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Author Topic: ELVIS PRESLEY THE EARTHY KING  (Read 7001 times)

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« on: August 18, 2007, 11:37:47 AM »

1 Cor 6:3 Do you not know also that we are to judge the angels and pronounce opinion between right and wrong.....

I sat riveted watching a  biography of the life of Elvis Presley that was compiled by his ex-wife Priscilla Presley.

What struck me was this. God gave Elvis the gift of a magnificent voice. Throughout the life of Presley, God did not cancell or take back His gift even though songs were produced that displayed infidelity, "You were always on my mind" and others whose lyrics coon that while kissing another, his heart will break because it is not you etc.....

Watching the history of Elvis, and knowing that we do not have free me seeing the life story of Elvis in an entirely new light. We know he died naked on his face from an overdose of prescriptive drugs. That part is so parallel to how the unbeliever appears before God as "wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind and naked." Rev 3:1

What if you and I are in the judgement of Elvis when our Lord raises him off that cold bathroom floor and naked sickness that was his final memory, to face that his entire life and caustic fame, did nothing to glorify the beautiful gift that God gave to Elvis? Bitter indeed the tears of this man, deeper his repentance who will be shown the dung heap he produced while the world applauded him, loved him and adored him as he experienced hopless loss of control and sorrowful blindness of spirit.

As for me, I can see that Elvis, once re pentent will honour God with that awesome gift of love once he learns of the sacrifice and Glory of our Lord and his Saviour.

This gives me great hope and joy.

Peace to you

Arcturus :)
« Last Edit: August 18, 2007, 11:41:07 AM by Arcturus »


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« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2007, 03:02:10 PM »

Yes, it will be a beautiful thing!


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« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2007, 05:14:16 PM »

Interesting you bring this up... earlier this summer I watched a PBS show on Elvis and his gospel music connection in his early days.  It was quite moving!  I didn't know a thing about Elvis nor much of his music, but yep, surprisingly, he sure loved the Lord.

The program featured viewpoints from his chorus guys who have lived to tell.... how after a concert or gig they would stay up all night singing their hearts out to Jesus, and how they loved to do so!  Old film clips were shown.  The guys told stories of how Elvis would pray, often on his knees privately in the men's room, before going out on any stage, and they said he always wanted God to get the glory, not him.  On his first appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show way back when, he was supposed to perform a rock n' roll song, but came out and insisted on singing a simple gospel tune, "There Will Be Peace in the Valley," and dedicated it to his mother who brought him up with the love of the Lord.  Ed Sullivan was surprised!

Also in his early live performances, Elvis would include gospels songs mixed in with his poplular tunes, often in a very reverant style.  He struck me as being a very unusually sensitive guy and his showy style didn't seem to match his inner being at all.  Elvis felt touched by God... all the film clips showed this as being quite evident with him talking and praising the Lord often, and he often shed tears while singing some of his gospel music.  There are bunches of gospel songs available by him.  In fact I just searched the words:  Elvis, gospel... and lo and behold, there is a website elvisgospel dot com and the first thing you see there in big letters is:  "LOVE NEVER FAILS."  I really liked and related to one of his songs titled "He touched me."

As the timeline of his life went on, you could see him getting more and more poplular, bigger concert venues, a lot busier time-wise, flashier clothes, and playing less gospel music....




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« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2007, 09:43:44 PM »

Here is the spiritual thermometer of our society.

Who is the kIng????  Why, Elvis, of course! :o


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« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2007, 12:13:07 AM »

Thankyou for that insight Janice.

Elvis had to walk the path through fame, social demands, broken marriage, pain numbing drugs....perhaps when the Lord gets him up in his resurrection, Elvis might be the first to agree that all the THINGS that fame and fortune brought him, could never fill or take the place for his love of his Mother, his brokenness over his relationship difficulties that fame invaded upon him, and his love for our Lord.

Perhaps it will be him, Elvis, with Christ who judges us! With a voice like that, it will just melt our hearts wouldn't.t it! Perhaps the world, will receive the more lashes for its pomp and ceremony that it gave surrounding Elvis and his gift from God. As you say G. the thermometer is perhaps more accurately served on sick society rather than on Elvis that may have suffered his first judgement, in pain and sorrow while he lived out his life....?

Thanks for the input. I am heartened by this discussion. Elvis without doubt, suffered regardless of all the wealth he accumulated. Did you know he was a twin?

Elvis walked his cross right through the worlds hall of fame and he died doing so.

Peace to you

Arcturus :)
« Last Edit: August 19, 2007, 12:17:08 AM by Arcturus »

Jackie Lee

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« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2007, 02:00:34 AM »

I love the song You gave me a mountain by Elvis.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2007, 02:13:04 AM by Jackie Lee »

Jackie Lee

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« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2007, 02:12:15 AM »

You gave me a mountain

Born in the heat of the desert
My mother died giving me life
Deprived of the love of a father
Blamed for the loss of his wife
You know Lord I've been in a prison
For something that I never done
It's been one hill after another
I've climbed them all one by one

But this time, Lord you gave me a mountain
A mountain you know I may never climb
It isn't just a hill any longer
You gave me a mountain this time

My woman got tired of heartaches
Tired of the grief and the strife
So tired of working for nothing
Just tired of being my wife
She took my one ray of sunshine
She took my pride and my joy
She took my reason for living
She took my small baby boy

But this time, Lord you gave me a mountain
A mountain you know I may never climb
It isn't just a hill any longer
You gave me a mountain this time


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« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2007, 05:34:53 AM »

Jackie Lee

Thank you for that post. I had never heard of that song! The lyrics for me describe the Sovereignty of God in the life of Elvis. It also shows that Elvis knew his mountain was from God. Perhaps he even  knew in his heart that his cross was from God sharing what Christ suffered although I doubt that he made that connection in his mortality and most distracting earthly life. Jesus was applauded and pressed to overthrow Rome to take his place as King. He did not do that.

Elvis was applauded and pressed to overtake the worlds approval and he did. When he asked his band why the crowd was screaming, they pointed out that it was because he was wiggling his legs. From that day on, that was to become the Elvis hallmark of performance. Elvis aimed to please. Jesus aimed to obey.

Elvis, had his life written for him and he followed the way of approval and died in the process.

Jesus knew He had to die. Elvis, I believe, did not. Once resurrected and looking back in hindsight, perhaps Elvis will see that his pain was like that of our True King and Lord Jesus Christ. He suffered loss of love and life and the world turned on Christ. Elvis too suffered loss of love and life and perhaps in his last years the pain of rejection and ridicule over his obesity was one way our Lord showed Elvis the fickle unmerciful lust of the world is given only to lust of the eyes, flesh and pride of life which was the path through which Elvis career became so successful. When shown this, perhaps then, Elvis will gladly, triumphantly and heartfully thankfully lay down his crown before our King Lord Jesus in songs of praise! I believe the Lord has saved the best song of Elvis Presley for last!

I wonder what Elvis would say if he read this thread? I wonder if he would agree if he were now raised to judgment? God is Love and every tear will be wiped away. I think Elvis is going to like that part and I believe the greatest teaching for Elvis will come to him in judgment. After all. What did Elvis know about the Myth of Free Will?

Peace to you

Arcturus :)

« Last Edit: August 19, 2007, 05:37:31 AM by Arcturus »


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« Reply #8 on: August 19, 2007, 11:08:55 AM »

Thank you all for this thread.

Jackie Lee, those lyrics bring tears to my eyes. They convey a longing for God in the midst of great sorrow.

I really didn't know all those things about Elvis.

Janice, you said,
As the timeline of his life went on, you could see him getting more and more poplular, bigger concert venues, a lot busier time-wise, flashier clothes, and playing less gospel music....

I feel remorse for this man. It seems he over time lost sight of Him who could bring true comfort to his soul. He must have leaned on drugs more and more in order to fill the void that can never be filled other than with God.

Arcturus, you said,

God is Love and every tear will be wiped away.

I am so thankful for that! Our God is a God of hope and restoration.



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« Reply #9 on: August 19, 2007, 11:35:13 AM »

Elvis will never experience anything but being alive even though he is now dead.

"The living KNOW that they shall die, but the dead KNOW NOT ANYTHING."

Let’s think about that for a few moments and see if this is not quite encouraging.

"The living KNOW… the dead know NOTHING." The dead don’t know that they are dead. When you die, you will NOT KNOW THAT YOU ARE DEAD! But it gets better. Not only will you never know that you are dead at some point in the future, but from your perspective YOU NEVER EVEN LOST CONSCIOUSNESS. This to me was a marvelous revelation.

Once God creates consciousness in a human they will NEVER EVER know anything BUT CONSCIOUSNESS. From my perspective and from your perspective we will never "know" ANYTHING but life and feelings and emotions and consciousness. From our perspective we will never "know" what it is like to be dead. Oh we will probably die some day (assuming that the Lord doesn't come first), but we will never know that we were dead; we will never know what it is to BE dead, or to BE unconscious. Others will know and sorrow (maybe?) that we are dead and gone, but from OUR perspective we will never lose conscious reality, and we will never "experience" being dead.

When Elvis who died in his sins, is restored to life,  will he blink into a different life from the one he left behind, destitute, anguished, hurting, alone and in painful blindness and desperation....What drove him?

I do not envy him the lessons he will suffer to know the chastisements of God over the abusive flamboyant worldly ways he followed to his ultimate death. Where will the applause of the world be then as he is brought before the Throne of Christ to account for his life? I believe Elvis will cry to have revealed what his motives were and what drove him to acquire his success. Ambition, adulation, applause, approval, success, pride of life....a weak spiritual will no....weakness yes that will be revealed and then trained into strength through the righteousness of Christ.

Yes it is easy to criticise but should it not bring us to ask ourselves what is our motive for living? Before God, what is it?

This thread has challenged me to ask myself what is my motive for living? What is it REALLY. It is a most probing question.

Peace to you

Arcturus :)
« Last Edit: August 19, 2007, 11:39:31 AM by Arcturus »

Jackie Lee

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« Reply #10 on: August 19, 2007, 06:57:10 PM »

Great thread Arcturus, Thanks LittleBear yes those lyrics showed me that even he knew everything was of God.
You may be able to listen to it on utube,It really is beautiful and brings tears.
His Flesh certainly seemed a hinderance even with his God given talent.
I purchased a gospel cd a while back of Elvis, God used him in a great way.
I don't like his music other than gospel.
I listen to the music and lyrics and it seemed he had many mountains in his life.
This thread certainly has made me think and it is humbling, to know what awsome gifts God gives.


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« Reply #11 on: August 20, 2007, 02:49:44 AM »

From this thread I believe that once God gives, He does not take back!

Perhaps Elvis will sing his best song last just like the wine saved for last at the banquet feast of the wedding where Jesus did His first miracle! With God, all things are possible.

Peace to you

Arcturus :)


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« Reply #12 on: August 20, 2007, 04:44:57 AM »

Thanks so much Jackie Lee, I thoroughly enjoyed that link today... I got to hear a few tunes and again that tune I heard in the PBS show, "He Touched Me"...

He touched me and now I am no longer the same...
Something happened, and now I know..
He touched me -- and made me whole.

Our God is a strange God, n'est pas?   ;)  I think Father and Lord used Elvis on a variety of levels.  For one, the foolishness of preaching.  Two, a blatant example of what not to become.

Even though Elvis left his first love (as we all must do to go through His process)... yes, I too think he will belt out another great song when it is given time for him to do so....

But although maybe saved for last, I'm hoping it will not be his last.  :)  Who knows??  Great Elvis songs into infinity??  :D


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« Reply #13 on: August 20, 2007, 03:18:26 PM »

Hi Everyone,

I absolutely adored Elvis when I was a child.  I use to listen to my mom's records of him endlessly.  After he died I read a few sensational biographies of him and I was quite saddened by the life he lived.  Many people loved him to be sure, but there were also those close to him that published writings bringing to light all the horrible things going on in his life, and making money from it at that.  I imagine there were precious few that Elvis could trust.

I related so much to the passion and pain in his songs, and as a lonely child his music brought me through much.  Though I haven't listened to Elvis for years now, still one of my favorites of his is "If I can dream..." 

Watch him sing this on youtube:



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« Reply #14 on: August 20, 2007, 03:40:15 PM »

I plan to go an get some Cd's on Elvis Favourite Gospel tunes and play them in my shop.

God is great. He choreographed the life of Elvis, gave him a great gift and a mountain he could not climb. He will be resurrected to meet the love of his life Jesus Christ. Elvis will have shared first hand some of the bitter lessons and cross suffering moments that this fickle insincere world revealed to him and there will be much pain and heartache from error that only our precious Lord can heal, explain and correct. 

In the mean time I will play his songs and think that we all have to carry our cross through this deceived, insane and insincere beastly world till we too lie flat on our faces in our nakedness and shame dependent on Jesus who loves us with sincere tried and true love.

Some might think I am crazy who come to the shop ;D ....they will have no idea! ;D 8)

Peace to you

Arcturus :)


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« Reply #15 on: September 04, 2007, 04:45:30 AM »

I saw that show on televison of Elvis amd the gospel.  It was good I read a book by Patty Roberts "from ash to gold",  I believe was the tittle.  It explain more clearly what is it like to be come rich and famous.  How hard it is  a good book to read.  Patty Robert was married to Oral Roberts son ( whats his name?)  and he just up and divorce her for another woman.. God did a mighty work in her.  Peggy


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« Reply #16 on: September 04, 2007, 04:14:55 PM »

I did not know that about Oral Roberts.

The last I saw or heard of him was when he appeared on a Benny Hinn show telling of a vision he had of dust and blood in the air and a strong wind was rushing against his body as he allegedly received this vision. Come to think of it, he spoke of NY and the dust and blood cloud was over NY. He spoke of this vision about one year before the Twin Towers were shot down. I can not recall exactly but I do remember Oral saying this was going to happen because God was not pleased.

His interview concerning this was very emotional.

I went and acquired some Elvis Gospel music that I now play in my shop!

Our life is but a vapour...Jas 4:14 " whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. What is your life? For ye are a vapor, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away."

Peace be to you

Arcturus :)


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« Reply #17 on: September 04, 2007, 04:58:40 PM »

Arcturus did you understand it was Oral Roberts SON not Oral Roberts himself?  Peggy


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« Reply #18 on: September 04, 2007, 06:07:55 PM »

thanks Peggy...yes I did catch that and it was a very old frail looking Oral Roberts who was on the Benny Hinn show! :D
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