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Author Topic: Adultery  (Read 6984 times)

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« on: December 12, 2007, 06:14:50 PM »

Mr. Smith, I have had a strong calling from God since I was a young boy.  I grew up Methodist, Southern Baptist, Moravian, and Non Denominational.  I never was comfortable with what was taught in the church and early on started to pose questions that would go unanswered.  I am an married adult now and I love to study Gods word and tell people about the truth, but I always miss the mark when it comes to giving myself fully to God who is tugging away at me.  Sounds like I have to get the beam out of my eye because I love to tell people whats wrong with them. Im the type of person who knows allot about Gods word and wants to give myself fully to Him but never does.  My love of drinking and hanging out with my friends gets in the way.  I recently went to a party without my wife and had too much to drink and ended up committing adultery.  I am so ashamed.  I never thought I would do such a horrible act.  What do I need to do?  Is it over between me and God?  Will he continue to call me?  Can I ever be the child he wants me to be?  I am very scared Mr. Smith and would appreciate your feedback.   God bless your Heart,  Chad

    Dear Chad:  "What do [you] need to do?"  REPENT.  How do you repent?  Only God can bring you to repentance (Rom. 2:4); only God can drag you to Christ (John 6:44); only God can accomplish His achievement [workmanship] in you (Eph. 2:8-10).  You must come to really hate your sins before you (through) God, will truly repent of your sins and stop doing them.  You obviously are not there yet.  Pray that God brings you to that place in your life.

    God be with you,

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