »

From: jon
well in the same respect dont question my love for the lord Jesus Christ because i dont use capital letters i would never intend to disrespect my lord he knows my heart let me ask you one question in your quest to expose these people have you gone to these people you like to expose so much and confront them like the bible teaches before doing this let me remind you of a story about noah and his sons, ham shamefully exposed and God cursed him his other two sons didnt and they were blessed have you ever give that much thought, i believe John Hagee is one of God's annointed.......hmmmmmmmmmm and just because you dont agree with there doctrine dosent give you a license to bash them publicly,Jesus died for him as well as you and what was Jesus response to peters failure i have prayed for you hmmmmmmmm mmmmmm not going out into the streets yelling heretic the devil is the accuser of the bretheren who side ar e you really on?

Dear Jon:  You miss-represent me in virtually every single statement you make. YES, I went to Hagee and Kennedy before I posted the material on our site. NO, I do not "bash" people--I expose their damnable heresy according to the command of Titus 1:9.  Don't accuse me of "cursing" anyone. You are out of line. I not only believe, but I openly teach to the whole world that God will eventually save all of the heretics that I expose. They, however, for the most part believe that I will be tortured in a God-forsaken Christian hellhole of eternal torture. Go figure.
PS   The very next email I received after yours was the one I am posting below. Would you tell me again about John Hagee's wonderful ministry and anointing!
Hi Ray,
I have just come out of Cornerstone Church with Pastor John Hagee.  I say I
have just come out, I actually quit going about 2 years ago when I had an
auto accident.  That is when I "physically" quit going, but recently have
quit going "mentally" and "spiritually" as well.  The car I was driving when
I had the accident was completely paid for and I was paid a mere $4,000 for
it.  I didn't want to buy another small car because I was hurt in this
accident and wanted something safer.  So, I bought a used SUV for $12,000
(w/ $4,000 down) which set me back into car payments.  At that time I was
unable to tithe on my already meager salary of $24,000/ year.

At Pastor Hagee's church you have to belong to a cell group if you want to
be involved in anything.  I have helped out in several of the ministries in
the past 12 years and did my best to tithe and give at every "opportunity."
I am still living in the same apartment that I moved into in 1995 when my
ex-husband abandoned us after abusing and molesting our children.  I had no
education and had been a stay-at-home mom, so we were on child support and
welfare but I still tithed.  I believed that if a man of God, and of such
authority as Pastor Hagee said we would be cursed if we didn't tithe, I
should by all means do it no matter what!!

A few months ago I was asking God to forgive me for not tithing and begging
him to please bring my three children out of darkness (two believe they are
gay, and the oldest is in a rehab right now for alcohol and drugs).  The
same prayer I've prayed when I was tithing too.......anyway, he led me to
the Internet and showed me in the Word of God that Malachi 3 is talking to
the PRIESTS not the people!!  I read it and reread it and saw that it was
there in plain sight!  I became angry!!  Really angry!!  I felt raped, lied
to, deceived, stupid, irresponsible (I gave money when my kids needed food),
this list goes on.......after I cooled off I let my cell leaders know what I
had found after much reading and research.  This couple were my teachers and
mentors and now they won't speak to me and have informed me by email that I
have cursed my children, and I am cursed, and in direct rebellion to God
(they are rich, but the man, now in his 70's has worked like a dog to earn
it).  But not only are me and my family under a curse, he said I had lost my
very SALVATION!!  Panic ran through me......I had trusted these people so
much.  He gave me two scriptures Matthew chapters 5 and 25, and as I read
and reread them, I could find no truth in what my former cell leader was

Thank you so much for your website and for taking the time and trouble to
rid us of guilt.  I have worried and felt guilty for many years and recently
heard my friend say that the reason she had a flat tire was because she
wasn't tithing.  I don't believe Jesus would ever want us to live under
guilt and condemnation.  I have watched the prosperity gospel play out and
"grow" on TBN for years and I know I am brain-washed.  Thank God for people
like you who are not afraid to speak the truth.

All this said, my pastor is still very blessed and insists it is not from
the congregation's money.  His "board" consists of his family members and
one church member.  He told us of a story when his youngest daughter was a
baby and was kidnapped that the only reason they found her in time was
because he tithed.  Another story is his oldest daughter recently had a very
deadly form of cancer and they moved her to an apartment in Houston under
the doctor's at MD Anderson and she is now completely healed.  He has been
blessed with a home in the Dominion and a ranch home, there is probably mo re
that I don't even know about.  All his children went to his private school,
and to college at ORU and St Mary' middle son is struggling to get
through UTSA and many times we don't have enough money to buy his books,
even with loans and grants.  A few years ago he decided that the
congregation was going to pay off all his debts and he started a collection
to pay of the church and other church properties in the millions....I think
$60 million to start with now down to $30 million....not sure about the
exact numbers though!

I once heard Jesse Duplantis stand in front of our congregation and tell us
that he has not sinned in a very long time.  I thought that just by waking
up in the morning we to speak.  In other words, compared to a
perfect Savior, we are sinners just saved by His Grace.  Why didn't any of
us get up and walk out.....we are in a delusion!!

Still it is very hard to believe th e lies that have come down from the honor
and gift of being a pastor!!

May God bless you richly,

San Antonio, TX
Dear Judy:  The proper rendering of Mal. 3:8 is, "With a curse YE ARE CURSING..." (Rotherham's Emphasized Bible).  "With a curse YOU CURSE ME, and ME you are defrauding, the whole nation" (Concordant Literal New Testament), Etc.  God curses NO ONE for not giving some charlatan ten percent of their gross annual salary before taxes and living expenses!  What utter and damnable heresy.  God does not expect you to drive junk cars and go with food or books for your children while others wish to live like multi-millionaires on the mites of poor spiritual widows such as yourself.  Have no fear of them. They have no shame.  Pray and obey, and God will bless you and give you peace of mind that can come only from His grace. We will pray for your needs, Judy.
God be with you,


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Re: Be Careful
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2007, 07:04:58 PM »

 From: jon
    well in the same respect dont question my love for the lord Jesus Christ because i dont use capital letters i would never intend to disrespect my lord he knows my heart let me ask you one question in your quest to expose these people have you gone to these people you like to expose so much and confront them like the bible teaches before doing this let me remind you of a story about noah and his sons, ham shamefully exposed and God cursed him his other two sons didnt and they were blessed have you ever give that much thought, i believe John Hagee is one of God's annointed.......hmmmmmmmmmm and just because you dont agree with there doctrine dosent give you a license to bash them publicly,Jesus died for him as well as you and what was Jesus response to peters failure i have prayed for you hmmmmmmmm mmmmmm not going out into the streets yelling heretic the devil is the accuser of the bretheren who side are you really on?

   Dear Jon:  You miss-represent me in virtually every single statement you make. YES, I went to Hagee and Kennedy before I posted the material on our site. NO, I do not "bash" people--I expose their damnable heresy according to the command of Titus 1:9.  Don't accuse me of "cursing" anyone. You are out of line. I not only believe, but I openly teach to the whole world that God will eventually save all of the heretics that I expose. They, however, for the most part believe that I will be tortured in a God-forsaken Christian hellhole of eternal torture. Go figure.

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