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Author Topic: The Worst Sin in History  (Read 7812 times)

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The Worst Sin in History
« on: July 21, 2007, 06:05:56 PM »

There are a few posts and threads presently that are addressed in this article, maybe not directly but the principle is there.

What is the worst sin ever committed? Who committed this sin? What is the ultimate destiny of these worst of the worst sinners? When we forgive someone does it mean that the forgiven should not be chastised or purged? Did mankind have the freedom of will not to commit this sin? Did mankind embrace this sin in his heart and execute it with enthusiasm? Did the Creator put this heinous desire in our collective hearts and minds knowing full well He would be the recipient of a most cruel and unusual death sentence? Who has not rejected the Spiritual King in favor of an earthly king? Who has not ignored Spiritual Treasure in the hope of earthly treasure? Who has not at some point cried "Give us Barabbas!" in this life?

Many times the subject has been brought up on why God would create man capable of doing harm to children or the helpless and how certain sins are so much worse than others, misplacing trust someone puts in you is grievous for sure as is repaying good with evil but is anything worse than desiring the death of the Author of life? Who put that into our hearts? He did, to prove once and for all that He was willing to be the victim, the helpless sacrifice, not helpless by circumstance but by design. He proved that no one went through any pain or suffering that He did not go through as well. He knew that a knowledge of good and evil was necessary for His creation to have full Sonship with the Father, He went through every step of this journey that anyone and everyone must go through. As Christ suffered through this, the Father suffered with Him.

Kat put a great amount of labor into transcribing the messages of the Nashville Conference, Ray makes it abundantly clear on how much love God has for us, it is an incredible thing to meditate on.,4472.0.html

Now back to the worst sin in history......


I am now going to give you a Scripture to ponder while you read the remaining installments of this paper. A Scripture that most clergymen avoid like the plague. A Scripture that even if they quote it, they will not explain it. A Scripture that debunks the heresy that a sin against an infinite God demands infinite punishment. A Scripture that should shut the mouths of all those who continually condemn me for ever suggesting that God will eventually save all sinners, even the Hitlers and Bundys of the world. A Scripture that proves God loves sinners even while they are yet sinners. A Scripture that proves one doesn’t have to prove himself "worthy" of God’s love before God gives His love. A Scripture that proves God knows in advance that He will save the very worst of sinners and indeed ALL sinners long before they ever even think of repenting.

First we have to find the world’s baddest sinners -- no, even worse than you. Check these out:

"I am innocent of the blood of this JUST PERSON" (Mat. 27:24)

"They ALL [priests & citizens] say unto him" (Ver 22) "let Him be crucified"
"WHY, what evil hath He done?" (Ver. 23) "let Him be crucified"
"Jesus answered ... The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them" (Matt. 11:4-5) "crucify Him"
"Come unto me, all ye [sinners] ... I will give you rest" (Mat. 11:28) "crucify Him"
"I [Jesus] have compassion on the multitude [of sinners]" (Mat. 15:32) "crucify Him"
"For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost" (Mat. 18:11) "crucify Him"
"And great multitudes followed Him; and He healed them" (Mat 19:2) "crucify Him"
"Suffer little come unto Me" (Mat. 19:14) "crucify Him"
"Who can be saved?...with God all things are possible" (Mat. 19:25-26) "crucify Him"
"I am the Good Shepherd..." (John 10:11) "crucify Him"
"God anointed Jesus...who went about doing good..." (Acts 10:38) "crucify Him"
"And the multitudes ...cried... ‘Hosanna to the SON’" (Mat. 21:9) "crucify Him"
"And they [same multitudes as 21:19] all say ... (27:22) "let Him be crucified"
" you all ... the entire people of Israel ... Jesus Christ ... whom" (Acts 4:10) "you crucify"
"Then answered all the people ... His blood be on US... (Mat. 27:25) "crucify Him"
"And they [everyone -- you, me, all of us," (Mat. 27:35) "CRUCIFIED HIM"

Now then, are you ready for the Scripture? Are these cruel murderers of the very Son of God evil enough to be counted the worst of the worst sinners who have ever drawn breath? Even more evil than Ted Bundy?

First, does anyone doubt that God the Father ALWAYS heard Christ’s prayers? "Father, I thank thee that Thou HAST HEARD me. And I knew that thou HEAREST ME ALWAYS..." (John 11:41-42). Okay then, here’s the Scripture:

"And when they were come to the place which is called Calvary, there they [everyone -- you, me, the WHOLE WORLD] CRUCIFIED HIM..."

But before our Saviour died, He prayed this prayer:

"FATHER ... FORGIVE THEM ... for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:33-34).

Meditate on that verse for a few hours -- or years! My prayer is that not one person reading this paper will ever forget this verse and Christ’s prayer for the forgiveness of the worlds worst of the worst sinners, before any of them even thought to repent.

Now if any of you, in your holier-than-thou self-righteousness, feel that you had no part in the death of your own Saviour, Who died for you and your sins, you will still have to contend with the fact that God honored Christ’s prayer by forgiving those who did, literally, crucify Him, before they ever repented or accepted Him as their Lord and Saviour. Do you think that just maybe our Lord knows something about the future judgment of these, as of yet unrepentant murderers, that is not taught in Christendom today?

"FORGIVE THEM, for they know not what they do." Was this just a benevolent gesture on Christ’s part that has no real meaning? Do we believe that Jesus’ God and Father turned His back on this prayer? Will God answer "THE LORD’S PRAYER?" Don’t the theological giants of Christendom have Scriptures written in figurative, metaphorical, and spiritual symbolism, that if ignorantly taught to be literal, will contradict our Lord’s prayer? If it is not possible for God to forgive sinners before they repent, then our Lord’s prayer is doomed. It was then a prayer in vain. Jesus prayed in vain. His Father never heard Him. Doesn’t it just grind on your spirit to even hear such stupid and unscriptural conjectures?

Millions of times a week people around the world repeat what they believe to be "The Lord’s Prayer" (Mat. 6:10-13). Matt. 6 is not the "Lord’s prayer." He didn’t "pray" that prayer. It was a very short outline of what we are to pray for. But this verse in Luke 23:34, really is, "The Lord’s Prayer!" Jesus really DID ... PRAY ... THIS ... PRAYER! Unlike the hypocritical Pharisees, Jesus did not make a habit of praying in public. He commanded us to pray in the private closet of our hearts. Other than blessing the bread when feeding the multitudes, Christ seldom prayed in public. But hanging in total agony on that Passover cross, He prayed in public. He prayed for the whole world to hear. And that is because His prayer was not for Himself, but for the whole world!

I will make a wager right here and now that the figurative symbols and metaphors in Revelation are obviously not to be taken literally, but that our Lord’s Prayer in Luke 23:34 IS to be taken literally. Do I have any takers?

"Forgive THEM..." There is no mistaking who the "them" are in this prayer.

World famous preacher John Hagee teaches the world that the Jews did not crucify Jesus, but rather the Romans did. Is that who the "them" is in our Lord’s Prayer? The ROMANS? Give me a break. Maybe that’s why Christians everywhere believe that had they been in Jerusalem on that fateful Passover nearly two thousands years ago, they would have never consented to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ! Peter too thought that he would never deny his Lord (Mat. 26:34).

Since Christendom refuses to do it, I will now show you the real meaning of The Lord’s Prayer.

You can read the entire article here;

His Peace and Wisdom to you,


« Last Edit: July 22, 2007, 10:50:50 AM by hillsbororiver »


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Re: The Worst Sin in History
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2007, 07:11:26 PM »

Amazing! I was reading that same article, just last night.

And meditating on this:

Who (God our Saviour) will have all men to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and one mediator – between God and men"Christ Jesus."

In His Grace, Love and Mercy

 - jER


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Re: The Worst Sin in History
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2007, 03:11:51 AM »

Thanks Joe for your post and the link.  I always see something new even when I remember reading it before!!

What popped out to me at 1:10am?????

Jesus asked God to forgive people who weren't asking for forgiveness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I THINK God answered. Ha.

Wow, that hit me.  I am gonna be thinking on that for awhile. That might be the best UR verse around.


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Re: The Worst Sin in History
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2007, 03:46:18 AM »

Hi Joe, what you have demonstrated is so simple that a child could read it and understand.

Why would Christ want us all to become childlike with a mindset the same, perhaps because the truth can be seen for what it is.

Reminds me of the child who asked: Why is the Emperor naked?   :)

As for not knowing what "we" do (Luke 23:33-34) How could we, for his ways are higher than our ways and we cannot even direct our steps.

Trust is not about hanging on, but letting go  :)

Great post and wonderful responses.

Love in Christ,


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Re: The Worst Sin in History
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2007, 10:42:15 AM »

Hello Joe

You ask....

What is the worst sin ever committed?

The murder of Jesus Christ by public execution. Who claims to be the chief amongst sinners? Paul the Apostle

Who committed this sin?

The Beast…that’s US.

What is the ultimate destiny of these worst of the worst sinners?

The Beast will be Rev 19:20 seized and overpowered, and with him the false prophet who in his presence had worked wonders and performed miracles by which he led astray those who had accepted or permitted to be placed upon them the stamp of the beast and those who paid homage and gave divine honours to his statue.  Both of them were hurled alive into the fiery lake that burns and blazes with brimstone.

Luke 21:36 Keep awake then and watch at all times, be discreet, attentive, and ready, praying that you may have the full strength and ability and be accounted worthy to ESCAPE all these things taken together THAT WILL TAKE PLACE, and to stand in the presence of the Son of Man.

When we forgive someone does it mean that the forgiven should not be chastised or purged?

Judgement comes to all. No one is exempt.

 Did mankind have the freedom of will not to commit this sin?


Did mankind embrace this sin in his heart and execute it with enthusiasm?

Worse. He volunteered.

Did the Creator put this heinous desire in our collective hearts and minds knowing full well He would be the recipient of a most cruel and unusual death sentence?

Yes He did.

Who has not rejected the Spiritual King in favor of an earthly king?

WE have all fallen short of His Glory. We have all sinned and are sinners. We have all forsaken our First Love.

Who has not ignored Spiritual Treasure in the hope of earthly treasure?

The few chosen have ignored earthly gain for spiritual treasure. Paul and the Apostles are examples.
The Apostate Church of Babylon has ignored truth, turned away from and hates the Word of God.

Who has not at some point cried "Give us Barabbas!" in this life?

We have all been deceived because Satan deceives all the world. Few remain deceived. Few are chosen.

Peace to you

Arcturus :)


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Re: The Worst Sin in History
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2007, 10:54:50 AM »

I never considered this REAL Lord's prayer in this light. How wonderful!

Thank you for this.



Sue Creamer

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Re: The Worst Sin in History
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2007, 09:28:28 AM »

Hi Joe,
You have so beautifully worded what I was trying to say back a few post.  Thank you for taking the time and effort to bring to light the beautiful mind of Christ, and his love for all mankind.  I believe forgiveness has to be intrinsic within each and every person Christ has "called" and has "chosen".  I love the talent that many of you have in this forum to speak and write so beautifully.  It is so inspiring to read the words that flow from God's people and have such deep meaning, words that are lovely and yet so powerful and are full of God's spirit and guidance.   :)
Sue Ann



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Re: The Worst Sin in History
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2007, 07:04:41 PM »

Hello jER & Gena,

I really have lost count on how many times I have read and reread these articles and it simply amazes me on how much I pick up each time around, sometimes it is so powerful I have to stop, close my eyes and simply meditate on the significance and thank God for making this available to me (and all of us).

There are times when I am reading and checking scriptures that other insights jump out that (subject wise) are unrelated to the original material, I really look forward to the time I can get to thoroughly dissect a paper with a couple of bibles at hand, E-sword at my disposal and uninterrupted hours to do it.

Hi Darren,

Why would Christ want us all to become childlike with a mindset the same, perhaps because the truth can be seen for what it is.

Reminds me of the child who asked: Why is the Emperor naked?   :)

As for not knowing what "we" do (Luke 23:33-34) How could we, for his ways are higher than our ways and we cannot even direct our steps.

Trust is not about hanging on, but letting go  :)

So true, once we realize that we are all miserable, helpless sinners, in bondage to our own personal desires whatever they might be we begin to see that we of ourselves can do nothing, once we let go of our own works (dead), righteousness (filthy rags) and are broken and humble enough to just let go and pray for Him to take over our hearts and our lives.

God is not a respector of persons, He does not look at someone and say well that guy only tells a few lies every now and then at least he isn't gay, let's 'save' him, or this dude actually killed someone but this one only stole the life savings of an old man who was at the end of his life anyway, let's work on saving the thief.

We know that God has a plan and purpose and that He uses evil to obtain a good (even perfect result), it truly requires a childlike faith to accept the fact that God created us flawed (perhaps in some different and unique areas) and He did it not randomly or by chance but to His ultimate glory.

Using human reasoning it would seem a bit strange (even bizarre) that the Lord would choose a man who hunted down and killed His followers instead of someone else, why did He not choose someone like this and show him the Light?

Mar 10:17  And when he was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeled to him, and asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?
Mar 10:18  And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God.
Mar 10:19  Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honor thy father and mother.
Mar 10:20  And he answered and said unto him, Master, all these have I observed from my youth.
Mar 10:21  Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me.
Mar 10:22  And he was sad at that saying, and went away grieved: for he had great possessions.

We know Jesus could have opened this young man's eyes just as effectively as He opened Paul's, we also know He used Paul to further His plan and to glorify the power of God. Why did He not choose the man in Mark 10? It was not because he had money and possessions, we can be sure Saul (Paul) was well compensated by the Temple Priests. I can't say I know the answer to this but I am sure we will know the reason why He chooses (and doesn't choose) certain people in the ages to come.

Arcturus once again your answers and comments are greatly appreciated and food for much thought.

Ursula and Sue Ann, thanks for the kind words, it is a beautiful (and humbling) thing when the Lord uses us to help our brethren to see something in His Word a little clearer, I thank Him every day for those who we fellowship with here and the insights He provides to us through them all.

His Peace and Wisdom to you,


« Last Edit: July 23, 2007, 09:58:54 PM by hillsbororiver »


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Re: The Worst Sin in History
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2007, 10:05:54 PM »

I remember reading that when I first discovered Ray's site, and I kept thinking: "How can anybody (Christian/follower of Christ, etc..) still
deny that all will be saved?"

That would obviously mean that Jesus' prayer was denied. It went unanswered, and his death was almost in vain; he ends up saving what... ten percent of the world, if that? Basically I realized that from Christian doctrines; Jesus didn't die to save the world. He died so that those who choose to be saved, will be saved. He died so we can have a choice. But then you run into problems, because you run into such verses as "no man can come to me except the Father should draw(drag) him". And the carnal mind being enmity against God, and is not subject to the law of God, nor is it able to be... so how can anybody just choose, on their own, to come to Christ? I thought all deny him, and no one is seeking out God, etc.. etc.. etc...

But when you tell Christians that, they don't believe it. Even though everything I just said is Scriptural.



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Re: The Worst Sin in History
« Reply #9 on: July 24, 2007, 12:33:16 PM »

I remember reading that when I first discovered Ray's site, and I kept thinking: "How can anybody (Christian/follower of Christ, etc..) still
deny that all will be saved?"

That would obviously mean that Jesus' prayer was denied. It went unanswered, and his death was almost in vain; he ends up saving what... ten percent of the world, if that? Basically I realized that from Christian doctrines; Jesus didn't die to save the world. He died so that those who choose to be saved, will be saved. He died so we can have a choice. But then you run into problems, because you run into such verses as "no man can come to me except the Father should draw(drag) him". And the carnal mind being enmity against God, and is not subject to the law of God, nor is it able to be... so how can anybody just choose, on their own, to come to Christ? I thought all deny him, and no one is seeking out God, etc.. etc.. etc...

But when you tell Christians that, they don't believe it. Even though everything I just said is Scriptural.

It's fuuny when we finally see what little truth we're given, that it seems just so obvious to us now and "How can they not see it"? I guess that's why God uses the foolish (obvious) things to confound the wicked. I suppose that also means that I was considered by God to be wicked too! I'm sure lots of people know that they fall short, but only a few know just how far they fell.

your friend,

Dean Peterman

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Re: The Worst Sin in History
« Reply #10 on: July 28, 2007, 03:33:20 PM »

Thanks Joe.
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