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Author Topic: Spiritual Pendulum  (Read 8009 times)

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Spiritual Pendulum
« on: April 19, 2006, 12:55:30 PM »

Sometimes I recognize and identify with what I call the spiritual pendulum, what I mean by this is I see (and personally experience) this comfort and clarity of the Spirit within and I am figuratively shouting for joy.

 Psa 32:11  Be glad in the LORD, and rejoice, ye righteous: and shout for joy, all ye that are upright in heart.

This wonderful glorious experience is then followed by a period of anxiety where I feel the Spirit has withdrawn a bit and I am left to my own understanding with the resulting lack of clarity, not a loss of faith but the Words do not jump off the page at me as they do at other times. My feelings of remorse and regret for the many hurtful things I have done to others in the past return, I know consciously I am forgiven, but I am not really comforted in that knowledge.

Eze 36:31  Then shall ye remember your own evil ways and your doings that were not good, and shall loathe yourselves in your own sight for your iniquities and for your abominations.

It is then that I pray for the increase of His Spirit, to once again feel His love and to let go of my guilty and confused state of mind.
Psa 51:12  Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.

This "pendulum" has not been swinging as far as it has in the past but there are still times when I am anxiously awaiting the restoration of His Spirit in me. It seems that tribulations do not necessarily have to come from external situations or problems although they certainly can and do. Again we come back to faith and patience.

Rom 5:3  And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience;

I must admit I do not always have the "glory in tribulations" down pat, but it is a work in progress, the Lord is constantly strengthening me and this part of the journey is becoming more of a reality. Patience is growing.

Any comments or thoughts on this?



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Spiritual Pendulum
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2006, 01:07:04 PM »

I was just thinking the same things as you, Joe. I thought do I want to go through all the trials and tribulations to be one of the elect? I told myself no, I don't. But then I said, how can I be an overcomer if there's nothing to overcome? The things God has caused me to go through this year have not been big trials. But, I just said God, I know you are in complete control of all the situations in my life. You put me in the country, state, town, street, house address you wanted me in. You planned out every detail of my life for your own purpose. Your will is the only free will. So I pray I can withstand any trial, tribulation, suffering He puts my way.


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Spiritual Pendulum
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2006, 01:18:50 PM »

I completely understand this analogy!

I can sometimes lose sight of the purpose for the down times...but then I always feel the Spirit anew again.  

Many times the internal challenges are harder to understand, but I see why I went through that experience after the fact (as always)

Thanks for the illustration! :)


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Spiritual Pendulum
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2006, 01:18:57 PM »

I can identify with what you have said. I too have periods where the spirit has drawn away and then returned. It's all part of the carnal experiance. We have to constantly be reminded of our carnality to appreciate the spiritual. There will come a time when this will no longer be needed.


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Spiritual Pendulum
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2006, 01:28:46 PM »

Well i have been having some guilty consience recently.  I feel guilty at times of using my "new found joy/peace" to a point where it makes me feel so good inside and so good with other people to the point where its almost like a drug.  I then think to myself.  Hang on a minute.  I shouldnt be using this peace to be "at peace".  It really doesnt make sense.


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Spiritual Pendulum
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2006, 02:36:12 PM »

Wow Joe, and everyone else, I was just thinking about this a couple of days ago.  Spiritual pendulum is a great way of describing it.  God knows we can't take it all at once.  

Brian W.


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Spiritual Pendulum
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2006, 07:23:54 PM »

Joe, great thread and posts by everyone.  I understand exactly where you are coming from.  It truly is a daily battle, dying to the flesh and growing in patience through tribulations.

From my own experiences, most of the tribulations come from misconceived ideas and slanderous accusations from others.  But, I know it is only because their eyes are not opened and they do not recognize who the beast is.  

When in the middle of these kind of tribulations, I look towards God, His plan and character...what I see, is this has been happening to Him since the beginning of time...and not just Him, but the prophets, apostles, true saints, and especially His son, our I begin to see that I am in good company...this has a great tendency to help endure and bring the joy back.

We have to remember our reward is not of this world.  Our lot is to endure, suffer, love and forgive our enemies.  These things are not what the world are looking to achieve, let alone to go through.  But we must and will, because it is our Fathers will for the life He gave us.  

The joy we have is so great that noone can take it away, it is beyond words to express.  Our Father will take care of us and uphold us, no matter what we endure.  Look at history and the many, many brethren and sisters who have willingly or unwillingly given their lives for their belief.  Truly, for one to endure this, their joy is remarkable and just.

This is a great thread and can run very deep.  Definetly a subject we all ponder time to time.  I count myself very lucky to suffer for His names sake.  I no longer care about what the world cares about.  As Paul said, they are as dung.  It truly is no longer us who lives, but He who is in us.

God bless,



  • Guest
Spiritual Pendulum
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2006, 11:45:56 PM »

who can't relate to that Joe !

i know i certainly can, and also elijah

one minute he is powering,

1Ki 18:40  And Elijah said unto them, Take the prophets of Baal; let not one of them escape. And they took them: and Elijah brought them down to the brook Kishon, and slew them there.

next minute it is "kill me now" LOL!

1Ki 19:4  But he himself went a day's journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a juniper tree: and he requested for himself that he might die; and said, It is enough; now, O LORD, take away my life; for I am not better than my fathers.

to me it seems all connected with the destruction of the flesh, the dying to self

Phi 3:3  For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.

growing to that point where we know that in our flesh dwells no good thing and continually trusting only in Christ to be all.

surely this is a mega process.

and it seems that we all are engaged in that process by God.

it's encouraging to talk about it.

God must chasten and scourge us and also encourage and comfort us until ALL that is not of Him is done away with or died to.

in our experience, not just theoretically.

thanks for the encouragement Joe and All



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Spiritual Pendulum
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2006, 12:07:37 AM »

Amen, to that ertsky.  It is very uplifting to share our experiences and then to find out, we are not alone in our suffering and in the joy.

This is what makes us one with each other as the Father and Son are one with us now.  How could we know what real joy is without the suffering?  

This is a great thread, I love it!   :D  8)

God bless,



  • Guest
Spiritual Pendulum
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2006, 12:27:43 PM »

Psa 51:2  Wash me throughly from mine iniquity and cleanse me from my sin.

Psa 51:3  For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me.

Psa 51:4  Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest.
Psa 51:5  Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.
Psa 51:6  Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom.
Psa 51:7  Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.
Psa 51:8  Make me to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice.
Psa 51:9  Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities.
Psa 51:10  Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.
Psa 51:11  Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.
Psa 51:12  Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.


An essential oil made from hyssop increases alertness and is a gently relaxing nerve tonic suitable for treating nervous exhaustion, overwork, anxiety and depression.

Is this referring to a "spiritual hyssop"?  Sure sounds like a description of the Holy Spirit's presence in us.

I have found so many references to this experience we are having, what a glorious God we have!



  • Guest
Spiritual Pendulum
« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2006, 01:47:02 PM »

Quote from: bobbys43
Good mornin all!

 Joe and others,

 Today is starting out as one of those days!! I prayed on the way to work this morning(I do this every morning and it is my time with God and it is the only quiet place I have for my day sometimes) and many thoughts were going through my mind and I just feel numb. You may feel this too sometimes, but it is like I am here but I am not!!I prayed and it felt like it never really got off the ground.I have been going through a situation involving our wonderful federal government and it is really taking a tole on my mind! It feels like I have just gone through 10 rounds with Sugar Ray Leonard and got my butt kicked!
 There is another situation that is heavy on my mind and the flesh seems to be winning sometimes and to be honest with you I wish I could just go completely into amniesia and start all over again!Sounds crazy I know, but I am one of those type of people that can dwell on something for days and after it is all said and done,I will think to myself why do you do this to yourself?
 Well any way, I sure could use some of your prayers today!
Sorry for throwing this at you all, but I had to talk to someone and I always think that when I come here that I can be assured that you all will listen and I know I love listening to you!!

Love to you all,


Hi Bobby, sorry to hear about the stress you are presently experiencing, dealing with the government (on any level) and it's bureaucracies can be very frustrating to say the least. In my profession we have the "pleasure" of dealing with Planning Commisions where their right hand rarely knows what the left hand is doing, saying or demanding. Code enforcements that demand you build something the wrong way (I am not kidding) and a slow, arrogant Permit Board that will allow one thing for one house but deny the same thing for the house next door to it, even in the same subdivision! These things can tie one's stomach in knots if you allow it but after perserverance, eating healthy portions humble pie and patience these things tend to work themselves out.

It is easy to let circumstances drive you to the point of anxiety, often making us our own worse enemy, worrying or stressing over stuff never really solves the problem, it can make it worse though. You do the best you can do, hope and pray for a lesson learned, and leave it in His very capable hands.

I know of a guy who came home from work on a Friday after a pretty tough week at work, went to his mailbox and pulled out the dreaded letter from the IRS, within the letter was a demand for the immediate payment of $4000.00 in unpaid back taxes (close to double that in today's dollars), bummer to say the least.

The next day as he was taking a needed, quiet, Saturday afternoon nap he heard his dog (who was chained in the backyard) barking his "emergency yelp" he sprung up from his slumber to see a woman and a toddler within a couple feet of his dog, even as the dog was barking they were both moving toward him (the dog). He yelled for them to stop as the kid fell on the dog, the dog in a barking, defensive posture had his mouth open and as the kid fell his stomach was scratched by the dog's teeth, not a bite but the skin did sustain a puncture. Well, the mother went ballistic and was shouting threats and babbling incoherently as the befuddled guy was asking "what are you doing in my yard? What were thinking? Why are you approaching a barking dog? The woman indignantly replied "my son saw the dog and wanted to pet him!" She went on to say, "I am going to get that dog put to sleep, he is dangerous." Our poor hero could only shake his head and tell the lady "you need to have better control of your kid, would you let him run out in traffic if he wanted to?"

A few hours later he got a call from the hospital and some administrator called to say that his dog may have to be quarantined and someone from Animal Control would be in contact with him on Monday, "sorry nothing we can do, we must report all dog bites that come through here, have a nice day."

Sunday came and went with no more "surprises" but a ton of emotional baggage from the previous 2 days.

Monday morning as our friend pulled into his office he saw his boss's car in the lot, highly unusual since the boss usually strolled in at 8:30 or 9 and it was just 7AM. He saw his boss at his desk with a long face and an obviously heavy heart, "it's over man, we're probably going to lose our jobs" he said, "we lost the *** account, and as you know without it there is no need for the warehouse/distribution office or any of us Sales Management staff here, it will probably all flow from the home office (out of state) from here on out, I found out about it Friday night, but I did not want to tell you then and ruin your weekend."

Ruin his wonderful weekend...........the stuff won't stop. Anyway, the boss suggested they just muddle about and try to get another appointment with the client and see if just maybe there was some chance this could be salvaged, at least keep a portion of the account. After some begging and pleading they were able to secure an appointment the following Thursday, so the boss said let's get out of here today, meet at the Marina tomorrow play on my boat and kill more than a few beers. We can work on a new proposal Wednesday and be ready for the meeting on Thursday. It sounded like the perfect plan.

It wasn't.

They drowned their sorrows in beer after beer for the day and were in pretty bad shape by the time they returned, bad enough for our friend to get in a fender bender, get arrested for DUI and land in jail.

Fast forward 3 months, an accountant had reviewed the IRS claims, found them faulty and actually got the guy a REFUND! To the tune of $1800, the dog bite thing went to naught as the doctor's report had "superficial wound, no puncture, no infection." Animal control dropped it. The account was saved, restoring the dollar value after some price and product modifications.

Our friend ended up losing his license, got probation, lost his job because he could no longer drive.

Anxiety, stress, self pity and unbridled emotion can make some problems much worse than they really are, trust in Him and leave it up to Him to work out, He always does.



  • Guest
Spiritual Pendulum
« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2006, 09:24:51 PM »

Psalms 119 is great for this thread, here are a few verses:

Ps 119:2
Happy are those preserving His testimonies; With all their heart, they are seeking after Him.

Ps 119:7
I shall acclaim You in uprightness of heart, While I learn Your righteous ordinances.

Ps 119:11
In my heart have I stored up Your promise, That I may not sin against You.

Ps 119:15
I will meditate in Your precepts, And I will scrutinize Your paths.

Ps 119:19
I am a sojourner upon the earth; O do not conceal Your instructions from me.

Ps 119:27
Make me understand the way of Your precepts, And I will meditate on Your marvelous works.

Ps 119:31
I cling to Your testimonies; O Yahweh, let me not be put to shame.

Ps 119:36
Stretch out my heart to Your testimonies, And not at all to selfish gain.

Ps 119:39
Cause my reproach, from which I shrink, to pass away, For Your ordinances are good.

Ps 119:40
Behold, I ardently desire Your precepts; Revive me in Your righteousness.

Ps 119:53
A simoon storm has taken hold of me because of the wicked Who are forsaking Your law.

Ps 119:58
I have beseeched Your presence with all my heart; Be gracious to me according to Your promise.

Ps 119:63
I am a partner to all who fear You, And to those keeping Your precepts.

Ps 119:67
Before I was humbled, I was erring, But now I keep Your promise close.

Ps 119:71
It is good for me that I was humbled, That I may learn Your statutes.

Ps 119:78
May the arrogant be ashamed, for without cause have they distorted me; As for me, I shall meditate on Your precepts.

Ps 119:94
I am Yours; save me, For I have sought after Your precepts.

Ps 119:104
From Your precepts I gain understanding; Therefore I hate every false path.

Ps 119:116
Support me according to Your promise that I may live, And let me not be put to shame because of my hopefulness.

Ps 119:117
Brace me that I may be saved, And I will continually heed Your statutes.

Ps 119:130
The opening of Your words is enlightening, Making the simple proficient.

Ps 119:133
Establish my footsteps in Your promise, And let not any lawlessness have authority over me.

Ps 119:161
Chief men, they persecute me gratuitously, Yet my heart stands in awe before Your word.

Ps 119:176
I have strayed like a lost flockling; seek Your servant, For I have not forgotten Your instructions.

God bless,



  • Guest
Spiritual Pendulum
« Reply #12 on: April 21, 2006, 06:17:16 PM »

Gary, those scriptures are so very appropriate, isn't it amazing how much treasure is to be mined out of the OT? Way back in my journey I spent very little time studying the OT because I found it to be almost depressing. Now I see how the NT & OT underline and amplify each other to hope and life. The scales keep falling off of my eyes!

Psa 146:8  The LORD openeth the eyes of the blind: the LORD raiseth them that are bowed down: the LORD loveth the righteous:

 Isa 29:18  And in that day shall the deaf hear the words of the book, and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity, and out of darkness.

Joh 9:32  Since the world began was it not heard that any man opened the eyes of one that was born blind.

When you read this chapter of John the person who stated the above had no idea how profound his (Spirit inspired) statement really was.

I am "seeing" all of these verses so much clearer every day. Thank you Lord!



  • Guest
Spiritual Pendulum
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2006, 12:18:42 AM »

I hear ya, Joe.

One of my brothers, my wife, stepson, brother-in-law, 3 sister-in laws and many friends are physically deaf, born that way.  Yet these people are not blinded by all the rhetoric and traditions that we hear daily.  This gives them a greater common sense and are much more in tune to the truths of God.  It's amazing how they can spiritually see and hear these things much easier than one who is indoctrinated with orthodox christianity.

They often make fun of us hearing people, not out of spite, but because we can actually hear, yet how deaf hearing people are!  We are deaf in spite of our hearing, so true.

Isa 42:1
Behold My Servant! I am upholding Him. My Chosen! Accepted by My soul! I bestow My spirit upon Him, and He shall bring forth judgment to the nations.

Isa 42:2
He shall not cry, nor make a tumult, nor cause His voice to be heard outside.

Isa 42:5
Thus says the El, Yahweh Elohim, Creator of the heavens, Who stretched them out, Who stamped the earth and its offspring, Who gives breath to the people upon it, and spirit to those going in it:

Isa 42:6
 "I, Yahweh Elohim, call you in righteousness, and I will hold fast to your hand and preserve you, and I will give you for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Nations,

Isa 42:7
to unclose the eyes that are blind, to bring forth the prisoner from his enclosure, and those dwelling in darkness from the house of detention.

Isa 42:8
I am Yahweh, The Elohim! That is My name, and I will not give My glory to another, nor My praises to carvings.

Isa 42:12
They shall give glory to Yahweh, and His praise in the coastlands shall they tell.

Isa 42:13
Yahweh Elohim as a master shall fare forth, as a man of war shall He rouse jealousy. He shall shout. Indeed, He shall shriek. He has the mastery over His enemies.

Isa 42:16
And I will conduct the blind in a way they do not know, and in tracks they do not know will I cause them to tread. I will convert darkness before them into light, and the perverse into straightness. These things I do for them,

Isa 42:17
nor do I forsake them, when they are turned away back. Ashamed, yea ashamed shall be those trusting in a carving, who are saying to a molten image,  `You are our elohim!'

Isa 42:18
You deaf, hear! And you blind, look, to see!

Isa 42:19
And who is blind, save My servant? And deaf, as My messenger that I am sending? Who is blind as one repaid? And deaf as the servant of Yahweh?

Isa 42:20
You see much, yet you are not observing. Unclosed are your ears, yet you are not hearkening."

We are all in need of spiritual healing.  I thank God for opening these blind eyes and deaf ears.  

God bless,



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Re: Spiritual Pendulum
« Reply #14 on: December 06, 2006, 07:14:20 PM »

Mongoose's topic in Testimonies/Prayer Requests ("the jealous love of God") and some of the responses got me to thinking about this thread from a few months back. It is amazing how the Lord gets and keeps our attention, like the examples and admonishments of the OT we go through a journey, with Him as the Guide, Director and Administrator. Think about what is written, the highs, the lows that the "men of old" experienced, can we begin to relate to that?

I believe we can gain so much knowledge and empathy for these "old timers" as we look at their experiences through our own eyes.

His Peace and Wisdom to you,



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Re: Spiritual Pendulum
« Reply #15 on: December 06, 2006, 07:30:49 PM »

I can't thank you enough for bringing this to the top. I will need to read it several times.

I am always wound up so tight trying to endure that I find it hard to express myself to God or anyone else. The Psalms you posted brought some cleansing tears.

Thanks for all you do here Joe.


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Re: Spiritual Pendulum
« Reply #16 on: December 07, 2006, 08:55:12 AM »

Hello M. G.

You are very welcome.

His Love, Peace and Wisdom to you,



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Re: Spiritual Pendulum
« Reply #17 on: December 09, 2006, 06:25:43 AM »

Hello All

How sweeping the Spirit of Christ to touch all of us with this topic!

You talk about the pendulum. What about the time when the pendulum seems to stop dead centre? For me that is like paralysis or amnesia. When nothing seems to be happening. No movement. Like a glass topped sea with no wind for miles. Or like a dry desert or dry well. That is awful those places in our walk with Christ leading us to green pastures. Being there so very often has brought with it…at long last…the reality of this very real spiritual landscape.

Is it not perhaps within this realisation once we are enabled to step back and recognise…OH yes…now I am in the desert….or  OH yes now I am in amnesia….etc….Is it not these moments that we regret or resent or push away from wherein we are being grafted into spiritual appreciation and sensitivity with Christ? It may appear that we are far but is that not when He is near?…close to the broken hearted, the contrite spirit, the one brought low?

I remember being given large and plentiful gifts of a carnal nature. They felt gross at the time and were unappreciated. Just last night the hostess of the party asked if I would like to take home the white roses. The more precious gift was in her eyes at how she was touched to be blessed to give and I could really see how much it meant for her to express something so special. The roses will perish the touch of the heart of kindness and love will keep its tenderness even though the memory might pale in significance for others more inclined to worldly glitz or glamour. I know this because I  am a world weary veteran of the world in the pendulum swing that stayed in the world for decades! Then I had no idea of my nakedness before God.

Now, I feel my paralysis, I feel my dry spells, I feel I am being blessed with the awareness of such times because they bring contrast to the times when He floods me with His presence. In the carnal setting, my favourite places I can name. Falling asleep is one of them. In the spiritual setting my favourite places is when His Sovereignty becomes very clear to me, and when I feel clothed in thanksgiving. These are the special places for me. Out side of this the feelings are dormant, lifeless or just still like the glass-topped sea.

I have come to know these are my favourites places and to compare the favourite carnal with the favourite spiritual places. The carnal and spiritual I have found to be incomparable…and this revelation has been made clear through God’s pendulum. You could also call the pendulum a conductors stick leading the symphony…..I often fall between notes… may not think so on the Forum  :D…..where I can sing in between your many beautiful lines……….This too is a favourite place of mine!

Peace to all

Arcturus :)
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