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Author Topic: Teaching  (Read 6467 times)

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« on: November 10, 2007, 10:23:40 AM »

Dear Ray,
> My name is Sumner I am a college student that has turned from the lies
> of satan to finding the truth as scripture states it, however i add offense to
> an already ofensive topic. God has blessed me with an amazing ability to read
> understand and put together scripture and to tie in his plan of salvation
> springing from the earth. But when i speak to people about it i feel as if the
> one evil spirit was kicked out and replaced with 7 more, more evil than itself,
> with how offensive i can be and how arrogantly i present God's love(which is
> hypocritical). I know I have been released from the bondage of damnable
> doctrines but now I feel bound and gagged by my arrogance, which existe d in only
> minor degrees before.
> I feel more rebellious and more angry with those around me and i was
> wondering how can i repent from this and not have it come ba ck. I have no other
> believers(as i believe that i can have close fellowship with) and i am tired,
> worn out and overwhelmed but i don't want to go back to believing in
> unscriptural babble. Please Ray i know your busy, I have full faith in Christ
> but what can I do?
> Sincerely,
> Sumner

    Dear Sumner:  STOP TRYING TO TEACH!!  I have stated for years and years now that "EVERYBODY wants to be a teacher."  If God has not called you to teach, DON'T TEACH.  Thousands of people read my site and then go out and try to embarrass their minister by trying to making a fool of out him. They usually fail one hundred percent of the time. Knowledge puffs up. Give it up. Let God humble you before you try to show everyone all the secrets of the Bible and the universe.
    God be with you,
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