It would appear that we all have our own specific cross to bear in this regard and in God's plan it must have a purpose and a reason, are we being formed into our ultimate role and destiny by the very things we learn to hate as we walk with Him?[/color]
Isa 55:11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
Any thoughts?
His Peace to you,
Hi Joe !
VERY GOOD things to think about!! An example of coming to "hate" a particular thing in my own life....I have discovered that I like eating less and less meat, at my mealtimes.... and at the same time, I need to eat MORE vegetables, which I haven't really LIKED very much. HOWEVER, due to my mother's and DuluthGA's (of BT Forums' membership) urging, I recently made up a huge stir-fry of a good medley of veggies, and my husband & I topped it with various choices of soy & teriyaki sauces, and discovered a new taste delight. We still like cheeses & egg dishes, so we ARE getting proteins there. Soooo, to boil all this down succinctly : my food tastes ARE being changed for the better, I believe.....YAY! Now if only I just could wean myself away from SWEETS as painlessly as possible......
Also, as I have mentioned elsewhere in BT Forums, the word "Faith" means "confidence" (see Webster's Dictionary of the American Language, Collegiate Edition), according to the
origin of the word (note that "fi" in "conFIdence" is also in the Marine Corps' motto, "Semper FI" , which means, as we all know, "Always Faithful"). So, the MORE OFTEN we draw very, very close to our Father and Christ, the MORE spiritual experiences we will have, AND the MORE OFTEN our prayers WILL be ANSWERED, if we have that Faith (confidence) that They WILL do it for us.....They long to HELP US, if we but ASK,
I have, pretty often, been so excited upon suddenly discovering that God DID answer my prayer, "sneakily behind my back, without my noticing it" !! When I suddenly realized it, I exclaimed in my mind, "GOD!! You
IS trust-WORTHY!!!
Keep up the good thinking, Joe!! It helps me too!! Thanks!