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Author Topic: Good Morning  (Read 5349 times)

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Good Morning
« on: August 31, 2007, 01:45:34 PM »

Just wanted to say " Good Morning" to all and hope your day is truly good. We are blessed with each day we awake. Right now, the sun is shining, the tree frogs are singing and the birds are going about their business. There is so much in nature that reminds us of God's love and care for us. Problems come and problems go.... that is just life. Right now though, we can enjoy all life has to offer us in big things and small things. JacieLeigh
p.s. This is another thing my Daddy , Satch, taught me. He taught me when he was young and he taught me even as he was dying. His nickname came from Satch Armstrong. He and my Mama loved his music and Daddy sang it often. He could sing very well and it always made me happy inside when he sang. He sang to me too. I sat in his lap in his chair. I was very sick and had an incurable genetic disease found when I was little. Daddy and Mama had to choose whether I would have a hospital life or a more normal life even though it might be shorter. They chose normal. I was sick and sometimes in great pain. Daddy sang "Down in the Valley" to me as he rocked me. When the pain was very bad, he sang to me and told me just to feel the music from his heart to mine. I loved him so much.

Sue Creamer

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Re: Good Morning
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2007, 04:20:53 PM »


Fathers are soooo very special.  I am so glad you had a truly caring loving father.  I had one also, and when you talk about how your father sang to you, brought back memories of when I was small and I would lay my head against my father's guitar while he sang to me...!!!  He is gone now.

Just think how much greater is the love of our heavenly father and how much he loved your father...and you!!  Time heals all wounds, be encouraged and don't be afraid to grieve..there is a time for all things under the sun and now your time has come to remember your wonderful father in life.  His battles are over in this life, the next time (and time goes by so fast) you see him you will not be grieving....!!  Be encouraged.

Sue Ann



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Re: Good Morning
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2007, 04:27:39 PM »

Good Afternoon!!!  My noises here are workers loading wood and yakking about.  Thanks for letting me "hear" nature for a moment.  Are you in the south??  Northerners say 'dad' and southerners say 'daddy'. :D

How inspiring!  Thank you Jacieleigh. Your daddy & mama sound wonderful! Are they still w/ you? They chose a "normal life but shorter"- How wise and loving.  The 'shorter' part is wrong tho, right :-*

I bet you can tell us lots of good 'down home' stories. Please do.

Sue Ann you posted while I was writing.  I am sorry Jacieleigh, I didn't know you were grieving right now.  If you posted elsewhere I will go read it.


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Re: Good Morning
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2007, 09:20:12 PM »

It's okay. Yes we are from the deep south. We were blessed to be able to walk outdoors for many of the lessons of nature Mama and Daddy taught us. They are both gone from me for now but not forever. When I miss them, I have my bag of memories I can pull from my heart. Now, I try to reach out to others in the way they taught me. No man lives unto himself and no one dies unto himself. My parents live on through me and my brother. I learned from them to never hold myself above anyone else. My best friends, a drug addict , an alcoholic, etc. are no different than me. They just had unfortunate circumstances in their lives.I hope that i can always convey to anyone I meet that unconditional acceptance and the encouragement that my parents taught me.My hope is that both my brother and myself do our parents proud by passing on what we learned. JacieLeigh


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Re: Good Morning
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2007, 10:22:32 PM »

Hi JacieLeigh,

Thank you for sharing about your memories of your daddy. I'm so happy that you have all those loving memories of a loving father. Hang on to those now, he gave you a beautiful gift of himself and showed you the love your Heavenly Father has for you. That is a priceless treasure.

One of the earliest memories of my dad that I have is him telling me bedtime stories about Jesus. I can't remember a time that I haven't loved Jesus and those stories were my introduction. He now has Alzheimer's and can't remember those times anymore, but those memories I will always be grateful for.




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Re: Good Morning
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2007, 12:44:26 AM »

Good day to you too JacieLeigh!  Good thought and right-on:

We are blessed with each day we awake.

A good one to stick on the bathroom mirror!  :)

I've been blessed with a new neighbor friend this summer, Mary Feagan.  She is an artist and a poet.  Just for fun, I'd like to share two of her poems with you:


My soul is fat, full of grace, satisfied, purring
a cat licking cream off her face.
I wasn't always like that, like this
choosing bliss, choosing to feel full
as a mama dove sitting on six eggs in her nest.
Of course, I'm not always feeling the fullness.
Sometimes I get restless, sink down into sad, soggy thoughts
have to chin myself back to precarious peace.
But now, at least, I know what to do to feel full.
I get my journal, walk in Nature, phone a friend
but mostly I know to sit still, sit tall, sit inside the big Love
and feel part of it all.
Then I lick cream off the face of God.
Again I'm that mama dove sitting on six eggs in her nest.
I breathe deeply and rest.
I feel full.

Jesus' Eyes

I say to Jesus, my big brother and friend
Jesus, Jesus, I want to see with Your eyes.
Your eyes saw the deep truth, never lied.
They saw through skin tough as dragon scales
to tender hearts, to scared shy bruised bleeding hearts
behind yelling fire-breath accusations, insults and insinuations.
And then seeing those soft hearts, You loved them, scales and all.
How did you do that?  Talk about the power and the glory.
Jesus, Jesus, I want to do that too.
I want to see like You do.

And Jesus says to me, "Mary, Mary
that's exactly what I want you to do.
Here, take My eyes and never look back.
Seeing with them may have a blind side
but oh, the bliss of seeing love in everyone.
Use my eyes, Mary.  Consider them yours."

Mary has been believing in universal reconciliation for years!  I just met her in June yet we've been living in the same neighborhood for twenty years.  I ask you to pray with me for her to come unto the knowledge of more truths.  These poems somehow made me think of you and your post.

Hope you enjoyed them!  I did.  :)
With love,

P.S.  I don't think Mary meant Jesus was 'blind' per se, but sees through to people's hearts.   ;)
« Last Edit: September 01, 2007, 01:02:57 AM by DuluthGA »


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Re: Good Morning
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2007, 11:43:56 AM »

Thank you for sharing those. Your friend has a gift from God with her words. Although you have lived close by to one another for so long , there is a reason that God has given you one another now. Enjoy that gift of friendship. JacieLeigh
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