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Author Topic: What Do The Denominations Have Right?  (Read 29558 times)

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What Do The Denominations Have Right?
« on: August 02, 2007, 04:21:01 PM »

Hello Folks,

I was wondering if anyone here could provide some insight on this question.

What doctrines do the present day churches have right? Any denomination, any doctrine.

His Peace to you,



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Re: What Do The Denominations Have Right?
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2007, 05:12:21 PM »

Hi Joe.  Seems to me that they have alot right, but nothing completely right.  Example:  Christ was the Son of God, shed His blood for the sins of the world.  This is true and they believe it, or think the do!! However, just how true this is and just how this will be done they cannot see.  If the denominations are in fact the CALLED, they have been givin some Truth, a little Light.  This seperated them from the "unbelieveing sea of humanity".  If in fact the CHOSEN are called out from the CALLED, then it stands to reason that the CHOSEN has been givin more, Truth, more Light. I think this process of being CALLED and CHOSEN continues as we are FAITHFUL.  DO I HAVE THIS RIGHT?? ;)


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Re: What Do The Denominations Have Right?
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2007, 05:30:55 PM »

Hi Joe.  Seems to me that they have alot right, but nothing completely right.  Example:  Christ was the Son of God, shed His blood for the sins of the world.  This is true and they believe it, or think the do!! However, just how true this is and just how this will be done they cannot see.  If the denominations are in fact the CALLED, they have been givin some Truth, a little Light.  This seperated them from the "unbelieveing sea of humanity".  If in fact the CHOSEN are called out from the CALLED, then it stands to reason that the CHOSEN has been givin more, Truth, more Light. I think this process of being CALLED and CHOSEN continues as we are FAITHFUL.  DO I HAVE THIS RIGHT?? ;)

Hi sasscell,

They say He shed His blood for the sins of the world but apparently they also believe that it was not quite good enough because there are many who will not be covered and that are destined for eternal hell or maybe annihilation (if they are lucky).

Yes, they (the called) have the reflected altered light (symbolically) of the moon as the chosen have (symbolically) the light of the sun.

Thanks for the reply.

His Peace to you,



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Re: What Do The Denominations Have Right?
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2007, 07:00:19 PM »

Do JW's believe "death is sleep"?  That comes to mind.



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Re: What Do The Denominations Have Right?
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2007, 07:10:10 PM »

Hey Joe,

Good post to get me thinking about this.  Thanks for that.

I agree that there were a few things they got right in what I was taught as a catholic.  However, most everything was clouded over by unscriptural nonsense.  I didn't realize most of it was unscriptural even when we were studying the bible in parochial high school. Things like mortal and venial sin come to mind as the most obvious back then.  We were taught about a loving God but eternal torment seemed illogical to me if He were a truly loving God.  However, when all you have is the KJV bible, it does appear to be scriptural.  I could never get a good answer to how God could stand hear the screams of agony of His children forever and ever?  It just seem to me that a father couldn't bear it non stop

If it hadn't been for the roman catholic church, we might not have much more than the OT to work with as a single source  of scripture for our "bible".  So there has been some  benefit to the spread of belief in Christ, regardless of false doctrine spewed out.

Anyhow, what I took away from churchiana, as a few are calling it,  is Christ's doctrine of love.  His two mega commandments to love God with our whole heart and soul and to love our neighbor. These two commandments seem to encapsulate all ten from the OT. 

I may be wrong, but if we try our best to follow those commandments, nothing else really matters ultimately.  I believe that no other truths in the bible could have a more profound effect on our journey to Him than following those commands.  The rest  of the truths found in the bible are just so much gravy to me.

However, because I hope I never get egotistical and arrogant enough to believe I am an elect,  I probably don't know any better. I have a long way to go as you can see.

be blessed

« Last Edit: August 02, 2007, 07:19:41 PM by Harryfeat »


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Re: What Do The Denominations Have Right?
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2007, 07:28:18 PM »

Great thread Joe,
I like the analogy of the sun and moon.
It is amazing that the church (Bablyon) is the place to learn about God, but you must leave and go into the wilderness to experience and come to know God.
They are worshipping "another Jesus".  It cannot be the true Jesus when you believe that the Father of Jesus and us is going to torture you in hell for an eternity. 

God opens the elects eyes to the truth, but the experience is that you come to love Him so much you realize that what is said in the KJV cannot be right.  He gives you a heart to seek further to find out the truth because when you spend a little time analyzing what the church says you cannot connect a single dot. 

And it is wonderful that God causes you to do everything you do, but still it is through the foolishness of preaching that one is dragged to the truth. 

How could you love a grandfather that was actually so vicious, vendictive, and unforgiving? 

Sorry for the rambling, but I am actually talking about both of your last 2 threads.


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Re: What Do The Denominations Have Right?
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2007, 11:22:15 PM »

Hello Folks,

I was wondering if anyone here could provide some insight on this question.

What doctrines do the present day churches have right? Any denomination, any doctrine.

His Peace to you,


What do the Denominations have right?


Does that answer your question?

And I stand by my statement. Orthodox Christianity does not have one doctrine right.
Why they don't even believe Jesus died for our sins since they don't even believe he actually died.
They think he went into this {non-existent} "Hell" and preached unto previously perished souls..etc...
therefore not dead, but alive in another realm, for our sins? What? I thought he died for our sins, not traveled to another realm for our sins?


« Last Edit: August 02, 2007, 11:56:37 PM by Sorin »


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Re: What Do The Denominations Have Right?
« Reply #7 on: August 03, 2007, 01:08:04 AM »

I had been "saved" for a coupleof weeks when I went to a Lutheran Chapel at U. of M.  I didn't know where to go.  Anyway, the pastor said, picture Jesus sitting in this chair, holding his arms out and you are about 3 years old and climb on his lap and let Him hug you!

As sappy as that sounds I did imagine that and I swear I felt warmth/love/acceptance whatever spill all over me.  I couldn't wait to get home and read the Bible- I wanted to know Him intimately- I wanted to Love Him.

I started looking for Christians that were like that!  So early on I left what I considered dead/cold places and searched for the on fire people- those that LOVED His Word and LOVED Him.

So even tho places/churches/denom. don't have it right, God reaches down and helps us where we are at.  My heart/soul ached to know Him.  Thats all I thought or did for years.  Well, that wore off after the kids arrived (no time).  Then guess when it came back??????

When I was dragged to BT :) ;D :D


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Re: What Do The Denominations Have Right?
« Reply #8 on: August 03, 2007, 02:47:20 AM »


I speak for myself when i say, i would not want it any other way than God draggin you ((GENA )) here.

You are a God send((no pun intended))

God bless


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Re: What Do The Denominations Have Right?
« Reply #9 on: August 03, 2007, 03:12:47 AM »

Hello Folks,

I was wondering if anyone here could provide some insight on this question.

What doctrines do the present day churches have right? Any denomination, any doctrine.

His Peace to you,


The present day churches (denomintaion) have right for such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. (2Co 11:13).

Or am I misunderstood?

Brett :D



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Re: What Do The Denominations Have Right?
« Reply #10 on: August 03, 2007, 03:36:39 AM »

What was the question?  It must be "what do the hoards of Christian denominations think they believe, which is scriptural".

1.  They think they believe that God is love.

2.  They think they believe that God created all that there is.

3.  They think they believe that Christ is the Son of God.

4.  They think they believe that Christ died to save mankind.

5.  They think they believe in the reserection of Christ.

6.  They think they believe that their ansesters are really dead.

7.  They think they believe that there is only one God.

8.  They think they believe that we will have spiritual bodies in the next life.

9.  They think they believe that the last will be first and the first will be last.

10. They think they believe that the firstfruits will be the first to inherit incorruption.

11. They think they believe that the New Covenant is spiritually superior to the Old
 Covenant laws.

12.  They think they believe in the many called and few chosen truth.

But what do the hoards of Christian denominations really believe?

1.  They believe that God will throw most of illinformed humanity in to a literal hell hole of torture and roast their physical bodies with regenerating nervous systems for all eternity.

2.  They believe that God created all of the good things but messed up when He created His favorite cherub, Lucifer, who rebelled and has been screwing up God's plan of perfect righteous lives of everyone sense.

3.  They believe that God is a trinity of three persons; Father, Son and holy ghost (I refuse to capitalize holy ghost).

4.  They believe that Christ died to save only those that believe in Him but the rest will be, you know, refer to #1.  Oh, some think Christ spent three days in hell preaching to the lost (I guess to remind them that they will be there forever).

5.  Most don't believe that Christ ever died.  Look up.

6.  Most believe their ancesters went either to heaven or to hell immediately at death.  They know where their nice great grandmother is and they speculate where their drunk fal mouthed uncle is, who died in a car wreck.

7.  As mentioned above, they believe that God is in three persons.

8.  They believe that in their next life (in heaven) they will be able to stuff their physical faces with the greatest food, will be able to relax in their mansion, and watch their favorite program "Monday Night Hell Burning" of their enemies on the real "trinity broadcast network".

9.  They believe that the last will be the only and the first will be screwed eternally.

10. They believe that the firstfruits will be the only fruits.

11. They believe in all kinds of physical rituals such as a day of rest, physical babtism, tithing, senseless ramblings, and idolatry which is also forbidden in the Old Covenant.

12.  They believe that billions will go to heaven immediately at death or at the very least, billions of fellow churchians will be in the first resurection.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2007, 02:06:37 PM by musicman »

Sue Creamer

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Re: What Do The Denominations Have Right?
« Reply #11 on: August 03, 2007, 09:32:54 AM »

Hi All,

When I was a member of the WWCG (25 years) they taught that EVERY church denomination had some truth "here a little, there a little" and that was the way Satan worked in this world.  Now, I am not so sure that is correct.  True, God was with me when I attended the worldly church and I did learn many things that became part of the foundation for my beliefs now,  maybe just from the stand point that I have been in a Babylon church and have come out of the lies into the truth (I have a comparison).  So, maybe the world's churches don't have any doctrines right, but on the other hand most do read from the same bible and no matter where your physical body is sitting at the moment (church) and regardless of what is being taught from the pulpit...isn't it possible to learn truth even in a church that is speaking lies (to those that God is calling)????  Guess I side tracked the question...Boy, I sure hope this makes sense. 



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Re: What Do The Denominations Have Right?
« Reply #12 on: August 03, 2007, 09:45:51 AM »

Hello Folks,

I was wondering if anyone here could provide some insight on this question.

What doctrines do the present day churches have right? Any denomination, any doctrine.

His Peace to you,


Hi Joe,

How about...."In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."

I have been to many churches, but never have I heard one say that this is not true. Not saying that some don't though :)

Love in Christ,


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Re: What Do The Denominations Have Right?
« Reply #13 on: August 03, 2007, 09:50:22 AM »

isn't it possible to learn truth even in a church that is speaking lies (to those that God is calling)????  Guess I side tracked the question...Boy, I sure hope this makes sense. 

I follow you Sue Ann, how can one know what it is to be cold, unless one has experienced warmth first. Although it is God's Spirit that is teaching you and not the Church.

Well that's how I see it :)

Love in Christ,


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Re: What Do The Denominations Have Right?
« Reply #14 on: August 03, 2007, 10:07:52 AM »

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for all the great responses!

Darren, in regard to your question "In the Beginning God created...."

That is Genesis 1:1, sure they quote some scriptures but even in this they misinterpret it, most teach Jehovah created everything but do not teach that Jehovah is Jesus Christ they teach God the Father is Jehovah.

Eph 3:9  And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ:

The following verses are also quoted, but do they really teach it properly or believe it?

Joh 1:29  The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.
Joh 12:32  And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.
1Ti 2:4  Who will have all men to be saved and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

His Peace to you,


« Last Edit: August 03, 2007, 10:18:54 AM by hillsbororiver »


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Re: What Do The Denominations Have Right?
« Reply #15 on: August 03, 2007, 10:16:45 AM »

Hi All,

When I was a member of the WWCG (25 years) they taught that EVERY church denomination had some truth "here a little, there a little" and that was the way Satan worked in this world.  Now, I am not so sure that is correct.  True, God was with me when I attended the worldly church and I did learn many things that became part of the foundation for my beliefs now,  maybe just from the stand point that I have been in a Babylon church and have come out of the lies into the truth (I have a comparison).  So, maybe the world's churches don't have any doctrines right, but on the other hand most do read from the same bible and no matter where your physical body is sitting at the moment (church) and regardless of what is being taught from the pulpit...isn't it possible to learn truth even in a church that is speaking lies (to those that God is calling)????  Guess I side tracked the question...Boy, I sure hope this makes sense. 

Hi Sue Ann,

The churches (and their teachings) are most definitely the conduit through which the elect come through, they are the skimmed milk of the Word and those who hunger for meatier spiritual food come out and seek His Truth diligently through the Spirit of Christ.

1Co 13:11  When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

We should not be too harsh on the churches as they are serving the purpose God intended for them, it is up to us (who have been called out) to;

Php 2:12  Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

His Peace to you,



Sue Creamer

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Re: What Do The Denominations Have Right?
« Reply #16 on: August 03, 2007, 11:40:19 AM »


Thanks for filling in the spaces for me...I know you are right, it is God's spirit that guides us and leads us no matter where we are. 

I was thinking about the fact that in all of the Babylon churches, they all teach lies, but they still have the bible right there in front of them, even if the truth is hidden to them.  The very source of truth is like a priceless jewel in their midst, and no one can see it,  unless God opens their eyes. 

Sue Ann


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Re: What Do The Denominations Have Right?
« Reply #17 on: August 03, 2007, 02:13:19 PM »

Hello Folks,

I was wondering if anyone here could provide some insight on this question.

What doctrines do the present day churches have right? Any denomination, any doctrine.

His Peace to you,


Hi Joe,

How about...."In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."

I have been to many churches, but never have I heard one say that this is not true. Not saying that some don't though :)

Love in Christ,

No.  In the beginning God, the Son, and the holy spirit created  the heaven and the earth.  Then they made a nice, obediant little cherub and they named him Lucifer.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2007, 02:16:39 PM by musicman »


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Re: What Do The Denominations Have Right?
« Reply #18 on: August 03, 2007, 02:22:17 PM »

Why thank you kindly Rodger.  Right back at ya!! :D ;)

Musicman, very cool post.


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Re: What Do The Denominations Have Right?
« Reply #19 on: August 03, 2007, 04:01:56 PM »

This post got me thinking about the role of the Church (denominations) in God's plan.Is there any member of the forum who have discovered Christ through the teaching of Ray without a prior  denomination experience? It will be interesting to know.
It seems a necessary step, in God's plan, that we all go through the experience of denomination in order to become true sons of the Father. Therefore there must be some truths dispense there. In my personal experience, I have been thoughts some truths while attending Church that Ray have confirmed.

I think there are some leaders of the denominations who are purposefully deceived by God himself in the grand scheme of things. But, there are some who have chosen deliberately to hide the truth from their congregation because of their pursuit of easy gain yet all is of God.

So as there is time for everything under the sun, this the appointed time for God himself to expose them and call out the chosen from their midst.
May be attending babylon before discovering the truth and being called out of  her is  a necessary step of suffering in order to learn obedience.

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