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Author Topic: I'm diving into hell, please pray for me!  (Read 4751 times)

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I'm diving into hell, please pray for me!
« on: August 15, 2007, 04:10:09 AM »

Sorry I couldn't resist that tag line  :)

But seriously, I just started Ray's series on hell today.  The first two pages were like "whoa..I never even thought about it that way..."  a response I've had a gazillion times with his website material.

Anyway, I decided to bypass the Myth of Free Will series and skip to the Hell series.  I'm not sure if there is a thought-out, chronological order to his writings, but since I don't believe in free will anyway, I figured that it could wait until afterwards.

So please say a quick prayer for Jesus to continue His working in my spirit, to give me eyes to see and ears to hear.  Thank you everyone!

And this ends my very first official post of a new topic!     :)



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Re: I'm diving into hell, please pray for me!
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2007, 07:39:32 AM »

NOW THATS FUNNY!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


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Re: I'm diving into hell, please pray for me!
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2007, 07:41:32 AM »

Dawn, I will be praying that God will be revealing as you are Christ.........rick


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Re: I'm diving into hell, please pray for me!
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2007, 10:46:27 PM »

Dawn, I read the whole LOF then skipped all around.  Its all good :D  We all need prayer as we read Ray so that our eyes will be opened by the Lord.

I can't wait for the next installment.



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Re: I'm diving into hell, please pray for me!
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2007, 11:59:52 PM »

Hi Gena,

Yes I noticed that last one is "coming soon" or something like that.  Sure hope he finishes it before I get there.   ;D

I read Part A today - covering all the scripture on sheol that are translated correctly (31 times) and the 3 times its translated pit (3 times).  Tomorrow I'll start on the other 31 times its translated incorrectly so I expect to be kinda grumpy   :-[

I'll keep you posted!



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Re: I'm diving into hell, please pray for me!
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2007, 01:32:44 PM »

Hi Dawn,

I just noticed this thread...some days it's hard to stay on top of everything happening in this forum!

I know you will find some amazing treasures as you begin to sift through Ray's papers.  I'm like you and don't read hardly anything in chronological order.  Eventually you re-read everything anyways so you'll cover it all in time.

I remember one of the first papers I read was the one on how satan was created as satan...and I was like...WHAT??????? closest Christian girlfriend was visiting from out of town at the time and I was reading some of the stuff out loud to her and she was like....WHAT???? also.... ;D 

I was fascinated, but she was horrified....that was over a year and half ago now and though I quickly devoured all of Ray's writings, she's maybe read a few pages here and there.  However, she has embraced UR as I have, though it took her longer and she has not read as much as I have.  Of course, she has been an SDA Christian her whole life so she had much more unraveling to do.  So there you go, we are all individuals with our own pace and journey.

I look forward to hearing of your "what" moments ;) :)!



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Re: I'm diving into hell, please pray for me!
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2007, 09:09:04 PM »

Hi Diana,

Its funny you should make the comment about chronological order.  I started on Hell  -- read Part A and it was WOW....I couldn't continue for a couple days, then got busy with the weekend and work week starting but I sure was meditating on much of what I read.  So what do I read today?  Part A of the Myth of Free Will.  LOL

What's funny is that I was "passing over" that part because I figured I had that down ok.  WRONG  :)   Just reading the first part was amazing.  Especially the part about Adam and Eve and that Eve actually sinned BEFORE she ate the fruit (lust/coveting).  WOW ... and the part where Ray asked "why did Adam sin too if he wasn't deceived (as Eve was)" and then he made the statement that Adam loved his wife so much (our exceedingly weak heart) he was willing to die for her (as in wages of sin is death) and Ray sort of drew the parallel of it being - much like Christ died for His bride.  WOW  Made me verbally gulp (if that makes any sense).

Am I going to survive all this?  LOL  I know I will but its one thing built on another and another and the feeling of.....can't even think of the right word to be honest.  Its just this feeling of thankfulness, but more of humility.  How little I knew, how little I paid attention.  I know that there was a reason these truths didn't come to me until I was 48 years old but I still keep thinking that somehow I was lazy in my search.  But really, I know he was feeding me a little at a time, in preparation for BIGGER THINGS

I think I'm just breaking through to bigger things now and WOW   

Ok, sorry for rambling, but you all know this feeling I'm having.  I try to convey it to my husband and sister but they just don't get it.  They nod their heads and say "that's nice Dawn"  arghhhhhhhhhhhh   ;D    lol  I feel giddy, is that spiritual?  lol   Ok I'm done for now...


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Re: I'm diving into hell, please pray for me!
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2007, 01:59:44 AM »

Diana & Dawn, doesn't that show us clearly the election process at least in part.... WE think it is awesome and "they" don't get it!!  My son got angry reading some of Ray and my daughter goes, ok, nice, whatever!

2 people reading God's Word and have 2 different reactions or beliefs on it!!  It is God doing the dragging for sure, and in His time.


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Re: I'm diving into hell, please pray for me!
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2007, 04:10:37 PM »

I have a myspace page and I received a "political survey" bulletin today so I decided to fill it out and post it.  Included were some questions on religion - specifically "Do you believe there is a place called Hell"


I think not.  LOL     
Anyway, I put something like "hell is a myth, there is judgment but its not eternal, all will be redeemed in time"  Then I put "I'm sure this will shock some people"

My daughter, daughter-in-law and a couple friends get these bulletins so I'm curious if they will approach me on it.  I haven't talked to my  daughter yet (just my hubby and sister).  So we shall she.

I just need to pray for wisdom in answering if they do.  :)

Have a GREAT day everyone!!!
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