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Author Topic: Parables  (Read 6513 times)

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« on: August 09, 2007, 09:59:42 AM »

Mr Smith,
             I only e-mail you to make comment on your theory of hell. And in no means am I am trying to disgrace you. But we must be honest some folks are unfruitful in understanding. I wanted to comment  briefly on your statement concerning Rich man and Lazarus.But first I must say the way I bumped into your web site is terrible. Ray, if I didn't believe in hell I wouldn't advertise it. But let me make some quick comment and get off here, souls need to here the Gospel of JESUS.
#  1 Yes Ray the story of Lazarus is True. In this book of the KJV Bible we find Christ teaching Biblical truth. Hell is real and you can miss it by being Born Again, repent of your sins and receive truth and you will be taught it by the Holy Ghost.
This was a true event that happened in the days of Abraham Luke 16:22 The rich man like most of the world today did not believe in hell either, so greed was no problem Luke 16:21 tells the dogs had more compassion than the rich man.The truth is after Death we must give a account to God for our lives. Luke 16:25 Remember that thou in thy lifetime.   Note this Ray, The beggar dies there is angels, the rich man dies and there is no mention of angels only of the burial, Reason being not all that cry Lord Lord are going to heaven only those truly saved by a born again experience. 5 warnings from hell then I got to go.He saw yes he had eye sight in hell Luke 16:23. He cried and that for mercy Luke 16:24 He sought for comfort  for his parched and dried mouth, water to cool his tongue, this is exactly what heat does to a throat near it and found none in hell, remember Ray wether you believe or not it is where he lift his eyes. His recorded life on earth (just like yours Ray) was replayed back to him giving evidence why he went to hell. Luke 16:25 Remember that thou in thy life time. No turning back once there Luke 16:26 Great gulf fixed neither can they pass to us that would come from thence (Hell). Here is the sad part Ray, You don't believe in hell, Ray because you haven't died yet all this took place AFTER DEATH not before. But to see is to believe just ask the rich man who begged for someone to go and what yes WARN his 5 brethren not to come to THIS PLACE OF TORMENT Luke 16:27/28. Look here Ray 5 brothers still alive one died and in hell, watch what Abraham says,Luke 16:29 They have Moses and The Prophets Let t hem here them. Old testament days, In verse 30 But if one went unto them from the Dead they will repent.Even the rich man knew you need to repent if you going to stay out of Hell. Ray you don't have to reply back but I do want to leave you with this. If you wont believe the law and the prophets who wrote of the coming of Jesus, or a evangelist telling you Bible truth, neither would you believe one though he rose from the Dead any idea who might of rose from the Dead you got it JESUS . Ray I pray you find your place in Christ, in this LIFE.  Hope to see ya in Heaven.

Dear Kelly:  What a crock.  You don't even know what a "parable" is, and you want to be a teacher?  So you assert that "This was a true event that happened in the days of Abraham."  Oh really?  So Lazarus is in heaven, and the rich man is in hell, and Jesus is already risen from the dead, back in the "days of Abraham?"  The Scriptures tell us that Abraham was still "DEAD" during Christ's ministry (John 8:53). Jesus said that "NO MAN has ascended into heaven" (John 3:13).  Even King David was still dead and did not go to heaven (and this was AFTER Christ's resurrection,  Acts 2:34).  Jesus had not yet lived OR DIED back in the "days of Abraham," so how could He have been risen from the day back in the "days of Abraham?"  "OH what a web we weave.............................."


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