> Hi Ray,
> Thankyou for your reply. So then you do believe in hell? Jehovahs
> witnesses believe there is no hell. Also Mormans are totally different to
> Jehovahs witnesses. Have you ever really listened to what Jehovahs
> Witnesses are saying? I am not saying that your beliefs are totally the
> same, however more similar than you may think. If you believe in your
> findings of the bible then I challenge you to find the differences between
> what you belive and what they believe. How would you feel about that?
> Kind regards,
> Chrissy.
Dear Chrissy: Let me bottom line this for you. It is of little consequence to argue over whether we should tithe 5%, 10% or 20%? Is God a trinity, a twinity, or a quartet? How exactly is the name YHWh pronounced? Should one take communion once a year, once a month, or every day? Is the proper day of worship, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday? Let me tell you what is of great consequence: What will happen to the human race? Will God save them all as He declares over and over again in the Scriptures, or will He torture for all eternity or annihilate for all eternity the majority of his creatures? There is more to the "hell" doctrine than whether there is eternal fire or not.
The Catholics, the Protestants, and the Jehovah Witnesses all agree that God WILL NOT SAVE ALL OF HIS CHILDREN as He says He will in the Scriptures. End of argument. Anything else besides the eternal welfare of God's humanity is of NO consequence by comparison. And so I repeat: There is not one major doctrine of the Catholics, or the Protestants, or the Jehovah's Witnesses that is Scriptural, or that I believe in. Period. All of these man-made denominations of men composed of many damnable and unscriptural doctrines of demons are all part of MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT, MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND THE ABOMINATION OF THE EARTH, and they will all be brought to their knees in judgment, "When Thy JUDGMENTS are in the earth the inhabitants of the world WILL LEARN RIGHTEOUSNESS" (Isa. 26:9 and a many more like Scriptures). Neither the Catholics, or the Protestants, nor the Jehovah's Witnesses believe any of these profound Scriptural truths concerning the salvation of all mankind.
God be with you,