No more time should pass without answering the responses of all taking time to give me personal thoughts to my question.
Joe, your answer gave me the desire to jump on board a funeral planning train! Can you imagine me almost looking forward to the event I want to plan?
Ursula, it was great to get an agreement to go for the plans. Speaking about the Hospic worker, one of my nursing ed requirements was to fill out a Death Certificate for my imaginary death. Working around death (my nursing home) takes an edge off death and dying for me.
Arcturus, I am overjoyed with another green light to proceed! Death taxes are terrible and where sensible I am also giving possessions to my children now. My final days are numbered but not for me to know so if I have health care expenses they must be my responsible. Thank you for your input.
Janice, my funeral plans are in the works! Waiting a couple days and rereading what I've written always makes for needed changes. My college professor once said it took more time to write a good short story than a longer one. The local hospital and my doctor both have a copy of my living will. Changes were made in documents in the past but now they are up to date. Thank you for bringing up this information.
Charles, thank you for bringing up a solution for my present church membership being part of my obituary. Each forum membership response has had unique, very helpful, suggestions. Your name is the one I said or thought daily for 56 years before my husband died..... I know you miss your mom very much. Bless you.
Sandy, you may have shared your life on this forum before I joined so forgive me for wanting to know more about you. Perhaps your parents are infirm and causing unusual stress in your life. Death must be in your thoughts since you are thinking about your funeral also. Do you have siblings? Thank you for your comments to me.
Hi Alex, don't you know I was hoping the subject of this post would grab someones attention. Thanks for letting me know it got your attention. You sound just like my children!
Just think what they have to put up with! I don't expect to leave this 'house' any time right away.
LittleBear, thanks for consoling Alex. When I was young it horrified me to think of a funeral as a celebration. Time sees a lot of changes.
Think of no phone or cell phones, no TV and horrors, no Internert.
Sue Ann, had my husband wanted to be cremated I probably would have chosen that also. Thinking about my own cremation doesn't bother me but visualizing my husband's body in a furnace was most unpleasant at the time we bought our cemetery plots. One of my children favors having her ashes scattered. Thank you for another go ahead on my funeral plans.
Bradigans, guess you must be one of the young whipper snappers! Only recently have I given serious thought to my death. First I planned our retirement (my huband would have been happy with your response) I've been an organizer all my life and yes, lots of times I over plan.
Humor me in my senior years. Thank you for your answer. PS I am of the living!
Janice, your second comment is appreciated. I had a discussion once with a friend about giving to a stranger who asked for money as I was on my way to pay an electric bill. The supposition was that the payment would take all the money I had. Would I give money to the stranger? My evaluation of the situation was that the money was not mine. I was paying a debt and would put my family in jeopardy of not having lights, etc. if I gave some of the money to the stranger. My friend never agreed with me but we remained good friends. Thank you for your wisdom.
I am well along with what I want to get done. It is gratifying to have others (most
) agree with me.