Thank you all for your input. I have been thinking about all the ramifications of being on a jury, and am still not sure if I it is right or not. {Right for me, anyway} A few years ago I would have said it was a civil duty and part of being a citizen of the USA. Now, after reading Rays material, and seeing how Jesus really had nothing to do with the way governments were run, I am not so sure.
I know there are a lot of problems with the justice system. Innocent people are sent to prisions, and guilty people are set free. But, nothing has changed and if we don't have good people on our juries, then who is going to take such a job seriously? I know it's in Gods hands, but He did give us a mind to think about the consequences of what we are doing.
I know I probably won't be picked, but the possibility is still there.
I have believed in a paid jury system for the past few years. It would be worth the money to just have people who were trained and knew the law to some extant, and hopefully, make better choices.