Dear Ray,
My names Laura i'm 16 and just starting my junior year. My friend showed me this website a few weeks ago, and holy XXX did it open up my eyes! I want to thank you a million times over for showing me the truth!!! I've never read anything so real, never had any conversations so meaningful in my life. This HAS changed my life. I'm so carefree knowing everything happens for a reason and my life was planned to fit me perfectly.
But when I'm in school, around my friends who are real and I believe to be fairly intelligent (they're stoners so they're pretty open-minded), I get confused. I want SO SOO badly to follow the truth of God and live as godly as I can on this Earth, but I wonder if I'm supposed to have a drink every now an again (its a lot less than i used to atleast..) because its how God planned. Like the last few times I drank, I got to know a couple of really amazing people and we were able to open up more, and talk without being shy, it really started the beginning to a real relationship.
I also wonder if because I'm young some of this stuff goes over my head, I mean I consider myself pretty mature for 16, and I know I can handle a hell of a lot, but experience is knowledge.. or am I wrong? Is the godly way of the Truth and the Scriptures the ONLY TRUE and RIGHT way to go in EVERYONES lives thats been "dragged into the truth"?
I am also learning so much and I fully realize I have so much more to experience, I can't wait. And I can't wait to talk to you as I grow and learn in my faith, if you'll take the time to listen. I understand you must receive masses of emails so take your time, and if you don't reply, well atleast I'll know its for a reason
I can't say thank you enough for this website, I'm sure you're a beautiful man,
Dear Laura: I am not quite sure what some of your questions mean, although I think I understand the general drift of your concerns. Yes, I believe that the Scriptures are the only such set of books in existence. They are like none others, and they do tell us the proper code of social and personal conduct. I live by life by them, however, everyone will have to come to their own decision concerning this as God opens their understanding to spiritual things. Just keep reading and studying, and God will direct you. You will not solve all your passions and lusts of youth in the next year or two, so just do what you know to be right, and don't worry yourself sick about all the details for now.
God be with you,