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Author Topic: Hello, here is my testimony  (Read 6268 times)

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Hello, here is my testimony
« on: July 25, 2007, 12:51:24 PM »

Hello Everyone, I’ve been a lurker for quite some time now (almost 2 years) and finally I'm going to post. This post is kind of all over the place in terms of the topics so this more of just getting off of my chest so please bare with me.

I have been reading the articles on bible-truths and I feel that I am coming to understand (albeit the beginning stages) God’s word.  Before finding this site, I was always confused by the bible and basically never knew I could question what preachers were teaching since they were the head of the church. I always took them for their word since they were educated on the bible and I wasn’t.

Then my wife and I had a disagreement on tithing, I “knew” that we needed to tithe our 10% but with having 3 kids and a new house and just trying to survive, the 10% was an awful lot of money to be giving to the church. I felt compelled to tithe, but my wife didn’t since she said that we needed to take care of our kids (food, clothing etc) before we give our tithe (my wife grew up less fortunate than I had and knew what it was like to be without food and clothes) This crushed me. As a family man and a Christian, I felt she wasn’t trusting God to provide for us since you give to God what is his and he will provide for you.

Well, I did research on tithing and lo and behold, I found Wow, what an eye opener. Needless to say, I changed my mind about tithing.

After doing a lot of reading, I came to realize that contradictions are alive in Christendom. Let me back up here for a second. When I was growing up, my parents always stressed the importance of going to church. I mostly never wanted to go, I always felt that my relationship with God was much more personal. I always felt there was something not quite right about churches and the messages, but could never put my finger on it. That didn’t stop my parent’s desire for me to go to church. I love my parents to death, and I have great relationship with them, but this has always been one thing we can’t agree on.

So now that my eyes are beginning to see and my ears are beginning to hear, I wanted to share my new found knowledge. Bad mistake, when I started discussing this with my friends and family (including my parents), man was I in for a rude awakening. They thought I was nuts. I’d tried to show them scripture that completely tears apart their beliefs (such as what happens right after you die) and  they would completely dismiss it for various reason, i.e. taken out of context, not reading the versus before and after to see how fits etc… But no matter what I’d say or show them, it didn’t change their mind. I know now that I can’t change their mind, but only God can show them. Although I still like to discuss it with them.

Has anyone experienced trying to show to a friend or family member and they come back and say that the site gave them creeps or that it seemed cultish. I have and while I still visit the site daily, I have stopped referring people to go there. Not because the site is bad, but they refuse to read any of the articles since the titles of the articles scare them.

Here is where I still fall short. Just like I said towards the top, I used to not question the teachings from preachers and took their word as gold. Whatever they said, I believed. While I no longer believe what preachers say, I feel that whatever Ray says, I believe. This does make me feel somewhat foolish since I should read the bible and come to my own beliefs. But here is the difference, for the first time in my life, after coming to this site, God’s plan for us was finally making sense. Even though I blindly believe mostly what Ray says, I now am developing my tools to actually research the bible when he or anyone states a belief and I am starting to come to my own conclusion if he or whoever is correct. For this, I am truly grateful to God. 

But here is the hold that I feel most churches have on their congregation. For example, the rich man and Lazarus. I have tried to explain to my parents that this is indeed a parable, but their preacher insists that it is not. In fact, he did a sermon titled “what the bible teaches about hell”, which I was given a CD of, and sure as anything this story was sited as a literal occurrence instead of a parable. Here is the kicker, in the back of the bible that I have (KJV), which was given to me by my parents, it lists this story under Jesus’ parables. But they still insist that it is fact since Jesus gives actual names, which is what their preacher says. The best part of this sermon was trying to explain the thief on the cross and what Jesus meant by “I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise”. Just listening to the sermon I am starting to see how they need to spin their wheels to try and keep the story straight. Now I know God is complicated, but trying to hear the preacher explain the thief on the cross and what happens to him got really complicated. He was basically saying there were 2 compartments of hell, one of torment and one of comfort. It just goes to show how far they go to keep “hell” alive.

Sorry this is so long and all of over the place. I could go on and on but I won’t for now.

God bless all of you.

Oh P.S. I hate that I find this funny, but most of my family now prays for me for being “lost”  :).


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Re: Hello, here is my testimony
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2007, 03:08:13 PM »

That's great!

Jesus came for the lost, let them pray till they're blue in the face! ha ha
I'm glad you decided to be a part of this group. I'm still somewhat of a newbie, but I'm a member of the church of the living God just like you; but I feel the same way as far as referring people to the site. It almost always doesn't work. As far as blindly believing everything Ray says, I also agree with you. Ray is only human and he's open for correction just like we are. Ray has helpers (just like we do here) that let him know if he's mistaken in any way on what the scripture says, so his papers took a lot of time and effort to make extra sure that he agrees with the scriptures, and not the other way around.....but I would say, don't believe everything by hearing, believe the scriptures through research and reproof. The scriptures agree. Anyway, glad to talk to ya.

your friend



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Re: Hello, here is my testimony
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2007, 04:37:20 PM »

Hi bhodge,

It is good that you have decided to join us.  The fellowship we have here will help you a great deal, since you can converse with people of like mind.
Talking to someone whose eyes are blinded, is an act of futility, and can be disheartening, because you want them to see this wonderful truth.
This truth is only for the few, the very few it seems.

mercy, peace, and love



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Re: Hello, here is my testimony
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2007, 04:39:24 PM »

Hello bhodge10 ,

I'm a newbie too. Welcome!

Your testimony is very similar to mine, especially about showing people the truth and they still deny it, or choose not to listen or read for themselves. We all know God must show them. And sometimes, showing them is but a seed that will blossom into the 'truth' for them someday. Nevertheless, one of the most 'comical' things with my Dad is: He doesn't believe in the salvation of all, YET, he believes that there will be more than just "Christians" in "heaven." I say: "Dad, what I believe makes more sense than what you believe!"
I have a friend at work who I shared with about "hell" and all. I said, "Don't take my word for it. Study yourself. And go to!" He said: "Nah. I'm afraid. I don't won't to have to maybe rearrange all the stuff I've been taught since a kid." I replied: "At least you're honest." His dad is a retired Southern Baptist minister.
I understand what you mean about reading from the site and understanding. Some of Ray's subject matter I didn't "get" until months later when I would read them for the second or third time. I would get all excited and praise God for it.

Again, welcome, and thanks for sharing from your experience.



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Re: Hello, here is my testimony
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2007, 05:22:23 PM »

Hi all, thanks for the welcomes and the comments. It truly is a blessing to talk to like minded believers.  Beau, thanks for pointing out that the articles are worked on by other people. It does make me feel better knowing this.

Thank you again!

God bless


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Re: Hello, here is my testimony
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2007, 10:31:53 PM »

Hey Bhodge10,

It is good to have you here.  So many of us have blind faith in our priests and ministers.  We tend to treat them with the same degree of respect as we do medical doctors to us but for the soul.  My separation from the Catholic church while I was in high school.  Oddly enough, I went to a parochial school and we we studying the origins of the bible and its content.  I came to a crisis of faith and found I could not abide by what was being taught vs what was actually in the scripture that was selected to be part of the bible.

A happy circumstance arrived many many years later when I happened upon the bible truths cite.  Many of the things that Ray teaches were things I felt very strongly about as being what organized religion has got wrong.  I am still very much still in the beginning stages but hope to find the way to truth through God's help.



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Re: Hello, here is my testimony
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2007, 01:07:38 PM »

Hi Bhodge10,

Welcome to the forum.
It is so nice that you're here.
I hope to read more of your posts.



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Re: Hello, here is my testimony
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2007, 06:07:37 PM »

I wasn’t.

Has anyone experienced trying to show to a friend or family member and they come back and say that the site gave them creeps or that it seemed cultish. I have and while I still visit the site daily, I have stopped referring people to go there. Not because the site is bad, but they refuse to read any of the articles since the titles of the articles scare them.n

Hi.  I have experienced the very thing!

By the way    WELCOME!!!!


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Re: Hello, here is my testimony
« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2007, 06:08:35 PM » did I do the quote thingy wrong???  ARRRGGG >:(


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Re: Hello, here is my testimony
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2007, 06:19:56 PM » did I do the quote thingy wrong???  ARRRGGG >:(

Do not be anxious about anything.... ;D



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Re: Hello, here is my testimony
« Reply #10 on: July 27, 2007, 12:38:31 AM »



I think that's cool that you have been looking into the forum for the past couple of years.  That was smart... something I think I should have done but didn't have the time to really; it would've took me that much longer to read the bulk of Ray's stuff.  So I just jumped in a short time ago and presto, instant interactive experience!  SURE IS DYNAMIC and DIFFERENT from just reading and imputing information! 

Bhodge, I am so glad you too are beginning to SEE and HEAR!!  It's good to feel the comfort that there are actually others who similarly SEE and HEAR as well.  It's great to feel connected!   :)

It's also interesting you mentioned "the titles of the (BT) articles scared them," and I think you have a point.  Unless one is Given to truly be searching, I can see where the written material at first glance is indeed scary.  First, they don't want to receive any "cultish crap" or "crap" per se.  So, as time goes by you will see even more of God's hand in how He is unfolding His plan for all.  My mini-ministry is to simply leave BibleTruths dot com labels around wherever I go where I know they will be seen and let God do the rest.

And yes, I also related very much to researching the Scriptures with sources reliable and independent of whatever translations Ray would use and did so throughout all of his works, checking all verses sited, to be sure there was no steam roller rolling over me as this was important to me also.   ;)  AND VOILA, IT ALL CHECKED OUT!!  YAY!

May this experience be as fruitful for you as it has been for me!

With joy, Janice

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