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Author Topic: a wild and zen biblestudy  (Read 8437 times)

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a wild and zen biblestudy
« on: August 31, 2007, 07:44:24 PM »

  some people ask, "should we go to church now" some people ask, "whats the point no one can know if they are saved or not", and some other people really go off the deep end and say well theres nothing we can do, its all god fault anyway, and drive themselves into mental paste with the details.....

    I prefere the direct approach.OK. so today between my ramblings we are going to discuss a few verses. I did not know which discussion bored was meant for that, and am too shy to break rules, cause this pondering i am about to undertake might seem blasphomouse to ray(pun intended). But i am here to just think and my verse and interpretation wont be anti ray......(evils grins i am the anti christ, honestly)...........

OUR verse for the day
           "Some, to be sure are preaching Christ even form envy and strife, but some also from good will. The latter do it out of love....
            "Knowing that I (also we ) are appointed for the defence of the Gospel:The former preach Christ  out of selfish ambition, rather than form pure motives, thinking to cause me distress in my imprisonment.
            " What then!  Only this.....

            "That in every way, wether pretence or truth, CHRIST is proclaimed: and in this truth, (CHRIST) that i rejoice, Yes i will rejoice.  For i know that this will turn out for my deliverance through your prayers and the provisions of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, according to my earnest expectation (hum i enjoy those words) and hope, that i shall not be put to shame in anything, but that with all boldness, Christ shall , even now, always....., be exalted in MY body, wether by life or by death."

    Wow he said alot. in such short lines......if there are indeed so many few of these chosen and many not yet chosen, or the goers to hell if you so believe. Face it no matter what one believes, Christ Jesus is who/what Christ is,  so lets not get stuck on the particulars and get to the finding of this CHRIST MIND.........

   The Christ of Paul, that Christ who did POOF at him in the way to Damascus.............i mean you know theology whooped do.This Christ thing has got to be better that just knowing what is, what not and it really MUST have something more to do with a thing YOU can chose, when and how and  after the Lord reveals all the stuff to you.

  The kind of Mind of Christ that Paul had.....well it must have been more spectacular that to have all your thoughts in subjections to him.......(wink wink)(er...somewhere in Corinthians) must be something that is able to transend everything ...(god is a being ness),

 People need to hear truth and see truth in action, and learn by faith and example , that's why Jesus is "Grooming" a few now, and i tell ya our behaviour has to be right instep with his will and that's more than knowing which bible to study.

        It is a way to life, and when you are brought along to live it with surrender and obedience rather than thick study and worry , then the Living in the mind of Christ differs all your values and all your understanding, turning it over to the mind of Christ. Once you leave Babylon you cant return. How can the mind of Christ become deceived again?

        Basically it wont matter what church your in when Christ converts you, and dint you think it would be nice if those poor lost souls could at least see ONE example of "thing" they are wishing for......not all Christians IN Babylon are wolves and shouldn't we be making disciples of all men......

     If it makes you mad to hear the falseness..... Suck it up, your brother is hungry. Even Christ went to church for the few.. how many of you where lost and alone because there wasn't even any kind of person who seemed to have the life the bible promises. We all where lost and struggling and many haven't let themselves seek as far as you have.  i think it is better to learn to let go of my outrage and make friends of the very few.

        Beside wether you are in church, a place you can more easily talk about the bible or on the street proclaiming your message, or one on one interactions form the grocery store to hanging out with friends, your life ought to be reflecting the  Christ  that's instructing you and that you are a child of his by correction and surrender which leads to perfectness.
       Your "theology" is gonna slip out ,and so will the god given wisdom to know when to let it out. In the world, out of the world, what ever when god's in control you speak truth. And we are all short of the total glory of know why Jesus needs a BIG BODY....he is everything, he is all perspective, he is truth no matter what. 

       whew a big god indeed is taking his time instructing us.

       and i think he can do it  even if we "go to church" or "go to the world" or "still cling to our theology" because is he is beyond all that.. all i got to do is  learn to obey him and walk with him.

       In that mind, the Scriptures become word to you, they are your witness and your confirmation. But you can lose this bliss too with unbelief, that's somewhere in Hebrews. Paul st rived .... Peter st rived, i know i have st about you...and yes it is our will God is testing

..........what he is asking for.........

           puke up that fruit of the tree of knowledge.

 ..........*ACK*...........Good boy now go make disciples.





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Re: a wild and zen biblestudy
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2007, 01:43:01 AM »

Sometimes small children eat dog food off of the floor because they don't know any better.  When they mature they begin to find this to be disgusting and stop eating it.  So should we eat dog food off of the floor to make deciples of little children?

P. S.
Yuck, yuck. . . Nasty!!  Bad dog food.  No eat!!!

Don't even taste spiritual swill!!


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Re: a wild and zen biblestudy
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2007, 10:22:08 AM »

Sometimes small children eat dog food off of the floor because they don't know any better.  When they mature they begin to find this to be disgusting and stop eating it.  So should we eat dog food off of the floor to make deciples of little children?

P. S.
Yuck, yuck. . . Nasty!!  Bad dog food.  No eat!!!

Don't even taste spiritual swill!!

do adults take time concidering the dog food they will feed their dogs, and which pizza rolls the immature would like best?

        you ask me if we need to go feast on the yuck in order to make disciples...the answer is no. But do we need to be examples above the swill and able to bring out immedieate nutrition and give out proper portions in order to make disciples, yes.

         People have alot more to learn about Jesus, such as how to cast down imaginations, and most of the Book of epehesians which have application to them beyond wether their preacher tells them aunty is going to hell.

         In the average Christian the Desire is to be doing right for the Lord and Hell doesnt much come up in our own circles but rather a wondering about how to obey. Much like in personal conversation your own name doesnt much come up. I am ALL FOR Rays great work. It is wonderfull to learn what hereicies we have. And as i was saying this getting out of Babylon is more than to just stoping the going to Chruch, it is to get out of our carnal and flippity minds.
         And i see some importance in makeing myself available to those who are in that system seeking a ray of light. Those who maybe dont have the time to read an internet site, who might just need someone eating cadviar in order to realise the yuckyness of their swill. Then we can teach them how to Cook.
         But then also that might just be my thing, i mean i dont suggest a person who leaves a brainwashing cult go back (or an Alcholic to go back into a bar) into it to be a light there. But some do,  We all have our callings  and besides, even if you stay in the chruch or stay in the world, the escape from Babylon effects everything you do, think and say.


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Re: a wild and zen biblestudy
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2007, 01:29:03 PM »

Hi Justine,

Basically it wont matter what church your in when Christ converts you, and dint you think it would be nice if those poor lost souls could at least see ONE example of "thing" they are wishing for......not all Christians IN Babylon are wolves and shouldn't we be making disciples of all men......

But do we need to be examples above the swill and able to bring out immedieate nutrition and give out proper portions in order to make disciples, yes.

The thing that accured to me while reading these statements in your post is this;
When we first come to the knowledge of the truth we may be in the church, are we prepared to teach others about this truth, at the time we first come to it ourselves?  I don't think so.  We are learning ourselves. 
Do we want to stay among the teachers of heresy while we are trying to gain the truth for ourself, again I don't think so. 
To be a teacher and example of the truth to others, you must be very well grounded in understanding the truth of the scripture, which can take years (the disciples were taught by Jesus for 3 1/2 yrs, it may have been many years before Paul started teaching, which you can read in Gal. 1:16-24 and 2:1-2)

The scripture that strikes me as being the most relevant.

2Co 6:14  Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?
v. 15  What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever?
v. 16  What agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; as God said, "I will make my dwelling among them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
v. 17  Therefore go out from their midst, and be separate from them, says the Lord, and touch no unclean thing; then I will welcome you,
v. 18  and I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord Almighty."

Rev 18:4  Then I heard another voice from heaven saying, "Come out of her, my people, lest you take part in her sins, lest you share in her plagues;

mercy, peace and love

« Last Edit: September 01, 2007, 03:53:29 PM by Kat »


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Re: a wild and zen biblestudy
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2007, 01:51:27 PM »


i agree it takes years and even separation to learn the things god has to teach you, and i agree about in the beginning we ought to stay out of cirtien places, where one can become confused.

           i am argueing that this whole process of overcomming and being conformed to His image, involves our every move and state of being.AS you come closer to truth in your understanding you are able to hear beyond what they are saying and see their hearts. And that since we are still in this world we ought to try to have multiply our talents and that includes what we do here. But i cant escape the desire to be in the church i am in, to try to witness and to pray for them while i am there. and yes it is frustrateing to listen to the false, i i do alot of praying and acceptance, and try to speek to these people with teaching and encouragement get them to turn their hearts toward god, and speak truth but avoid cirten topics till i am friends with the mammon of unrighteousness.


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Re: a wild and zen biblestudy
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2007, 02:53:34 PM »

Kat, I agree.  I'm fortunate that I wasn't in a church when I came to the BT site.  I've NEVER felt totally comfortable with church - I think mainly its because I'm shy, but also - when I first started attending, I thought everyone was so perfect and it made me feel like a failure.  Then I came to understand that most of them were putting on a "pretty picture" (much like myself).  Then, as God showed me more (especially on His Sovereignty), the messages would annoy me.    >:(

As far as the hell doctrine - this is NEW to me.  But its amazing how much it falls into the doctrine of free will.  I'm seeing more and more how this doctrine (free will) takes hold of people and deceives them.  I had a conversation with my sister and she was almost angry at the thought of not being able to "accept/choose" Jesus.  No matter what I said, she wouldn't even consider it.

I think most in the church are like that today.  I have two grown children in their 20's who I've not spoken anything to YET.  I know I need to have a firmer grasp on these truths before I share.  I don't feel led right now, whatsoever, to share with them and I know that's why.

Justine - I'm not sure how long you've been studying these new truths but I do believe you have to do what you feel God is leading you to do.  If you feel called to stay in church to share what you've learned, then God's power to you.  Just make sure its God that is doing the leading.  I know in my "excitement" I had that talk with my sister and I don't think it was being led from God.  If its us, its going to fail.  I'll wait for sure, when I know in my spirit, that its Him.

Interesting post.  I do long for a time when God will use me to share with my family, with whomever he brings to me.  I'm not the type to go looking though.  BUT - if that's what He has in mind, I'm sure he'll make me that type.  LOL

Blessings everyone for a wonderful 3 day weekend!



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Re: a wild and zen biblestudy
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2007, 03:27:10 PM »

Two excerpts from Ray's Winning souls for Jesus

Excerpt One:


"Now we are aware that God [Who? GOD. Men—ourselves? NO—GOD] is working all together for the good of those who are loving God who are called according to the purpose that, whom He foreknew, He designates beforehand, also, to be conformed to the image of His Son for Him to be Firstborn among many brethren. Now whom He designates beforehand, these He calls also, and whom He calls, these He justifies also; now whom He justifies, these He glorifies also" (Rom. 8:28-30, Concordant Literal New Testament).

It is ALL OF GOD. It is not wrong to tell others of your knowledge of God and His Word. It is not, however, your responsibility to "get people saved." Only God can do that.

It is GOD who does the calling:

"For ye see your calling brethren how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called. But God has chosen [Who? ‘GOD’] the weak things of this world to confound the things which are mighty…" (I Cor. 1:26-27).

It is GOD who does the dragging:

"No man can come to me, except the Father which has sent Me, draw him [Gk: ‘drag him’]…" (John 6:44).

It is CHRIST Who chooses from those His Father dragged:

"Ye have not chosen Me, but I HAVE CHOSEN YOU…" (John 15:16).

Excerpt Two:


"Ye are the salt of the earth… Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid… Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven" (Matt. 5:1,14,16).

Salt does not make any noise, and light does not argue Scriptures. Neither salt nor light makes any sound whatsoever. Maybe there is a lesson in there.

Peace to you



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Re: a wild and zen biblestudy
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2007, 05:11:10 PM »

Great points Kat:

When we first come to the knowledge of the truth we may be in the church, are we prepared to teach others about this truth, at the time we first come to it ourselves?  I don't think so.  We are learning ourselves.....   

To be a teacher and example of the truth to others, you must be very well grounded in understanding the truth of the scripture, which can take years (the disciples were taught by Jesus for 3 1/2 yrs, it may have been many years before Paul started teaching,

So right by my own experience thinking I've absorbed more than I thought I have, and this may answer why so many newbies join but do not post, or ask a few questions and move on... there is much to the matters of the truth when studying His Word.  ;) 

Thanks for insight,


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Re: a wild and zen biblestudy
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2007, 08:12:18 PM »


Good verses, and they are to be folllowed.but we are not yet out of the world itself. The place of light walking around darkeness.Jesus prayed for us to be in the World but not OF the world. i treat the going to church just like i treat the going to the grocery store. Only at church i have a chance to show some love to someone and throw in a bible verse or conversation about The Lord. Paul went back to chruch after he was converted.

          I am not suggesting being yoked in the way you seem to be meaning it. Because we cannot even be UNYOKED with the world till HE comes.

          As to winning souls, i do understand it is not biblical, and i never knew that before, glad to be free of all that guilt, but it does not liberate me from having to represent the Lord as an Ambasitor at all points of my growing.

           Leave the false belief definatly, and leave the group untill you are seasoned, indeed. but show and practice love and the gosple news with a being sanctified life no matter who you are talking with, pricesless.

            And if this is an agree to disagree kinda thing it is all good i jsut echo David by saying where can we go, we cant escape the Lord and we cant escape the falsness of the world. And is it a bad thing to try to find that one other sheep?(seek those likeminded)


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Re: a wild and zen biblestudy
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2007, 10:00:08 PM »

Hi Justine,

Paul went back to chruch after he was converted.

Since you made this comment, I thought I would bring up this excerpt from the article 'THE DEPTH OF SATAN AND THE CHURCH OF GOD'
This explains Paul's going to church. -------------------------------------------

Did new converts to Christ continue to attend synagogues to be edified in their new-found-faith? NO! They were persecuted in the synagogues! They left the synagogues. They left the mother Church. Remember our lesson where Jesus said, "I will build My church..." (Matt. 16:18). Jesus didn’t say that He would purify or purge the existing Church. No, Jesus built a New Church—His Church, "MY Church" Jesus called it.

And so it was in the religion of Judaism that the people learned of God and the Law of Moses. But when they learned of the gospel of Jesus Christ, they were forced to "COME OUT OF HER…"

When we read the history of the Apostles in the book of Acts, they and their new converts to Jesus did not continue to worship Jesus in the synagogues. They now began to meet among themselves and in private homes. Paul’s habit was to go to the synagogues of whatever city he was evangelizing to teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul did not go to these synagogues to worship Jesus Christ, but rather to teach that Jesus was the Christ. And those who were truly called of God left the synagogues and met with believers of like mind in private homes.

It is true that the Apostles continued for a time to go up to the Temple (not the local synagogues), but they were warned under threat of death that they should discontinue teaching in the Temple. But Peter, who denied Christ three times just weeks earlier, now spoke fearlessly:

"And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to TEACH AND PREACH Jesus Christ" (Acts 5:42).


There was a transition period where the disciples still went up to the temple, but God’s intimate dealings would now be found in more humble surroundings. When the Holy Spirit was poured out on the first Saints of Jesus, it was not in a synagogue, but in a house:

"And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all THE HOUSE where they were sitting" (Acts 2:1-2).

Church services were held in houses:

"Likewise greet the church that is in their house" (Rom. 16:5).

"The churches of Asia salute you. Aquila and Priscilla salute you much in the Lord, with the church that is in their house" (I Cor. 16:19).

"Salute the brethren which are in Laodicea, and Nymphas, and the church which is in his house� (Col., 4:15).

"Paul, a prisoner of Jesus Christ, and Timothy our brother, unto Philemon our dearly beloved, and fellowlabourer, and to our beloved Apphia, and Archippus our fellowsoldier, and to the church in your house" (Philemon 1-2).

mercy, peace and love



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Re: a wild and zen biblestudy
« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2007, 05:02:22 AM »

While it may appear at first glance to be admirable to go back into Babylon to seek out a little lamb, it is only God who has this job description. ;D

"And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE, that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues. For her sins have REACHED UNTO HEAVEN, and God has remembered her iniquities" (Rev. 8:5).

Yes, God is talking about His people, who are in His church, but … BUT, who must nonetheless, "REPENT" (Rev. 2:5 & 5, 16, 21, 22, 3:3, 19—seven times, COMPLETE REPENTANCE), and "COME OUT OF HER." Coming out of her is no small part of this "repentance."

If God is calling you to be a Son, you must come out of "Mystery Babylon the Great, mother of harlots, and the abominations of the earth."
Peace to you

Arcturus :)


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Re: a wild and zen biblestudy
« Reply #11 on: September 02, 2007, 10:06:20 AM »


 ok fine.

(hope god makes me leave then)

    and i dont want to be the bleeding heart here. or merely to be admirable. it could very well be that i am just in some kind of transitional phase.

      I cant deny those scriputre, i dont even mean to, but then what about the commisons of Jesus to go and spread the gosple? I think that is all covered also when i discribe our process into the Mind of Christ involves us where ever we are. I just think leaveing babylon also includes leaving the world system itself, which is what that building  the church and those people are inside of ( religion flavor insted of fashion flavor or politics flavor)

       Yes the Ecclesia is out there in scattered masses, and few  meet in this house or  that convention or lucky enough to have a great forum to sound off, And that building is not the church.

       We are not to love the world or the many flavors of its things. I say we cant even get unyoked from it all without Christ, and may be there is a reason we are here. If not trying to reach anyone still in the babylon church style, then may to be seeking the seekers of god in babylon world style, or not.......maybe jsut to be seeking god and helping along those who are knowing the same truths as we are..maybe thats just it...then why the desire in me to help people?

         Then why all the instruction from Jesus about makeing disciplies, and proclaiming the gosple, and giving to sinners, of going the extra mile, and the warnings that we would be put out, we would be unaccecpted.

     But this issue is far more than should i go to a church.............but what should i do when i realsie i am the church? To which of the least of thses ought i share the message with?................You all come to me and say nope, thats up to god....god will get the sheep out......God got me out, you say.

      I ask why? and How? He got you out by leading you to a PERSON with the GOSPLE who was PROCLAIMING it. Are you saying then that there is NO work for us to do on this planet while we wait for the End of the eon?

      You obey Christ and then you are his witness wether you think going back into the building is ok or wether you live your witness in your cubicle at work you are everyday GOING into babylon  and must be called out form her. (not partake of her values) I wonder if we narrowly interpret what is this babylon, is it JUST the whore Chruch of god, or is it also the whoredoms of all world systems?

       At this point, i will concider myself in a trasnition. I have to admit i have many years of old system theology clouding the understanding of revelation in my head. I have seen it interpreted as the Catholic Church, and as a governmental system, and have seen it on my own as perhaps both to include a worldy carnal mind (greed selfishness and Power) preforming the places where The Lord ought to be ruleing and reining.
     Anyway much to concider. And i trust the Father has us jsut where we are supposed to be. I wrote all this to try to work out what i am supposed to do.  Not what you are are suposed to do, I can see the wisdom in separation from the going to church thing and have went out also.

      Then i had returned and would be angery because there seemed so little usefull truth there, but then i saw a few persons in the pews who needed encouragement.  I guess i go there to pray for them, i go there to observe. And it very well could be that doign this is HIS way for me to begin separation. 

      I guess i am attached to going someplace on sunday, where i can talk about god freely if not cirtien doctrines, because i am normally a recluse, and the only people i ever see hand me reciepts and say have a nice day.

       well.........this whole paper is not just about going to church buildings but how the mind of Christ, growing within you, makes you CHURCH no matter where you stand is in the world also that they will persequte you.




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Re: a wild and zen biblestudy
« Reply #12 on: September 02, 2007, 12:13:27 PM »

Hi Justine,

I know it is a hard transition period for you to come out of this worldly system.
I think of coming out of the world, as separating ourselves from all the carnal and materialistic ways that people in the world are centered on, this includes the church.

Rom 8:6  For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
v. 7  Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be.

If the Spirit of Christ is not in you, then you are not seeking God at all, but the flesh.  This is the people of the world and the church right now in this age.

What we are told to do as Christ's disciples is bear fruit.

John 15:8  By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.

John 15:16  You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you.

Here is the fruit we are to bear.

Gal 5:22  But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
v.23  gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
v. 24  And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.
v. 25  If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.

I think it is the mission of the church to get everybody they can saved in this life, because they do not believe that there is salvation in the Lake of Fire judgment to come.
We that are learning the truth come to understand that we are not trying to save people from going to hell, because there is no hell. 
And if God opens someone eyes to the truth, He will give them whatever mean they need to find that truth.  It may be that He does lead someone to a believer to help them come to the truth.  But you do not need to find the right place to be where God can do this, like going to church just in case God is going to open someone and you will be there ready to help them.  He can bring them to you, if He so desires.

1Pe 3:15  but sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and be ready always to give an answer to everyone who asks you a reason of the hope in you, with meekness and fear;

We are to be a light to this world, but first we are learning how to be a light.  We are learning how to bear fruit and we can do this whereever we are.  These fruits that we bear, come out in all of our interactions with everybody we come in contact with.  the fruit is being formed in our inter being to be like Christ or in His image.  We have to learn to be patience with all situations, to be kind and loving in heart and mind, not just doing it right, but thinking and feeling it the right way. 
So this is just my attempt to show you what I feel like you can be doing now as Christ's disciple.  Studying the scripture is a very time consuming for me and that is very important.

2Tim 2:15  Study earnestly to present yourself approved to God, a workman that does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.

Hope this helps  :)

mercy, peace and love


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Re: a wild and zen biblestudy
« Reply #13 on: September 03, 2007, 01:23:10 AM »


I am one who distributes BibleTruths dot com labels with nature pictures on them wherever I feel they will be seen and/or perhaps appreciated.  Does God need me to do this, I think not, but I do it.  I have a few other avenues of theorhetically "spreading the truth" that are similar.

I don't think the Scriptures are completely silent in this regard:

Matt 14: 19   And He is saying to them, "Hither! After Me, and I will be making you fishers of men!

Mark 16: 15   And He said to them, "Go into all the world; herald the evangel to the entire creation.

1Cor 10: 33   according as I also am pleasing all in all things, not seeking my own expedience, but that of the many, that they may be saved.

Maybe these verses were just for the apostles, and that's okay, I understand that the gifts of the apostles, e.g., raising some dead, healing, laying on of hands, etc., passed away.  But there are another couple of other relevant verses regarding spreading the truth, but alas, I just can't put my fingers on them right now, sorry, will attempt a search this week for them.  Anyway even without them, even Ray has said that his ministry of putting forth his writings is what God has given him in his heart to do.  BONK!  No brainer.  In heart/given by God, go do.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I feel given by my Lord and Father to do what I can in a very limited way to promote Ray's website.  Surely I am not messing up anything in His plan so in that sense I agree with you.  ;D

I admire your ease and flow in writing, none of which I have, am a hack that has to work hard to get a decent thought out "on paper."  I too like thinking about the blend of the whorish Babylon church with that of the world system(s).  I'm right-on with you here as well. The way I look at it is rather simplistic:  I am getting ready to become a spirit being.  I may die tonight.  If I do, I will sleep then wake to a resurrection and (eventually) become spirit.  So my immediate goal for each day is to BE READY and not be loving some PHYSICAL THING OR RELATED CONCEPT so much that I just couldn't part with it and not be happy without it in the spiritual realm. 

And I concur with you again that He calls the shots on this, it's all one and it's all Him, and yes I would stick my neck out by saying that those going headlong into Babylon are obeying Him in the roundabout way anyway because there HAS to be a Babylon to COME OUT OF.

Thank you for this thread,
Many times now on this forum I find I go round and round
and come right back to Him again.   ;D
It's all a good thing.

« Last Edit: September 03, 2007, 01:54:44 AM by DuluthGA »


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Re: a wild and zen biblestudy
« Reply #14 on: September 03, 2007, 03:59:40 AM »

My two cents about sharing the gospel:

1 Peter 3:15 But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect

That is my approach.  As I have opportunity, I will share my faith, and just leave the results to God.  I think the gentleness and respect is the salt and light part of it.



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Re: a wild and zen biblestudy
« Reply #15 on: September 03, 2007, 08:31:38 AM »

And that advice dear Java is the most agreeable. My Bible says "but sanctify the lord in your hearts." over all i am saying no matter where you are THERE you can sanctify the Lord And i agree with all the The Lord Brings the people for you To you most every time. Unless you get simply told be here or there  like Philp.

   But above all is the instruction to sanctify the Lord in our Hearts and be ready to  to give answer........i imply that being(getting) ready and waiting for utterence are in different timeframes most offtian..


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Re: a wild and zen biblestudy
« Reply #16 on: September 03, 2007, 09:06:42 AM »


I am one who distributes BibleTruths dot com labels with nature pictures on them wherever I feel they will be seen and/or perhaps appreciated.  Does God need me to do this, I think not, but I do it.  I have a few other avenues of theorhetically "spreading the truth" that are similar.

I don't think the Scriptures are completely silent in this regard:

Maybe these verses were just for the apostles, and that's okay, I understand that the gifts of the apostles, e.g., raising some dead, healing, laying on of hands, etc., passed away.  But there are another couple of other relevant verses regarding spreading the truth, but alas, I just can't put my fingers on them right now, sorry, will attempt a search this week for them.  Anyway even without them, even Ray has said that his ministry of putting forth his writings is what God has given him in his heart to do.  BONK!  No brainer.  In heart/given by God, go do.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I feel given by my Lord and Father to do what I can in a very limited way to promote Ray's website.  Surely I am not messing up anything in His plan so in that sense I agree with you.  ;D

I admire your ease and flow in writing, none of which I have, am a hack that has to work hard to get a decent thought out "on paper."  I too like thinking about the blend of the whorish Babylon church with that of the world system(s).  I'm right-on with you here as well. The way I look at it is rather simplistic:  I am getting ready to become a spirit being.  I may die tonight.  If I do, I will sleep then wake to a resurrection and (eventually) become spirit.  So my immediate goal for each day is to BE READY and not be loving some PHYSICAL THING OR RELATED CONCEPT so much that I just couldn't part with it and not be happy without it in the spiritual realm. 

And I concur with you again that He calls the shots on this, it's all one and it's all Him, and yes I would stick my neck out by saying that those going headlong into Babylon are obeying Him in the roundabout way anyway because there HAS to be a Babylon to COME OUT OF.


*Smiles* And i admire your honesty and desire for Our Lord. You are diligent with the scripture, more than me. I have them all highlighted and flip around and forget them when i start "talking" or quote them off and tell ya its somewhere in romans, chapter  um.6  ithink.heck jsut read 4, 5, 7, youll find what i am yaking on about.


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Re: a wild and zen biblestudy
« Reply #17 on: September 03, 2007, 09:20:03 AM »

Kat, I agree.  I'm fortunate that I wasn't in a church when I came to the BT site.  I've NEVER felt totally comfortable with church - I think mainly its because I'm shy, but also - when I first started attending, I thought everyone was so perfect and it made me feel like a failure. 

       As far as the hell doctrine - this is NEW to me.  But its amazing how much it falls into the doctrine of free will.  I'm seeing more and more how this doctrine (free will) takes hold of people and deceives them.  I had a conversation with my sister and she was almost angry at the thought of not being able to "accept/choose" Jesus. I think most in the church are like that today. Justine - I'm not sure how long you've been studying these new truths but I do believe you have to do what you feel God is leading you to do. 

       If you feel called to stay in church to share what you've learned, then God's power to you.  Just make sure its God that is doing the leading.  I know in my "excitement" I had that talk with my sister and I don't think it was being led from God.  If its us, its going to fail.  I'll wait for sure, when I know in my spirit, that its Him.

Interesting post.  I do long for a time when God will use me to share with my family, with whomever he brings to me.  I'm not the type to go looking though.  BUT - if that's what He has in mind, I'm sure he'll make me that type.  LOL

Blessings everyone


I jsut got a chance to sit in a quiet time to read theses posts carefully. I have to admit my midn is not settled ont hematter becasue i spent the whoel week defending my position.....and missed out on makeing a conversation with people.

      i got a long way to go before i can precent arguements to pastors, or dig through another person's theology training. i am not even suggesting it. I am not excited anymore about leanring something new, i can talk about it and if the person is interested they can ask and the Lord can lead the conversation.

       but i practice theses things even in my house, or when i drive,  i practice concider others higher than yourself......(its in colosions), so for me it does not matter i see those people who sit in the world spot called Church, are the same people i see in grumpy moods on saturday while grocery shopping. If That person would hear and be of teachable spirit or of freidnship worth he is my brother. lucky for them they "know me from church" i am not merely a freakazoid trying to talk at them.

  Oh and i been studying many things for a long time and this place is the first one i ever had anyones attention long enough to try to express. But i have experience in the buddhist room two at yahoo, which i used to love very much untill they went all nazi with the bot busting.



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Re: a wild and zen biblestudy
« Reply #18 on: September 03, 2007, 04:05:28 PM »

Justine, when you said:

I have them all highlighted and flip around and forget them when i start "talking" or quote them off and tell ya its somewhere in romans, chapter  um.6  ithink.heck jsut read 4, 5, 7, youll find what i am yaking on about.

I said  THAT'S ME !!!  lol

I remember what's in the Book (paraphrased of course) and the general "area" that its at....but my memory just isn't what it used to be.  I'm hoping though as I study more that God will implant more of these scriptures in my head.  I definitely need to start having a verse a day (or maybe week) to memorize!

Anyway, hope you're having a great Labor Day!

Dawn   ;D

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