Helloooo, Dessa!
I've been wanting to Email you ever since I saw you appear online, and here I am finally!
So you're from North Carolina! My younger twin girl and her husband were once stationed at Camp LeJeune, in the Marines (he spent 7 months in Iraq while she was pregnant with their 1st child, and I got to be there when the baby, Logan, was born in So. Calif. -- he didn't get to see his firstborn until 2 1/2 months later, on Good Friday, 2005, a
VERY HAPPY day for the 3 of them, in Camp Pendleton, CA !!!
I look forward to hearing more from you! I too wish I could go to the BT Conferences, but I cannot fly anymore, due to an inner-ear problem & its consequent vertigo. I am also deaf, but have a cochlear implant, and CAN hear much better than I could with hearing aids all my life ever since I was 3 1/2 years old (although I STILL read lips mostly, out of sheer HABIT! Ha! I'd sure like to be able to understand speech without lipreading, using my implant, but old habits are hard to break! I get a kick out of this saying I read somewhere : "To break a habit,
DROP IT!!" It's easier said than done!!
Have yourself a lovely day, Dessa, and be
BLESSED by Him Who
LOVES you,