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Author Topic: Mortal/Venial Sins of the Catholic Church  (Read 6789 times)

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Mortal/Venial Sins of the Catholic Church
« on: April 24, 2006, 09:42:39 AM »

> I had a conversation with a Catholic priest the other night. A great
> guy. We told each other our stories and struggles. After some time, I
> thought I might get back involved with the Catholic Church. So I
> started doing my research about what is required. After all if I claim
> to be Catholic, should I not practice what I preach? It had been years
> since I was a participating Catholic, so I needed to brush up.
> Anyway, I got into the whole Mortal Sin/Venial Sin thing, the need for
> confession, attending mass etc etc etc....
> They tie these classifications of sin to the Ten Commandments and are
> also based on whether you knowingly or accidentally committed a
> particular sin. For example, knowingly missing mass is a MORTAL SIN?
> If you a re sick though, it is OK. You have to be kidding me! I commit
> mortal sins every day. I am a sinner. I know it. I try but I often do
> not succeed in doing what I know I should be doing rather than what I
> should not. Of course whenever I sin I feel much guilt. (Usually after
> the fact when the passion of the moment has passed and I am left with
> the guilt) According to Catholicism, dying with a single mortal sin on
> your soul sends you to "Hell." How is this Christianity?
> To me the Ten Commandments are God's expectations on how we should live our lives. Obviously the human race miserably failed at that (Which God knew we would), so then came saving through grace. Through believing in Christ as our Lord and Saviour and knowing that His death and His blood covers the sins of mankind. Sins committed today and sins we will commit until the end of or lives.

> I really enjoyed my conversation with that priest. I really want a
> spiritual mentor, but according to the Catholic dogma, I am screwed
> whether I believe in Christ or not unless I go to Confession at least
> every day. (For me I would probably have to live in the confessional
> booth until the end of my life. Maybe I need a confessional apartment
> with a live-in 24 hour priest, and I might luck out and get to Heaven)
> :-) I always try to improve myself. I am often unsuccessful, but I
> never cease to try. My comfort is that God knows my struggles and
> forgives me. An these struggles are His will. The flesh is a powerful
> thing.
> Do you agree with me that this whole mortal/venial sin concept negates
> the purpose of Christ? To me it seems that confession is necessary
> because the church believes (naively) that human being are even remotely capable of following all ten command ments. I do not believe anyone accomplished this but Christ himself. As a matter of fact I am sure of it. I love many aspects of the Catholic Church, and to me Pope John
> Paul II was a hero to me. A real role model. But.... I can't say I am
> Catholic and choose the parts I agree with and throw the rest away.
> (Not to say I won't ever go to a church. And I might go to a Catholic
> Church. I go for my own spiritual enrichment as I choose to. And
> usually an adoration chapel where I can pray how I want to and stay as
> long as I want to)
> I actually referred this priest to your site for his review. He was
> actually interested in it. He did say that there are many mysteries,
> and that even he himself can't say for sure who goes where. I found
> this interesting. We then described the concept of Purgatory. I asked
> him if there was anything I could do for him to return the tim e he spent
> talking with me. He said, "Go to Mass." :-) (I feel like I am in the
> movie Constantine)
> There may be something in your site about Mortal/Venial sins although my search turned up nothing that addresses this Catholic Doctrine. I think
> it is worth writing about as many other Catholics will have the same
> questions. I wish there was a study group in Kansas City. If I was
> studied enough in the Bible I would start one. I do understand some of
> the Bible, but I have not gone anywhere near in depth as you have. I am getting there though. Right now I am reading the 1986 revision of the
> New American Bible. (Oddly Catholic) What I like is that many of the
> "proper words" are used instead of Hell. I haven't been through the
> whole book, but so far there is no mention of Hell at all.
> God Bless!
> Chris

Dear Chris:

The simplest way to answer you question is to state: "I don't believe any doctrine of any church."

So if you want to know in the future whether I believe or don't believe something, just ask yourself: "Does the church teach it?"  If the church teaches it, then I DON'T BELIEVE IT.

God be with you,


PS  I am talking "doctrinal" teachings here, not simple statements such as "Should we love God or not."  Of course I believe we should love God, and the Church claims the same, but even then, when one examines HOW they love God, we totally differ once more.


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Mortal/Venial Sins of the Catholic Church
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2006, 11:25:23 AM »

What do you think of the Da Vinci code and the possibility of a Church cover-up of a marriage between Christ and Madeline?  Is it possible that the Church controlled what was put into the Bible?  I don’t deny Christ’s divinity, but I would think no less of Christ if he married and Mary was lets say the female half of the divine equation.  I haven’t researched any of the historical claims of the Da Vinci code, but I notice many churches are preparing counter-attacks on the book in preparation for the upcoming movie release.  To me this indicates that the church views this as a threat.  What is your opinion?

Dear Reader:

You might just as well ask me my opinion of the tooth fairy.  One doesn't NEED an opinion. There IS NO tooth fairy. There IS NO TRUTH to the Da Vinci Code. I have seen several documentaries in which they traced down every single aspect of this theory, and it is a total sham and a fraud.

God be with you,

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